Chapter 690 Castle
After Gong Jiawen returned to the room, she fell asleep quickly, and Gong Li tucked her under the quilt again.

"Pay attention to the situation."

"You touch the quilt from time to time."

Not every woman will be fine after giving birth, and she still has to beware of postpartum hemorrhage, although the probability is not too much.

But if it is not discovered in time, it is really easy to make a sound.

The nanny nodded to show that she knew, "Auntie, don't worry."

She has been working here for half a year, and it can be said that she is very happy. It is not that she did not work as a nanny in the rich family before. It can be said that they felt that they gave money and did not respect one or two things.

But here, not to mention the high salary, people are also very respectful. If possible, who would not want to continue working here.

After Gong Li glanced at Gong Jiawen's mother and daughter again, she left the room, but she was busy going back.

There are a lot of things at home, and it won't be long before I get up to cook some fish soup, and I don't know if Gong Jiawen, who has a tricky mouth, can eat soup without salt.

Forget it, no matter whether you are used to eating or not, you still have to eat, every pregnant woman is like this.

The nanny looked at Gong Jiawen's condition and then at the child's condition from time to time, even if she was tired, she didn't dare to rest.

Song Boyang quickly completed the operation quickly and well, and quickly explained to the nurse how to take care of the patient.

The nurse knew that Song Boyang was in a hurry to go to the obstetrics department to see his wife, who was already giving birth today.

Song Boyang quickly changed his clothes and rushed down, only to find that there was no one in the delivery room.

After asking the nurse, I found out that she had given birth, "So soon?"

"That's right, it will be ready in about 15 minutes after you leave." The nurse didn't expect Song Boyang's speed to be so fast.

But no matter how fast it was, it was not as fast as his wife's giving birth.

Well, Song Boyang said that he thought it was fast enough, but he didn't expect that Gong Jiawen's speed would be even faster.

When he rushed to the room, he saw that the nanny was still there, and Gong Jiawen had already fallen asleep.

Hearing the movement, the nanny stood up quickly, wondering who was coming, but when she looked back, she found that it was Song Boyang.

"Mr. Song."

Song Boyang stopped her from continuing to speak, "Go and rest."

"I'll just keep it."

The nanny wanted to say that there was no problem, Song Boyang had to go to work in the morning.

"It's okay, everyone knows that I rushed to have an operation, and I won't be too busy in the morning."

"In the afternoon, I will go to school." It can be said that it is a relatively easy day.

"In the next few days, I should trouble you." Although the delivery is fast, it is not easy, and the daughter-in-law should have a good rest.

The nanny knew that Song Boyang was also a teacher in the medical school, so she didn't insist on hearing this.

Sitting quietly on the side of the bed, looking at the mother and daughter who are sleeping peacefully, at this moment, he feels really happy.

"After Tuanzi and the others arrive, they should take a family portrait."

"Once a year in the future." From one person to two people, then to three people, then to four people, and then back to three people.

Then it became four people, and now there are five people. They are a family with both sons and daughters. After another ten years or so, after Tuanzi and the others get married, there will be more and more people in the family.

It should also become a big family, Song Boyang gently touched Ping An's hand, "Dad's good daughter."

"You have to grow up safely, and leave the rest to me."

Although I really don't want to mention Tuanzi and the others, I also know that he and Gong Jiawen are older than Ping An, and when they are gone, Tuanzi and the other two brothers will still need to take care of Ping An.

As for the one who will marry after Ping An, sorry, Song Boyang said that he has very high requirements for his future son-in-law, and if he does not meet the requirements, he will not agree to his daughter-in-law marrying him.

"Ping An, you have to listen to your parents. We are your parents and the ones who love you the most. No one wants you to be happy more than us."

"Our advice will not harm you."

"Papa's little princess."

Song Boyang remembered what he said to Song Bohua before, "In the future, if Mom and Dad go to the beautiful country, they will take you with them and build you a beautiful castle."

Don't all princesses live in beautiful castles?However, the previous castle was uncomfortable, dark and unventilated. This needs to be changed. In short, it is just a shape.

From now on, this will be Ping An's dowry, and it will also let the man know that no matter whether Pingfan gets married or not, she is the treasure of the Song family.

There are parents and two elder brothers to take care of them, and they are the biggest and most stable backer for Ping An.

Thinking of this, Song Boyang suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was a bit heavy, "We still have to work hard to make money."

Otherwise, there is no way to raise a child, "A rich daughter." Song Boyang said in a low voice.

"Fortunately, there are two older brothers."

"But brother..." He was still thinking about how to arrange for Tuanzi and the others to take care of Ping An.

But after thinking about it again, I found something was wrong, that is, Tuanzi and the others will go abroad in a year or two.

What can we expect from them then?One by one, really.

Song Boyang couldn't help sighing, "Everyone says it's good to have a son, but I really don't understand, what's so good about having a son?"

"When I get a little older, I will stay away from you, and I can't count on it at all."

"It's better to be a girl. She will stay with her parents. I don't know how much better than a son."

Song Boyang felt that he still had to have higher demands on Tuanzi and the others, "Ping An, when you grow up, we will ask our brothers to mail you beautiful clothes and schoolbags."

"What others have, we all have."

"What other people don't have, we must have it safely."

Although Ping An was only a few hours old, Song Boyang had already thought a lot about it, such as dressing Ping An well.

In short, my daughter must live recklessly, and have a happy childhood that Gong Jiawen has never had.

Although she never mentioned it, Song Boyang knew that Gong Jiawen hoped that someone would treat her well, even if she was all kinds of unscrupulous, even if her behavior would make her feel out of line.

It's a pity that Gong Jiawen thought this way and never dared to do it, so let Ping An live such a life.

Of course, she can be unscrupulous, and she wants to become a child with a moral bottom line, who understands the law and abides by the law.

Regardless of the fact that Song Boyang is already the father of two children, he has always felt that he is a very experienced person, and there is no problem in cultivating Ping An.

But I don't know why, now he suddenly feels that he seems to have no way to educate Ping An, worrying that Ping An will be unhappy if he is too loose, and Ping An will go astray.

Worried, really worried, when he gave birth to his son, he didn't worry so much.

Song Boyang felt that he should discuss with Gong Li and his wife, as well as Song Bohua and his wife, how to educate their daughter well.

After all, for boys, if they did something wrong, they still have a chance to correct it.

But this society is really not friendly to women. Once a girl makes a mistake and wants to correct it, she will pay a lot.

Ah, Song Boyang is a little dizzy after thinking about it, and feels that this is not something that can be discussed once or twice.

It is necessary to take the time to talk more, and if you only discuss with two couples, there are not many samples, and it may not be suitable for Ping An.

The best way is to consult more families with daughters, no matter whether they are promising or not, whether they are on the right track.

Song Boyang let out a long breath, "The pressure is really great."

"But it doesn't matter, as long as it's for my daughter, these sacrifices are necessary."

(End of this chapter)

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