Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 685 Buy 1 Get 1 Free

Chapter 685 Buy One Get One Free
Tao Shan's heart sank when she saw Tao Zeming's embarrassing expression.

She was thinking about how to raise objections at that time, regardless of her age, but if she really wanted to object one or two, she really didn't have the confidence.

It turned out that Tao Zeming actually said that she had two children and could let her choose.

"It's a pair of siblings. The elder sister is five years old, and the younger brother is five or six months old."

"Originally, what we thought was, if possible, we could divide them into two families."

"There are even candidates."

"In the end, the little girl disagreed, saying that before her mother left, she had told her that the two siblings must be together."

"If you can, you can't change your surname." Tao Zeming felt that except for multiple children, the rest were all right.

And if you miss Tao Shan this time, you don't know when you will meet a suitable partner next time.

ah?Gong Jiawen knew that if Tao Zeming could be so hesitant, it meant that there was something wrong with the child, and it turned out that the other party was a pair of siblings.

This is a bit embarrassing, "I am an unmarried woman, according to the regulations, I can only adopt one girl."

Tao Shan said very calmly, since she had this idea, she really thought about it for a long time, and she also knew that there was such a rule.

"So you said there is another boy, and I can't adopt it." It's not that she doesn't want to, but it really doesn't comply with the policy.

Tao Shan really didn't know what to say. She thought about adopting a child, at least two or three years old.

In the end, she was actually asked to raise a child for a few months, she was really going crazy.

Creatures like infants and toddlers really cannot be deduced with common sense. They cry whenever they want, even experienced people may not know a thing or two.

Gong Jiawen looked at Tao Zeming, well, this uncle really cheated his daughter without discussing it, and let Tao Shan raise two children.

Regarding having an extra child, Gong Jiawen knew that Tao Shan should not care, since it was still a waste of money anyway.

But the crux of the problem is, that boy is, unexpectedly, only a few months old, my god.

I couldn't help but think of Tao Shan's words before, saying that I should work hard to earn milk powder money. Now that I think about it, I really want to earn milk powder money.

Tao Zeming thought a lot in his mind. If Tao Shan objected, he would raise those points, but unexpectedly, he said that the law stipulates that she can only adopt a child of the same sex.

Tao Zeming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, for this reason, "Don't worry, if you want, I will handle the formalities."

"If you still have an account, I can help you."

"Do you want to put your child's household registration in Yangcheng or Shenzhen?" This point can still be guaranteed.

It was a surprise to Tao Shan that she could even register directly with her household registration. Although she also knew that as long as the procedures were complete, she could also be registered with her household registration, but it was still a bit troublesome.

It's all right now, it can be done directly, don't let her go out to go through the formalities, how can she miss such a good thing.

"Sure, if the higher-ups agree..." Tao Shan was about to say no problem, when Gong Jiawen kept winking at her.

"Sister, shouldn't you be going to see the other party?" Gong Jiawen was also speechless. When you said that you went to the orphanage to adopt a child, at least you wanted to meet the other party.

"You haven't met the other party, so you agree if you say you agree?"

"I think that girl should also have ideas." A five-year-old child can remember his mother's words firmly.

Even though she knew that if she had to bring her younger brother with her, neither she nor his younger brother might find a good family, but she persisted in a daze.

"Maybe the other party still has ideas, you should talk to the other party."

"You can also know what the other person's temperament is." If she guessed correctly, even if Tao Shan hired a nanny in the future, this young lady would still pay close attention to this younger brother.

In this way, more attention should be paid to this girl's temper.

If her temperament is not very good, she would like to say that even if it would make Tao Zeming embarrassed, she would not agree.

As for the reason, it was also very simple. They said that they only wanted to adopt one child. After all, the burden of two children was very heavy, and Tao Shan might not be able to afford it by herself.

Gong Li kept nodding her head. Although Tao Zeming said that there were only multiple children, she thought she should go and see.

If you find any problems, you can directly object and disagree with the adoption.

Otherwise, after the formalities are completed, if there is a problem and you want to withdraw the child, it is really not what you want.

The involvement in the middle is very big, and it may affect the careers of Tao Zeming and Tao Yu.

Tao Shan gave them a little bit, yes, why is she so stupid, she even forgot that there is still such a process, "Yes, Dad, I want to talk to each other."

"I want to be happy with them both, and they need to be happy with me."

"Also, if I originally wanted to adopt a little girl, it would be easier to find a nanny."

"But now you gave me a child who is a few months old." Tao Shan couldn't help but feel dizzy when she said this, "It's really big."

"What do you want me to say about that?"

"After all, taking care of a nanny who is a few months old is really not what I want to find."

"Maybe two nannies will be hired, one to take care of the baby and one to do housework or something."

Tao Shan never thought that she would have to get up to take care of the children at night, and she really felt dizzy just thinking about it.

If, like Gong Jiawen, she can take a good rest during the day, maybe she can give it a try.

But the problem is that she is a doctor, and she really doesn't have the time and energy to take care of the child for a doctor who is going to be on the operating table.

Since she has no way to deal with these, she can only activate the money ability, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems at all.

"That..." Tao Zeming remembered at this moment, he seemed to have really tricked Tao Shan, after all, it is really not cheap to hire a babysitter.

But Tao Zeming was really reluctant to change his mind like this.

"Success, I will arrange it as soon as possible." Tao Zeming also knows this matter, it should be sooner rather than later, otherwise what if Tao Shan thinks that being a mother of two children is a troublesome matter and disagrees?
The best way is to strike while the iron is hot and finalize the matter directly. When the adoption contract is signed, the child's household registration will be quickly transferred to Tao Shan's name, and this matter will be completely over.

Seeing Tao Zeming's urgency, Tao Shan, who didn't think there was a problem at first, now has a feeling that this unreliable old man must have tricked him.

This feeling, not to mention her, is that Gong Li and Gong Jiawen both have the same idea.

They were all thinking, this man is really not ordinary ruthless for cheating his daughter so much in order to solve the problem.

Tao Zeming looked at the disbelieving expressions of the people around him, "I really don't have a bad brain."

"I'm so impatient. I'm just worried that Xiaoshan won't agree to adopt two children. What should I do?"

Tao Zeming really felt that he was innocent and wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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