Chapter 688


How should she answer this question?She felt confused.

Yes, who doesn’t want to make more money, the same goes to work, why can’t they go to a private hospital, it’s easy to go to work, and they earn a lot of money, a little comparison will give you the answer.

"This, this, I, I will think about it again."

Don't look at what Gong Jiawen said is to think again, in fact, she herself has no bottom.

Even if she is a reborn person, she can't stand her previous life. She really has no experience in medical treatment, and she doesn't know how deep the water is.

Song Boyang also knew about this, and it was really hard to think of not waiting for his wife to come up with a so-called solution.

Including that he also thought about the advantages and disadvantages of opening a private hospital. It can be said that there are both advantages and disadvantages, and it is really difficult to give an answer.

But what is clear is that the current number of hospitals is a little less, which is why there are a series of reasons such as crowded patients and cumbersome treatment.

As for the construction of new hospitals, the human, material and financial resources invested are not a small amount.

More importantly, after a hospital is built, the allocation of internal doctors is also a key issue.

The reason why everyone is willing to go to a big hospital to see a doctor is not because the doctors in the big hospital are experienced and there are many high-level doctors.

If a new hospital is opened, the doctors are all young, and there are few patients and cases seen, so there is no way to improve their own level.

Gong Jiawen didn't have time to worry about Song Boyang's thoughts at the moment, because she was really in pain.

Just now she worked hard to speak and use her brain, in fact, she wanted to avoid the waves of pain.

But now, she really just wanted to say that she seemed to be able to give birth to Ping An not long after arriving at the hospital.

Looking at Song Boyang who was still driving, she really regretted it a bit. If she had known that the progress bar would pull up so fast, she should have issued an early warning.

The only hope now is that Song Boyang can send her to the hospital before she puts Ping An in the car.

At this moment, Gong Jiawen is also thinking about one thing, that is, she went to the hospital for a physical examination before, and she seems to remember that it is not so far away, why did it take so long to drive this time?

Thinking of this, Gong Jiawen suddenly thought of the ghost hitting the wall, which frightened her a lot. If such a thing really happened to her, what would she do?

Just when she was thinking wildly, she finally heard Song Boyang's words, "Okay, go to the hospital."

Hearing these three words made her breathe a sigh of relief. No matter what, she finally arrived at the hospital, and her safety was guaranteed from now on.

The nanny quickly got out of the car, "Is there a stroller? There is a woman who is about to give birth."

Although it was early morning at this point, there were still people coming and going in the hospital.

The nurse on duty heard this shout, and then saw the car parked at the door, and knew that the mother who came was definitely either rich or expensive.

In other words, you must take good care of it. If you don't take good care of it, you may not have good fruit to eat.

Speedy and another nurse on duty pushed a wheelchair over, "The pusher just sent a patient to the emergency room."

The nurse quickly explained that there was no way, after all, what the other party asked was to push the bed.

"It's okay." Song Boyang rushed into the hospital with Gong Jiawen in his arms, and Gong Li, who was left behind, had no choice but to park the car.

Otherwise, what should I do? I can't just leave the car in front of the hospital like a child who has no sense of public morality. It will delay things.

The nurse saw that it was Song Boyang. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then thought that she had heard someone say before that Dr. Song's wife seemed to be giving birth soon.

"That..." The nurse was just about to push Gong Jiawen for an examination.

"I'll do it." Song Boyang gently put Gong Jiawen on the cart, saying that he didn't need the nurse's help, although he spent a lot of time in the inpatient department.

It doesn't mean that he is not familiar with the outpatient clinic, and then he looked at the nanny, "Auntie, please help me to go through the procedures."

The nanny was the nanny who often accompanied Gong Jiawen for prenatal checkups before, and she knew something about her situation and how to go through the procedures.

"You go to the waiting room after completing the formalities." Song Boyang saw that Gong Li had parked the car, and the three of them got together and took the elevator up.

The nurse looked at Song Boyang, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, how could it not be her turn for such a good man.

But just a sigh, Song Boyang is great, but his wife is also great, I heard that the business of the embroidery workshop has already gone abroad.

The embroidery workshop here in Yangcheng, but people from the other side of Hong Kong City will come here for a walk or two. If you think about it, you will know that she is also an excellent woman.

Not to mention, I also heard that Mrs. Song Boyang's aunt's family is also an extraordinary figure, so I can only say that this is the right family.

Song Boyang didn't know what the nurse in the hall was thinking at all, he was in a panic.

"Xiaowen, you, are you still in pain?" He found that Gong Jiawen's face was pale, which scared him a lot.

"It's okay." Gong Jiawen held back her breath, "I, I just think that I should probably give birth."

She could feel that the child had started to fall slowly, which really scared her a lot.

After giving birth to this word, in Gong Li's mind, it means that she has almost reached the final step, she can lie on the delivery bed, start the final exertion, and wait for a safe birth.

Gong Li looked down and saw Gong Jiawen's hand, tightly holding the handrail of the cart, and she could see the veins on the back of her hand.

This really scared her, "Xiaowen, Xiaowen, you won't, you won't right away, will you give birth soon?"

How long has this child endured at home, Gong Li is really curious, even if it is activated two hours earlier, it will not be so fast.

Listening to their conversation, Song Boyang was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

"This, this, is it going to be born soon?"

"Probably." Seeing that Song Boyang's face was also pale, Gong Jiawen could only be distracted to comfort him.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it should, it should be fast."

"You, you, usually, operate on those, diseases, patients, it is more terrifying than this."

As a surgeon, she didn't see what was going on. It was definitely a trivial matter for her to have a baby now.

"It's not the same." Song Boyang was sure that as a senior surgeon, it was impossible for him to suffer from haemorrhage.

But why did he really panic when he saw Gong Jiawen like this.

"Yes, this time, you are outside, waiting for me."

"Don't worry, I, I'll just go." Seeing that the elevator finally stopped at the floor where the waiting room was located, Gong Jiawen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, she finally arrived at the place, otherwise, she would have to panic and reconcile. She really didn't want her daughter to come to this world just like that in public.

(End of this chapter)

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