Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 687 is about to give birth

Chapter 687 is about to give birth

According to Gong Jiawen's meaning, today is the day when Tao Shan's daughter and daughter go home.

Her aunt must be present, after all, her uncle is far away in the north, and she is the plenipotentiary representative.

It's a good idea, but I can't help it if it's the child in my stomach. I want to come out early to see my sister and brother, but I started it in the early morning.

This turned the whole family upside down, and the whole family mobilized.

Tuanzi and Roubao stood by the car displeased, "Dad, we're going too."

"You guys have to go to school tomorrow." Song Boyang originally wanted to say that there was no place for them in the car, but he might have said that he could wait for the second trip.

Why not just be straightforward, they are students, and if they don't have a good rest at night, can they still have the energy to go to class?
I have to say that Song Boyang's reason really suppressed the dumplings and meat buns.

They actually want to say that their grades are good, and it's okay to take a day off.

"You don't think that you have good grades. If you take a day off from school, there should be no problem."

Xiao Mian, who hasn’t come from student days, who doesn’t know your thoughts yet.

"Ask for a day off today, and after my sister comes back, are you going to ask for leave from time to time?"

"Learning is a continuous process. Remember, when you are learning, others are also learning."

"When you are resting, when you are playing, people are learning."

Tuanzi and Roubao knew that asking for leave should not be considered, and it would never be approved.

"Besides, after arriving at the hospital, it is not possible to give birth immediately." After all, I have been a father twice, so I still have some basic experience.

When Tuanzi's mother gave birth, it was considered to be smooth enough, and she still gave birth for seven or eight hours.

"You guys get up early in the morning and go to the maternity and child care." Song Boyang counted the time, and at that point, Gong Jiawen should come out of the delivery room.

As soon as the Tuanzi brothers heard that they could go to the hospital in the morning, they didn't insist any more. The main reason was that they also knew that no matter how noisy they were, if they ignored them, it would be useless.

Gong Jiawen also took advantage of the fact that the pain was not too severe at the moment, and advised Tuanzi and the others to go back to rest, "Go back to rest, go to bed early, and go to the hospital tomorrow morning, and you can see the safety that just came out of the oven."

During this pregnancy, it can be said that she has really raised well, is in a good mood, and eats well. Of course, she also pays attention to controlling her diet and does not eat too much food.

As for the gymnasium, she has kept up with it, and she exercises every day. Anyway, in her opinion, this time it should be very smooth and she will be able to give birth safely.

"Okay." Tuanzi looked at Gong Jiawen who was obviously in pain but still advised them to go back to rest, and quickly agreed.

"Tomorrow we will bring gifts to our mother and sister." This is a gift that the two brothers have been thinking about for a long time.

They have been preparing for this gift for a long time. In short, it will definitely give Gong Jiawen a big surprise.

Gift?When Song Boyang heard this, he immediately felt a sense of crisis. If it wasn't for the lack of time, he really wanted to ask what gifts the two boys had prepared.

Song Boyang expressed that he was really angry, obviously he was the father of the child and the man who gave birth, but at present, it is really very possible that he will do it again, and he will suppress the two children.

Sitting in the driver's seat, he didn't forget to point them out, but Tuanzi and Roubao didn't care at all, and even winked at him.

Song Boyang really amused them, "They are two real treasures."

"By the way, aunt, do you know?" Gong Jiawen didn't ask because her face was pale and her fists were tightly clenched, "Xiaowen, are you okay?"

okay?Gong Jiawen just wanted to say that it really hurts too much. Fortunately, it is only a child, even if it is the second time to have a child, it will be much simpler.

But just this once made her feel very uncomfortable. It seems that even if it is the second time to give birth, as long as it is the first time for this body to give birth, it will still feel hard.

After a wave of pain eased, "It's okay."

"I think maybe when I get to the hospital, I can go straight to the delivery room."

Although she hasn't been examined by a doctor yet, Gong Jiawen feels that there is a high possibility that she should have at least six fingers.

"Ah, so fast?" Both Song Boyang and Gong Li exclaimed.

You must know that it is not so fast to drive to the fifth finger, but after the fifth finger, the speed will be faster.

Both of them were not in such a hurry because Gong Jiawen had just started to hurt, but they didn't expect it to last for so long.

"I just want to endure."

"Otherwise, when I arrived at the hospital, I was still lying on the bed, or the doctor said, Hey, so-and-so mother, you shouldn't lie down, you should, you should walk."

"This way, it's convenient to have a baby." Gong Jiawen endured the pain and said, "Now that I think about it, the attitude of doctors and nurses for women and children is really not good."

As a doctor, Gong Li can understand, "There is no way, after all, they have to face so many patients every day."

He said that the income of doctors and nurses is high now, that is, it is higher than before. "In foreign countries, doctors and lawyers are all high-income families."

"But currently in China, doctors are definitely not from high-income families." Gong Li, who has been a doctor all her life, has the most say.

As another doctor, Song Boyang couldn't stop nodding, "Yes, I, a doctor who has been working for so many years, can't compare with foreign doctors."

"Maybe there is no way to compare with a rookie who has just become a doctor."

"So, it should be because foreign doctors have a better attitude?" Song Boyang hesitated.

"And if you are abroad, even if it is a public hospital, you still need to make an appointment, and you can go there when the time comes."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many private hospitals. The fees are expensive, but the time for seeing a doctor can be advanced."

"If you're in China, you just go to register. In general, it won't take too long."

"Doctors in China, how many patients do they see in a day, but how many patients abroad?"

Rao Song Boyang has a pretty good temper, but sometimes he feels dizzy when he gets off work and receives countless patients a day, and he doesn't want to talk.

Not to mention that it is really difficult to keep smiling all the time.

In such a comparison, Gong Jiawen thinks the same, "It's not easy to make money."

"So we should work harder to make money from the rich."

"Only by giving public resources to those who need them."

"Rich people have money anyway, and if they want to enjoy better medical care, they go to private hospitals."

"You don't need to compete with everyone to grab the few medical resources." Gong Jiawen thinks this idea is really great.

Looking at Gong Jiawen with a concerned face, although he didn't want to say something unpleasant at the moment, Song Boyang felt that he should say it.

"You said it yourself. It's a private hospital and the fees are expensive, so the treatment for doctors must be high."

"At that time, doctors will go directly to private hospitals to make a lot of money."

"Why do you have to stay in the public hospital and take such a small amount of money?"

Song Boyang knew that his daughter-in-law's thinking was reasonable, but it was not without hidden dangers. In order to earn more money, everyone flocked to private hospitals.

Do public hospitals still have decent doctors?If this problem is not handled well, it is really not a small problem, but it should cause a big uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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