Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 686 A Little Girl With Ideas

Chapter 686 A Little Girl With Ideas

Gong Jiawen walked up and down the living room on the first floor with her belly outstretched.

This matter was just brought up yesterday, and Tao Zeming finalized it today. This speed is really leveraged.

Originally, she wanted to go too, because Tao Zeming was so anxious, as long as the two children were smarter and healthier, she would definitely agree to adopt them.

Although Gong Jiawen was quite surprised at the beginning, adopting two children is very different from raising one child.

Not to mention that there is an extra boy in the middle. This is really a bit too much effort, but Gong Jiawen can't persuade her.

Thinking about it now, an opportunity to adopt a child fell into Tao Shan's hands, and it turned out to be able to adopt two children. It should be a profit.

At this moment, Liu Wen walked to the door softly when she heard Gong Li Tao Shan's voice, "How about it?"

"Yes, that girl is quite nice." Gong Li was in a good mood, "That boy is quite beautiful."

"Then there is a child who loves to laugh." Gong Li lowered her voice when she said this.

"Maybe it's the kids who don't know that."

"As for the girl, how to say that."

"When she was three years old, her father died, and then her mother gave birth to a posthumous child."

"The child's mother is also a very capable person, and she can raise two children by herself, but there was a car accident on the way to work."

When Gong Jiawen heard this, she immediately understood, "Shouldn't there be compensation?"

In terms of compensation for a car accident, there should be a sum of money. In general, the support for the two children and the compensation for the car accident will not mean that no one will raise the children.

"The child's parents are both orphans." Tao Shan whispered.

Ah, Gong Jiawen was stunned, her mouth opened wide, she really didn't know what to say, the child's parents were orphans, and now the two children are also orphans.

this?Is it the reincarnation of fate?Gong Jiawen really didn't know what to say.

"No, if they are orphans, why can't they change their surnames?" This made Gong Jiawen very puzzled.

"Girls take their father's last name, and boys take their mother's last name."

"Actually, the couple's parents were also good friends during their lifetime. They died in a car accident on the way to collect debts."

"But they were killed by someone, but the murderer was not found."

"The factory they opened, after deducting the arrears, there is not much left."

"At that time, they were also grown up, and they were already in high school."

"Then their relatives came forward one after another, wanting to take away the few remaining inheritances in the name of taking care of them."

"After a lot of trouble, the couple severed ties with those relatives."

"When they grow up, they will leave their hometown and come here in Yangcheng."

"It is also the father of the child who was assigned to Yangcheng through the military academy."

"The child's mother is also very good, and she went to a prestigious school."

When Gong Jiawen heard this, she immediately understood that the two children had good genes.

But there is another problem, "The child's parents have severed ties with their relatives, but if they know that their husband and wife have passed away, they will leave a lot of money."

"What should they do if they jump out?" After all, they are relatives.

"They don't even know how long it will be." Tao Shan knew that Gong Jiawen was also worried about her, and she didn't want to raise the child at that time, but someone came from the other side and said that they had the right to raise the child.

"The child's mother left a will and asked the army to help find an adoptive family. Distant relatives in the family are not eligible to raise the child."

"As for the inheritance left by their husband and wife, the team has also decided that it will be kept by the army for the time being. If the house is to be rented or left unused, it will depend on the situation at that time, but it will definitely not be sold."

"As for living, it's fine." After all, it would be a bit too much if this continues to be obstructed, and the most important thing is to temporarily freeze the property rights.

Gong Jiawen knew that if Tao Shan adopted a child, she would not consider moving in, let alone selling, which was also her advantage.

Just not knowing how she would arrange it, she looked up at Tao Shan.

"I plan to discuss with that girl after the adoption procedures are completed."

"My idea is, if you can, rent out the house and save the rent for them."

"After all, the house has been vacant for at least ten years, and it's worth a hundred thousand."

"Of course, if my daughter doesn't want to rent it out and thinks it's just a thought, I have no objection."

"The children are calling me mom, why don't I think about them." Tao Shan knew beforehand that this little girl was sensible.

But she just didn't expect that she would be so sensible, which really surprised her.

Wow, girls are really willing to call mom. Gong Jiawen thinks it's pretty good. I heard Tao Shan say that girls are very sensible, and I wondered if they would be willing to call mom.

Now it seems that the child is still very sensible, and then think about the parents of the child. With such powerful parents, how bad can their children be.

"When will the child come back?"

"If there is a nanny, what should I do?" These are all problems. Gong Jiawen thought about it all night, and decided to assign a nanny to go to Shenzhen with Tao Shan.

Well, Tao Shan also knows that time is tight and the task is heavy, so it can be said that she has thought about it for a long time. Anyway, at present, she can only count on Gong Jiawen.

Looking at Gong Li's mother and daughter who were looking at her at the same time, Gong Jiawen understood, "Success, I have no problem here."

"You can talk about the specific salary." If you just stay in Yangcheng, there is no problem with the salary, and everything will go on as usual.

But Tao Shan is definitely going to take Ayu to Shenzhen Market, which is tantamount to staying away from her family.

Tao Shan said that this is not a problem, "I will talk to my aunt."

Tao Shan soon discussed the salary with her aunt, "When I arrive in Shenzhen, I will hire another aunt who cleans and cooks."

"The kindergarten where the children study?" Shenzhen City is now developing on a large scale and has changed a lot. Gong Jiawen went to Tao Shan's new home to see it.

She remembered that there should be no kindergarten near her new home in Shenzhen, but she didn't know if it was built now.

"Not only should kindergartens be considered, but also primary and junior high schools."

"And the rent you bought before was a two-bedroom house, although you arranged a small room as a study and guest room."

"But now that there are two more children and a nanny with the children, it must not be able to live."

That's right, Tao Shan slapped her head, "I want to buy at least a three-bedroom house this time, no, only a four-bedroom house."

Thinking of this, Tao Shan finally felt, "It's really easy to propose to adopt a child, but the subsequent changes are really out of my control."

This is buying a house again, but also a big house, and then going on to decorate, purchase furniture and appliances, Tao Shan just wanted to say, with a movement of her mouth, her purse deflated a lot.

Seeing Tao Shan's heartache in all kinds of ways, Gong Li said unhappily, "Are you starting to hurt now?"

"Where you spend your money is yet to come."

"The child's milk powder, the child's clothes, these are all money." Gong Li said angrily.

"Forget it, don't think so much now, anyway, the children have been adopted, you, just work hard to make money."

(End of this chapter)

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