Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 676 Someone Behind

Chapter 676 Someone Behind
Liu Bin lay quietly on the bed, not thinking about how many days he had been locked up.

If at the beginning, he still thought that Gong Jiawen and the others would not do anything to him.

But as time went by, Liu Bin really panicked, as long as he inquired about some things patiently, he would find many things related to him.

Forget about those small mistakes, it's not a big problem, and if you take it out to settle accounts, what can happen to him.

What they were focusing on must be the big mistake he made, the kind of crime that could add a long time to his sentence at once.

At the beginning, Liu Bin was still very confident. He felt that those people would not do anything to him. After all, he had already taken care of everything that should be dealt with.

But now he suddenly felt that even if things were handled well, it might not be really safe.

"You, you handle this matter?" Gong Jiawen knew that Song Boyang was really busy recently, so she thought it was normal to leave the matter to Song Bohua and the others.

But unexpectedly, he planned to end in person, which surprised Gong Jiawen.

"Aren't you busy?" What Gong Jiawen wanted to say was that if you were busy, there was really no need to stare at it, as long as Song Bohua was watching.

"Busy, but this time I must show up." Song Boyang felt that if he didn't show up, it would only make people look down on him.

"We have to show our strength, otherwise, we might think that we are relying on Tang Hai and my brother."

Just now he thought about it quickly, and felt that there was a high probability that Liu Bin was not the only one who made the move, and maybe there were countless people watching behind him.

The best way is to take advantage of this opportunity to investigate who else besides Liu Bin made the move this time.

"I originally thought that we are just a small person, and no one will care about us."

"But now I think I was wrong. We think we are a small person, but we can't help other people think we are soft persimmons."

Whether it is Song Bohua or Tang Hai, they are too strong, and they are worried that once they retaliate, they will not be able to bear the consequences.

Among the three, only he is the least powerful, that is, he will be reincarnated, and he has friends to help him.

Gong Jiawen heard something interesting, "Do you think someone wants to use Liu Bin to deal with us?"

"But it's not right. With a person like him, who can he know?"

She knew that Tang Hai's career was going well, although he had also encountered troubles, but the troubles were not serious, and did not have much impact on Tang Hai's career.

Not to mention, since Song Bohua returned to China to develop, the two have cooperated in various ways, but Tang Hai's career has been promoted to several levels. Apart from the jealousy of many people, there should be many people who want to hinder one or two.

But they shouldn't be targeting Song Bohua or Tang Hai, why are they dealing with these two amateurs?
Even if one of them opened an embroidery workshop with a good reputation, and the other was a well-known doctor, they were really far away from the boss.

Who will target them? "Do they think that an accident in our family will delay brother Tang and eldest brother from making money?"

"If something happens to us, it's impossible to just let it go." Gong Jiawen really didn't understand, no matter how you look at it, this operation feels unreliable.

"So they're looking for someone who has a grudge against us."

"For example, Liu Bin, if he made a move, we would only feel that because of us, his life is not good, and he took the risk to retaliate against us."

"We don't think about it that much at all."

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, didn't she just not think of this, "So you mean to find out the people behind the scenes?"

"But it's not right, Liu Bin has been imprisoned for so long, we..." She didn't think about this at all before, she just thought about how to make Liu Bin have no good fruit to eat.

If we go to investigate one or two now, it is estimated that all the evidence will be gone.

Well, "Maybe the other party won't think of it. Everyone's focus is on how to find evidence of Liu Bin's crime."

"As for the rest, no one paid attention at all, let alone investigated one or two."

"Maybe that person won't even think about it, thinking that everything is over."

"They're not in a rush to remove the evidence, or there wasn't much evidence left in the first place."

Gong Jiawen thought that Song Boyang had discovered something, that's why she said that, but now listening to what he said, why do you think this person has no evidence at all.

"Well, if you don't have evidence, will you not find evidence?" Gong Jiawen worried that Song Boyang would keep looking for evidence after he couldn't find it.

"No." It's not that Song Boyang doesn't want to look for it, but that he can't find evidence, so he can only give up, otherwise it's a waste.

"Then you give up like this?" If you just give up like this, Gong Jiawen really doesn't think it's Song Boyang's temperament.

If this person gives up easily when encountering problems, then he is not Song Boyang.

"It's loose on the outside and tight on the inside. I don't believe it. They counted us once, and they won't count us again?"

"And if this calculation doesn't succeed, will those people feel better?"

"They will find a way to attack us again." Song Boyang felt that those people would not just let it go, and would definitely attack us again.

When Tuanzi and Roubao heard this, they were immediately excited. They looked at Song Boyang excitedly, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely take care of me, my brothers and sisters."

Roubao also said, "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely follow my brother and not become his burden, and I will take good care of my sister."

Seeing the two people's non-stop promises, everyone couldn't help laughing at the originally serious scene.

Just as Song Boyang wanted to say something, Tuanzi called him by name, "Dad, I know you're busy with work now, and it's good to be able to exercise every time."

"But Dad, I remember what you used to say before, people can't just have such little demands on themselves, they have to raise their demands, and they have to have high standards and strict demands on themselves."

Song Boyang didn't expect that Feng Shui would take turns, which made him feel very bad.

He was just about to say something when Tuanzi rushed ahead of him and said, "Dad, I think you are the one who needs to exercise."

"Obviously Uncle and the others are older than you, but Uncle and the others run much faster than you."

"Comparing you with them is really insane." Originally, they said they didn't want to say it, but it seemed too disrespectful to Song Boyang.

Now that he has such a deep understanding, Tuanzi thinks that he should pay attention to it and let Song Boyang start exercising.

"You should start exercising, so that you can protect your mother." Tuanzi looked at Song Boyang carefully, and felt that he was still really weak.

"Me, what's wrong with me." Song Boyang was really upset that Tuanzi was so unscrupulous and kept scanning his expression.

"Can you beat someone in a fight?"

"I know, maybe someone should be following you around to protect you."

"But what if someone trips the person who protects you, and then someone pulls out a knife and confronts you?" Tuanzi asked Gong Jiawen's previous question.

(End of this chapter)

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