Chapter 675

At this time, Gong Jiawen remembered what Song Boyang had mentioned before, "Sixth Uncle's illness is not a big problem."

"By the way, his medical expenses?"

Although the neighborhood committee will give them living expenses, but the old man has no job, so there will be no unit to reimburse the medical expenses, which means he has to pay for it himself.

"It's not a big problem, the old man has some savings, plus some money from his daughter-in-law."

"The neighborhood committee also went to the unit where his son worked before his death, and won subsidies, although not too much."

"This time, the old man is not in good health and needs to see a doctor. The unit over there also promised to reimburse half of it."

"If it wasn't for the promise to reimburse half of it, the old man probably wouldn't agree to see a doctor."

"In this way, the medical expenses are also fully paid." Although there may be a little gap, everyone has said that you can donate one or two donations at that time.

Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief when they hear this, the medical expenses can be solved, and for the sixth uncle, grandson and grandson, most of the problems have really been solved.

As for the next question, "The grandson of the sixth uncle?"

"Should I go to his mother's side, or?" Although the old man was sick and hospitalized, it was the best choice for the child to go to his mother's side.

But it's actually embarrassing. After all, the other party has remarried and has children. The ex-husband's children will have some impact on the current family.

Although Gong Jiawen has never met the man who married later, she doesn't seem to be a generous master.

"No." Song Boyang originally wanted the other party to come to eat at home, but someone took the first step, "The neighbor next door to Uncle Six has contracted it."

"At first, the boy said that he would continue to sweep the alleys, but he is only a young child, and he is still busy with his studies, so he has to go to the hospital to take care of his grandfather."

"I just thought, Tuanzi and the others didn't make a mistake, so let them clean the alley."

When Duanzi and Roubao heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they continued to sweep the alleys, their reputations were different. At least they would never be judged.

Speaking of this, Song Boyang said unhappily, "Forget it this time, I will let you go."

"But next time, before you do such a thing again, you don't think about it carefully. That's not what the punishment says."

"I will tell Uncle Six that it is punishment for you to tell him not to sweep the floor, but to supervise you brothers sweeping the floor."

At the end, Song Boyang still couldn't bear it. After all, if it wasn't for the two of them this time, they really didn't know that Liu Bin still had such vicious thoughts.

For Liu Bin to have such an idea, to be honest, he was not too surprised. After all, this is really what Liu Bin would have thought, or it could be said to be the idea of ​​Pang Yue, mother and son.

It can be said that among the three of Pang Yue, mother and son, that is, Liu Bin is the least scheming, or the most useless idiot.

But he is a person who can implement. Sometimes this person is a very timid person, but in many things, he just seems so bold.

Why did Liu Bin have such an idea? Is it because he thought Gong Jiawen would let him go?
But it's impossible to think about it. Anyone with a little brain knows that Gong Jiawen may treat everyone well, but she just won't treat Liu Yi's family well.

Is it really a newborn calf, not afraid of anything?Forget it, don't think about it, since you already know that Liu Bin has such thoughts, you must be careful.

Even if the boy said that he had given up on such an idea, Song Boyang could be sure that the so-called giving up of this person was due to his current lack of strength.

Once he has enough strength, this kid will never let Gong Jiawen go, including everyone related to Xiaowen.

For a person like Liu Bin, even if he is talking about a small guy now, Song Boyang knows that he really cannot let his guard down when dealing with such a person.

"I've already told my eldest brother and Tang Hai about the matter with Liu Bin, and they said they know." Some things don't need to be said very clearly.

Does the process matter?It's not that it's not important, the most important thing is whether the result is satisfactory to you.

Of course Gong Jiawen knew that it would be best for Song Boyang to take over this matter, and of course Tang Hai would be responsible for this matter in the end.

Sometimes I think about it, a dignified big boss, but he still has to help his friends deal with such things. If it gets out, Gong Jiawen believes that the comments on Song Boyang must be stacked into a tall building.

What surprised her was that Song Bohua was actually responsible for this matter. Didn't he just return to China not long ago, and he was able to handle these matters.

"I didn't say, when Tang Hai is not in Yangcheng, will my brother help with some things?" Song Boyang thought he had mentioned it before.

"I know." Of course Song Boyang mentioned this matter, but in Gong Jiawen's heart, it was just to help with business affairs.

"I didn't expect that my elder brother would help me with this?" This really can't handle her, and Song Bohua can handle such a little private matter.

Gong Jiawen felt that she really underestimated the relationship between the Song family and Tang Hai, which was really not an ordinary relationship.

It can be said that Tang Hai may not be willing to let his brothers handle all these matters.

How can you feel relieved to let Song Bohua handle it?Gong Jiawen was a little puzzled.

Song Boyang could hear the hesitation in his daughter-in-law's words, "The environment we lived in since childhood is very different from what it is now."

"We can say that we are dependent on each other."

"It's normal for Tang Hai people to leave these things to my brother when he's not in Yangcheng."

"If it's not my brother, he will also be handed over to me."

"I really don't have much interest in dealing with these things, but my brother likes it, and I'm relieved."

It's not that I don't have the ability to deal with it, but how to say it, I don't like to deal with such things, it's really tiring.

With time to deal with such things, Song Boyang felt that he could do more meaningful things.

But this time, he suddenly felt that what Tang Hai said before was quite right. Some forces, no matter how disgusting you feel or how you don't want to deal with them, you can't be too willful.

With some power, he can protect the people he wants to protect. For example, if he has such a person in his hands this time, it will not be difficult to deal with Liu Bin.

In other words, Liu Bin knew that he had some strength in the Tao, but he really didn't believe that Liu Bin would do such a thing.

The biggest possibility is to give up directly, because knowing that the force value is definitely not enough, there is no need to toss.

Although I also believed that Song Bohua could handle these matters well, but at this moment, Song Boyang suddenly had a strong desire.

That is, if possible, he really wants to cook Liu Bin himself.

"I will deal with this matter with my brother."

"Anyway, don't let this kid be imprisoned for 30 years. My surname is not Song." A person with such a vicious mind must have done excessive things before.

In short, now is to get his criminal evidence, so that he has no way to commit crimes.

(End of this chapter)

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