Chapter 689

It's not like a war, at least when Gong Jiawen was lying on the delivery bed, she was accompanied by a little nurse and Gong Li.

As for Song Boyang, he knew that just now, two pregnant women who were about to give birth came in critical condition, and the two doctors on duty went in to perform surgery.

What can I do in such a situation, although the nurse said, I can notify the gynecologist who lives nearby.

But after the nurse checked just now, she said that Gong Jiawen's condition is already in the state of waiting for labor. If all goes well, the labor should have been completed before the doctor's arrival.

Hearing what the nurse said, Gong Jiawen decided not to call the other party. After all, she had been busy for a day, so she let the other party rest.

In particular, she felt that the production should be very smooth. If it went well, the battle might be completed within half an hour.

Song Boyang frowned slightly when he heard his daughter-in-law said not to call the doctor. Although the nurse was an experienced nurse, he always felt uneasy.

Gong Jiawen has already said that, what can he do?You can't insist on asking the doctor to come in front of your colleagues.

"Don't worry, I, I'm right here..." Song Boyang wanted to say that he was outside, and told his wife not to worry.

Although he is not an obstetrician and gynecologist, he is also an excellent surgeon. If necessary, he is not incapable of being on the operating table.

At this moment, a nurse from Song Boyang's department appeared, "Doctor Song, that..."

The person who came quickly explained the current situation, that is, there were a few patients in a car accident. The situation is a bit serious. At present, all the doctors on duty in the hospital are used. As for the doctors who are resting at home, they are all rushing to the hospital. .

As for the most complicated and serious patients, of course, they are reserved for Song Boyang, especially since he happens to be in the hospital.

Song Boyang did not expect that such a thing would happen. As a doctor, he should rescue patients.

But under the current situation, Gong Jiawen may also need a doctor.

"Go." Gong Jiawen saw Song Boyang's embarrassment, "I'm fine."

"And I."

"You will never forget that I am also a doctor." Gong Li said that when the time came, she could handle it.

It has already been arranged like this, what can Song Boyang do, he hugged Gong Jiawen tightly, "I will definitely come here soon."

Well, what Gong Jiawen actually wanted to say was that this time, she really might not be able to agree.

"Don't worry, you can see it after the baby is born." I wanted to say that I could wait for him, but I was worried that this guy would perform surgery quickly in order to hurry.

Just like that, Gong Jiawen was lying on the bed alone, and Gong Li held her hand and kept cheering her on.

The nurse was also helping out, checking on Gong Jiawen's condition from time to time.

Amidst the cheers of the two, Gong Jiawen gave birth to the baby very quickly, the speed stunned the nurse.

"This speed?" From lying on the delivery bed to the birth of the baby, it should only take about ten minutes.

Gong Li was also a little surprised, "You give birth very quickly."

However, she has also seen faster than this speed. For example, when she was a barefoot doctor in the village, she saw someone who was still working in the field with his front feet and gave birth to a child with his back feet.

However, after working in the city, there are really not many people who give birth so quickly. After all, rural people exercise a lot, and how much exercise can urban people do.

Thinking about Gong Jiawen's daily exercise, Gong Li understood a little bit.

While sighing, the nurse went to record the birth time and weight of the child, and did a cleaning job along the way.

Because of the fast birth, Gong Jiawen didn't use much of her physical strength, so her spirit is not bad now.

The nurse carried the glowing red girl who had started crying.

Under normal circumstances, the baby will be shown to the mother, then put at the mother's feet, and then pushed out.

This also allows the mother's family to see the mother and baby. Now, one of the mother's family members is in the delivery room, and the other is in the operating room.

"Give me a hug." She was in good spirits anyway, so of course she wanted to be the first to hold the baby.

The nurse glanced at Gong Li, and after getting her consent, handed the child to Gong Jiawen.

Looking at the glowing red Ping An, "This child must be very white in the future."

"The skin is very smooth." Although it is said that Gong Jiawen's skin is very smooth, it really cannot be compared with Ping An.

"You and Xiao Song are not ugly."

"This child, she will be very beautiful in the future, and she will be as smart as her two brothers."

Gong Li looked down at the third generation of the family, "I don't know how happy I will be when Tuanzi and the others see peace."

"By the way, Xiaowen, are you tired?" No matter how fast the labor was, it took at least two hours from the beginning of the labor pains to the present, and it was very exhausting.

No matter how smooth the production was, it actually took a lot of energy and energy. Now that Gong Li asked this question, she couldn't help but yawned.

"I'm a little tired."

"Then you can rest." Gong Li signaled Gong Jiawen to rest, and she was by her side.

"Auntie, you're tired too, go back and rest." Although I considered that I might spend the night by the side, there was still a bed by the side.

But no matter how comfortable it is, can it be as comfortable as the bed at home?

"And there's Auntie here."

"Come back tomorrow morning."

"After Brother Song's surgery is done, you can come and see us." Gong Jiawen persuaded Gong Li to go back in various ways.

Gong Li thought about it too, "Success, if you need it, remember to call Auntie."

"I'll bring fish soup tomorrow morning." Gong Li thought of the two children at home, and wondered if they had rested.

But what is certain is, "I think tomorrow morning, I should bring my two children over."

Gong Jiawen smiled, "I heard from Tuanzi that the two brothers prepared a gift for me."

"Oh, and the gift of peace, I don't know what it is."

Wow, wow, Gong Jiawen said, I am really looking forward to it.

"It will definitely satisfy you." Gong Li smiled and said nothing more.

Hearing this, Gong Jiawen understood, that is, Gong Li should know a thing or two.

"Do you want to know something?" Gong Li looked at Gong Jiawen with a smile.

Although I really want to know a thing or two in advance, but think about it, "I'll see it when the time comes."

"That way I can have a bigger surprise."

"That's the truth."

"And I know that I will be very happy with the surprise that Tuanzi gave me." Of course, no matter what they give, it is their heart and will make her happy.

"Okay." Gong Li paused, "I'll go back after sending you back to your room."

Only then did Song Gong Jiawen think of something, "Auntie, can you drive back?"

"Don't worry, your aunt and I used to work overtime and drive a car."

Gong Li said that she is a driver who has practiced for many years, so there is absolutely no problem with this kind of driving.

Well, Gong Jiawen said that there is no need to worry about Gong Li's driving skills.

(End of this chapter)

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