Chapter 674 Review

When Song Boyang returned home from a business trip for a few days, he found that no matter whether it was dumplings or meat buns, they were surprisingly quiet.

This made him feel all kinds of uncomfortable, staring at them for a long time, he felt very embarrassed at the two children.

"Well, Dad, I want to review my mistakes." After all, I want to let Song Boyang know, it's better to admit my mistakes now.

The dumplings have already spoken, and the meat buns are of course fast enough to keep up.

The two started apologizing at the same time, Song Boyang thought about what he was doing?In his mind, he made some mistakes that boys would make, so the problem shouldn't be too big.

"Tell me, where did you make a mistake?" Song Boyang decided to decide how to punish them after hearing their mistakes.

Tuanzi and Roubao saw Song Boyang's relaxed expression, and knew that he probably didn't know. After thinking about it, they decided to let Tuanzi talk first.

Tuanzi thought for several days before writing a very sincere letter of apology.

Because I felt that only by reciting it can I appear more sincere, so I said very emotionally how many things he did wrong, and promised that he would never make such mistakes in the future.

Taking advantage of Song Boyang's lack of reaction, Roubao made a quick review, of course to ensure that he would not make such a mistake.

It took Song Boyang a long time before he finally understood, "Do you think the two of you are actually facing Liu Bin and his little brother directly?"

Song Boyang thought that Liu Bin would trouble Liu Wen, so there were quite a few people around her.

In the end, he didn't expect that idiot Liu Bin would actually find trouble with Tuanzi and the others. This made him really not know what to say. Some people really want to seek death without bringing anyone along.

"He, it's really..." Song Boyang just wanted to say, "Whether it's his father or his. Mom, it's really not that stupid."

"It turned out that I didn't expect that this kid would be so stupid."

"But you. Mom is right, your kung fu is good, but be careful of the other party with a knife."

"It's not bad in China, that is, there are only knives. If you change to foreign countries, just take out the self-defense tools and slap you with BIUBIIU a few times. Do you think you can survive?"

"No matter how many people I find for you, I won't be able to hold you back. You're just looking for death."

Song Boyang and Liu Wen also have the same idea, that is, they really cannot be spoiled in this matter.

"This matter, you can't just do a self-criticism." Although the dumplings and meat buns, they didn't do many self-censorships, but it's not like they didn't do it.

Maybe in a few days, they won't even take it to heart, what will happen after that.

Song Boyang thought it over, in short, he wanted the two of them to keep it firmly in their hearts and minds so that they would not make such a mistake next time.

Ah, although the dumplings and the meat buns were surprised, after all, it is impossible for them to get away with such a big matter just because they wrote a self-criticism.

The only thing they are worried about now is that they don't know how much punishment Song Boyang will have if he gets involved, so they hope that the punishment will not be too severe.

Otherwise, they each thought about it in their hearts, thinking about how to bargain with Song Boyang, but this is still very difficult.

If one is not handled well, the punishment will be increased.

Tuanzi thought about it for a long time, but in the end he had no choice but to give up.

In fact, his experience told him that this kind of personal safety is not a small matter. Once such a mistake is made, it must be severely punished.

Tuanzi gave Roubao his eyes, indicating that he would accept such a punishment.

Although Roubao didn't know why he gave up like this, but since the elder brother was like this, of course he followed in the footsteps of the elder brother.

Song Boyang knew these two children, but if he was used to haggling, he thought about it, and they should speak up.

In the end, he didn't expect that they would let him be disposed of, which made him a little uncomfortable.

After thinking about it later, no matter whether they were playing with their brains or not, in short, this punishment cannot be passed so easily.

Song Boyang proposed many punishments for them, including written homework and physical punishment.

Everyone can understand punishments such as endorsement and dictation. After all, you are a student, so you must focus on learning.

But they didn't expect Song Boyang to ask Roubao and Tuanzi to sweep the alley every morning and evening for a month.

My god, Gong Jiawen just wants to say, Song Boyang really either doesn't make a move, and if he does, it's really not a joke.

Tuanzi and Roubao had known for a long time that Song Boyang's punishment would not be light, but no one thought that it would be such a punishment. They were really dumbfounded.

Originally, Gong Li was silent about the matter of disciplining the children. When parents educate their children, why does her aunt stand up and insist on being annoying?

Don't say she is an aunt, even if Tao Shan and Tao Yu will educate their children in the future, she, an old lady, can't make a sound.

But Song Boyang's punishment today is really not ordinary horror, "This..."

Gong Jiawen also looked at Song Boyang in surprise, not understanding how he would give such a punishment.

If it was cleaning in the morning, I believe these two children would get up early, and clean up the alley quickly before the big troops got up.

But in the afternoon, this is a problem. Is it cleaned after midnight?
That was absolutely impossible, because their two children had to go to bed before ten o'clock, and the children who were still growing had to sleep well.

"Do you feel embarrassed that I let them sweep the alley?" Song Boyang knew that this punishment was definitely a blockbuster.

Tuanzi hummed, "Yes, I think, I think..." How will he hang out in the future.

He could think of what people around him would say about him, and he would definitely point fingers at the two brothers, and then spread the word.

Maybe there will be many people from them at that time, and they will come to watch the two of them sweep the alleys. Oh my god, Tuanzi really dare not think about it. Their reputation will definitely resound through most of Yangcheng.

Maybe, he will definitely become a celebrity in Yangcheng, Tuanzi really dare not think about such a scene.

He was wondering if he could go to his uncle and ask if he could go to school in the beautiful country right now, so that he would not have to face embarrassing situations.

"Uncle Liu, who has not been sweeping the alley these days, went to the hospital to see a doctor because of his poor health. He didn't need an operation, and then he had to cultivate his body. He couldn't sweep the alley for about a month."

Gong Jiawen understood when she heard this. The sixth uncle's son died young, and his daughter-in-law remarried later, leaving the grandparents and grandchildren to depend on each other.

Although the married daughter-in-law will often visit the grandparents and grandchildren, wash them and clean up the house.

But because she remarried and gave birth to another child, and the income of their husband and wife is average, they can't help much financially.

The neighborhood committee later arranged for Uncle Liu to clean the alley, be responsible for the security of the neighborhood, and give them enough money for their grandparents and grandchildren every month.

Everyone usually leaves newspapers, cardboard and other waste products to Uncle Liu, which can increase his income.

As long as it is daily necessities and clothes suitable for their grandparents and grandchildren, everyone will give them both.

Uncle Six's grandson grew up in everyone's eyes. Although he was not accompanied by his parents, he also grew up to be a good boy who is sensible and loves to learn.

Usually he often helps the old people in the alley to work, he is a very diligent young man.

Everyone said that Uncle Six will have a good future, and he has a filial and sensible grandson, so don't worry about providing for the elderly.

(End of this chapter)

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