Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 684 Is My Child

Chapter 684 Is My Child

Gong Jiawen thought that it would take time to get Tao Zeming's consent.

After getting the approval, Tao Shan had to apply, and then the higher-ups had to conduct an investigation.

Yes, that's right, it is necessary to conduct investigations. You cannot adopt if you want to. There are many aspects to be investigated, and economic factors are one of them.

Fortunately, Tao Shan is a doctor, a child of Gen Zheng Miao Hong, and has a relationship with Tao Zeming. After such an investigation, it is quite easy.

After passing the investigation, they enter the stage of selecting children, which is another level of mutual selection. Tao Zeming said before that according to Tao Shan's request, it will take at least a long time to choose.

"There are more pensions now, and if the child is not an adult, there will be a certain amount of subsidies every year."

"Plus, life is better. In general, you will choose to raise your brother's children."

"Unless there are no immediate family members at home, or the immediate family members have no way to take care of them, they can only be sent to orphanages. There are not many such children."

Tao Shan knows this process, as before, there were many cases like this, but now I hear less, maybe Tao Ze will be older next year, and will not participate in such things, now it seems that there should be many children who have lost their parents, and someone will take care of them .

"It's okay, I can wait."

"It just so happens that I can earn some money to support my children, and milk powder is also expensive."

"There is also the need to pay for children's education in the future."

"If possible, I would like to send my children to study abroad."

The children around were all wanting to study abroad one after another, Tao Shan thought, her daughters should not be bad, if others had them, her own children would not be absent.

Tao Zeming looked at Tao Shan in surprise, "You still plan to send your child to study abroad?"

This required a lot of money. He knew that Song Boyang and the others were going to send their children abroad, but he had not discussed the cost.

After all, whether it is Song Boyang or Liu Shuhui, are they short of money?
Not to mention that each of their four children can earn a lot of money. Even without the help of their parents, they can easily study abroad by themselves.

Tao Zeming believed that Tao Shan had money, otherwise he would not agree.

He thought that Tao Shan would definitely train the children well, as long as the children were willing to study, they would definitely be admitted to university and become useful people. This was also the environment they hoped to give those children to grow up.

In the end, he didn't expect Tao Shan to be even better than he thought, "If you say send your child abroad, then send your child abroad."

Although Tao Zeming also knew that Tao Shan was not the kind of big talker, he wanted to remind someone, "Xiao Shan, I want to tell you that the cost of studying abroad is not cheap."

"You can say it now. After the child comes back, you can't say it in front of the child."

"Some words, although the other party is a child, but after all, it is your promise, and the child will remember it after hearing it."

"When the time comes, the child's grades are very good, but you say that there is no way to send her to study abroad. The child will be very sad."

Tao Zeming had been a father before, and he was worried that in his eyes, he didn't look like a grown-up child, but was still a child, and his behavior was a bit out of tune.

"Dad." Tao Shan was also speechless. When she mentioned adopting a child before, she actually felt that she was just buying a toy.

It's even better now, I thought she was just drawing big cakes, that is, she said she would send her children to study abroad, but once that time really came, she would not agree.

"As a person, I don't have many advantages, but I just want to say what I said, and I will definitely do it."

"I promise I can do it."

"Isn't it just to study abroad? Although I don't have that much money now, after more than ten years, can't your daughter earn that much money?"

"Dad, you are wrong to think like this. Are you looking down on your daughter's ability to make money, or Tang Hai's ability to make money?"

"It's no problem for your daughter and my salary to support two people."

"As for the money for studying abroad, Tang Hai is still there." Tao Shan originally wanted to say that she still has a stable rent income.

After thinking about it, forget it, let’s not mention this, otherwise, what if the old man comes to say that the house cannot be rented out at that time.

Let Tang Hai be brought up, this man's ability to make money is absolutely convincing.

Tao Zeming thought of the boy he had met before, and added the news he had received, "He is in the Northeast recently, and he must have made a lot of money."

Well, Tao Shan shrugged, "I don't know how much money he made until the Spring Festival."

"But with him in charge, it's impossible not to make money." Tao Shan had absolute confidence in Tang Haina.

"His earning ability must be better than mine."

"In short, we, mother and daughter, will depend on Tang Hai for how we will live in the future."

"It's okay." Tao Shan's words moved Tao Zeming's heart, and he thought of a good candidate, or two candidates.

In order to find a suitable family, it can be said that from top to bottom, I don't know how many ways have been thought of, but the result is that there is no one.

But how to look at Tao Shan now, Tao Zeming thinks it is the best, and there is absolutely no problem in terms of economy.

As long as Tang Hai is around, Tao Shan should have no problem raising three more children, let alone two.

The more Tao Zeming thought about it, the more he felt that it was good, and his heart moved, "Xiaoshan, Dad, there is a good candidate in hand now."

Ah, Gong Jiawen didn't expect that everyone had dinner before and wanted to have another party before she gave birth, which could be regarded as celebrating her unloading.

It turned out that Tao Zeming unexpectedly gave everyone such a big surprise, and actually had a suitable partner in his hand.

this?Gong Jiawen felt that before Tao Zeming said that there are not many children who meet the requirements now, why now, looking at Tao Zeming, there are quite a lot of children who meet the requirements.

But if you look carefully, you can find that Tao Zeming is a little evasive.

This made Gong Jiawen's heart skip a beat, wouldn't this father plan to cheat Tao Shan?

Glancing at Gong Li, fortunately, with Gong Li around, she should definitely stop him one or two.

As for Tao Shan, Gong Jiawen felt that there was no need to look forward to it. Once Tao Zeming made a final decision, Tao Shan and the others could only accept it.

Gong Li stared, "Tell me, see if it's suitable."

What she didn't say is that if the other party's conditions are not good, then she directly disagrees.

At the beginning, she agreed to Tao Shan. As for Tao Zeming, she also agreed at the beginning, but sometimes she was too impartial.

Gong Li doesn't care if she is asked to pay for it, after all, it should be done.

But this is related to Tao Shan's life in old age, she will never agree with Tao Zeming cheating people.

Tao Zeming couldn't help pinching his nose, hey, knowing that the old woman was worried about him, he could only say that this time he really didn't want to cheat anyone.

"There are ready-made candidates on my side, but it's not one child, but two children."

When everyone heard that there were still two children, of course they all thought it was good, how wonderful it was, and it was just right for Tao Shan to choose.

After all, it is under her name, and she still needs to find a child who fits her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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