Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 683 The Meaning of Marriage

Gong Li didn't make a sound, but everyone knew that she was in a bad mood, not happy.

In short, if you hit the pain point of the other party, there is really no good fruit to eat.

Even Gong Jiawen, who now has an extra piece of meat in her stomach, dare not make a sound, and is quietly waiting for Gong Li to go crazy.

Gong Li was very angry at first, but after thinking about it again, she couldn't help but feel sad. She also met a scumbag, and Gong Jiawen was young, so she quickly adjusted her mentality.

But Tao Shan is different, she is a bit older, even if she starts arranging a blind date again, can there be a good one?
The previous ones had mobilized a lot of people, and only then were they found out. The high-quality men who are like national treasures, of course, have a lot of moisture.

In the end, there was still a problem. Although they hadn't met, the news spread more or less. After all, the circle of the medical system said it was not big.

"Did someone say something in front of you?" Gong Li began to wonder who might have said something in Tao Shan's ear.

Of course Tao Shan heard a thing or two, for example, she didn't check her situation, although she was far away from there, someone would inquire.

Although I don't know how those people found out the news, what I can know is that it must be something that is not good for her.

Tao Shan didn't deny it either, "They're actually right, they let me pick others, and they pick me."

"I think I'm fine, but they think I'm old."

"I was thinking, what's the purpose of getting married?"

"For someone to accompany? But more couples are noisy, and then they will ask the woman to back down and let the woman take charge."

"Or just to have a baby, and then when I get old, someone can take care of me?" Tao Shan really thought a lot these days.

Gong Li was stunned by Tao Shan's words, her mouth moved, she didn't know what to say, could it be said that when she gets old, the child leaves home to develop, and the old couple depend on each other for life.

But she really has no way to say this. When she meets a selfish man, she just expects you to take care of him. As for him to take care of you, don't think about it.

In other words, there will be difficult in-laws' affairs, which should be handled well, but if it is not handled well, that is a big problem.

Thinking of this, think about what Tao Shan mentioned before, whether the purpose of marriage is to have children.

If this is the case, Gong Li feels that there is really no need to get married, "Adopt a child, and when you get old, someone can take care of you."

"And you're not short of money now." Although Gong Li didn't know how much Tao Shan could earn a month, she had a house and a shop under her name, so she couldn't afford to raise a child.

"You don't want to serve your parents-in-law either?" The more Gong Li thought about it, the more she felt that this proposal was very good.

"Let me discuss with your dad. Tell me, if your dad agrees, will you find someone from your dad?"

Tao Shan knew this was normal, "Sure, but I have to choose one or two."

"After all, I only have one child, and I will never raise another in my life."

"If possible, I want to raise a healthy one with no intellectual problems."

Tao Shan was really worried, and Tao Zeming helped her choose a child with poor health or poor brain.

There is no way, who made Tao Da's leader sometimes like this, "I don't despise them."

"It's how to say that, after all, it will be what I rely on when I get old."

"If the other party is in poor health and walks ahead of me, who will take care of whom."

"If you have a bad mind, you won't be able to take care of me."

"As for the children who are in poor health, I can pay for one or two." Tao Shan also knew that she was a little selfish, but there was nothing she could do.

She had already figured it out that she would never get married and have children in this life, so for the only child, she had to be better trained.

In Gong Jiawen's eyes, Tao Shan's request is really not too much, "I think this request is normal."

Gong Li smiled, "This is how worried you are about your father."

"Don't worry, I will watch over your dad's side, and your dad won't let you jump into the pit."

"I know, with you here, I will definitely feel relieved." Tao Shan was in a good mood.

"I want to adopt a girl too."

"Okay, grow up with Ping An." Gong Jiawen knew that if she adopted a child, she might be raising a girl, so she thought it was pretty good.

"It would be even better if it could be as big as Ping An." Kang Kang and Tuanzi would definitely do well for Ping An, but they were much bigger than Ping An after all.

Not to mention how they can take care of their safety when they are going to study abroad.

It would be a good thing for Tao Shan to adopt a child, so that the two children could grow up together, especially Tao Shan would definitely adopt a girl.

Tao Shan couldn't help nodding, "Yes, yes, I also think this is very good."

Gong Li looked at the two people who were discussing and discussing things, but she was also speechless, "Yes, let me talk to your father."

"But let me tell you, how busy you are at work, if you know, since you have already planned to raise your own children, you have to become a mother seriously."

"Don't always expect me to help you raise your children." Gong Li is not the kind of cruel mother, but she is really worried about Tao Shan's whim.

When the time comes, the child will be taken home, and after spending a few days with them, they will directly let the old couple take care of the child.

It's not that they can't take care of the child, but if they take care of the child, can they still treat Tao Shan well when the child grows up?
Tao Shan doesn't have a lot of affection for her adopted children. If she can't stay together often, her affection can catch up with strangers.

Tao Shan didn't understand that the child hadn't been adopted yet, but Gong Li sent a few of them to think of her that way. She really didn't understand why she was assumed to be irresponsible before the child arrived home.

"I will hire a nanny at that time. Doctors and couples can take good care of their children, so can I."

"I can't guarantee how much time and energy I will invest in this child, but at least I will not ignore it."

"If I'm free, I'll bring the child back." Tao Shan paused, "I thought about it, are some of the children adopted by Dad can't change their names."

Gong Li hummed, "After all, you have to leave something for others. Of course, if you mind, you can also raise a child whose name can be changed."

"I don't care." Tao Shan didn't care, and waved her hand, "If I get married, the child I give birth to will not be my last name."

"Only when the man I marry is the child's surname."

"Just after the baby was born, we separated because of bad feelings."

Tao Shan's answer made Gong Jiawen couldn't help laughing, she is really a thoughtful person, but this is Tao Shan.

Can't help but think of Tao Shan's official spouse in his previous life, where is he, and whether he is married and has children.

Although she really wanted to recall one or two things, there was no way. At that time, she didn't know the situation of Gong Li's family, but she knew that Tao Shan and Tao Yu were looking for her own colleagues.

There should not be many people of this age who are over [-] and not married. It is estimated that Tao Shan's official partner should be married.

Although Tao Shan is not married, as she said, marriage is not just to have a child, someone to rely on when she gets old.

She just skipped the step of getting married and having children, and just became the child's mother directly. Thinking of this, there is no problem.

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