Chapter 691

Although it is really tiring, even in the middle of the night, I have experienced major events in my life.

Although Gong Jiawen thought she should have a good rest, at least she should sleep until tomorrow morning.

When Gong Li came over with her breakfast, she woke up amidst the smell of food and the noise of two, no, three children.

In fact, she guessed wrong, because she really didn't rest so late, but felt that there was someone in the room.

Although he knew that there should be nothing wrong with his aunt, he still opened his eyes.

Seeing that it was really Song Boyang, Gong Jiawen smiled, "Did you see that our daughter is safe?"

Song Boyang smiled and nodded, "I see, it's right next to you."

"Really beautiful."

"You don't know. When I went to the delivery room, the nurse told me that she had never seen such a beautiful girl."

"She said that she will definitely make us more beautiful in the future, and her academic performance must be as smart as her two brothers."

Thinking of what the nurse said, Song Boyang laughed from ear to ear.

Ah, Gong Jiawen did not expect that Song Boyang, who is not a novice dad, would be so happy because he heard all kinds of flattery from nurses about Ping An.

She admitted that Ping An is really beautiful, and she must be a beauty embryo in the future.

But whether they are as smart as Tuanzi and the others, to be honest, she certainly hopes, who doesn't want their children to be smart and beautiful.

But can a newborn child know how smart it is?How can you tell?Of course, none of the children of the Song family are stupid.

But usually this kind of thing will attract people's suspicion. Anyway, Gong Jiawen never expects it, and feels that no matter what, it will not fall on her.

"Our daughter has a smart father and a smart mother, and she will definitely be fine in the future."

Speaking of this, Song Boyang remembered that Song Bohua had mentioned before, don't tell Gong Jiawen how smart the child is, after all, he is a baby.

You can tell whether you are beautiful or not, but you can't see the topic of smartness now.

If you keep saying that the child is smart, people around him will think that Ping An is a smart child, as good as Tuanzi and the others.

But is it really possible to be as smart as Tuanzi and the others? In fact, Song Boyang doesn't have the confidence.

Obviously, he and Tuanzi's mother went to college, but they are really not that smart.

So Pingan could be as smart as Tuanzi, he really didn't dare to think about it.

Of course, if he could be as smart as Tuanzi, it would be the best and best news for the Song family.

"Of course girls, if you're not smart, it's fine."

"Sometimes I think about it, if you say that being like Ping An is also as smart as a dumpling, my old man..."

Song Boyang sighed helplessly, and spread his hands, "There really are no children's adoring eyes."

"Duanzi, Roubao, I really don't expect them to worship us much."

"If your son doesn't worship, don't worship, and I don't want them to worship me."

"But for a girl, it's different."

"I'm looking forward to my daughter adoring me very much."

"You." Gong Jiawen knew why Song Boyang made such a sudden change.

"Tuanzi and the others are smart, that's a good thing, really."

"Didn't I say that, with a smart and powerful brother, the younger siblings are the happiest."

"Not to mention that the meat buns are also very powerful, which is also good for Ping An."

Gong Jiawen's expectation, "They also said they would give me and Ping An a gift."

"It's a big surprise, and I'm really looking forward to it."

"I..." Song Boyang looked at Gong Jiawen's surprised expression, and was really a little unhappy, or rather displeased.

"Really, you said that the two of them are also, do you take my father seriously?"

"No, not at all." Although Song Boyang was very angry, he still controlled his voice.

"You said, it's fine if they keep it from you, and they want to give you a big surprise."

"But why can't you tell me, I can also make preparations."

Song Boyang said helplessly, "Really, I've made up my mind. After I go back, I'll have a good discussion with them."

"Let them know that the majesty of the old man still has to be given." Song Boyang complained.

"I asked my brother to buy a four-story shop in the Central District of Hong Kong City, and write it under your name."

Central?Four floors of shops?My god, Gong Jiawen was stunned, "That, that needs a lot of money."

"That is really too precious."

Song Boyang was so excited just now, of course Gong Jiawen thought he hadn't prepared a gift, but it didn't occur to him that it wasn't that he didn't prepare a gift.

But this gift is really not ordinary, even though they are already husband and wife, she still has no way to accept it.

"Take it, I wanted to say it earlier, but the formalities were completed a few days ago." Song Boyang really didn't surprise her, but because the formalities were delayed.

"There is also the one with the lease." Song Boyang reported a rent, "The rent is increasing every year."

Ahhhhh, Rao knew that the rental price of such a shop would not be low, but he did not expect the rent to be so touching.

Gong Jiawen took a deep breath, "Really, I think that even if I don't work, just relying on the rent of this shop, I think I should be able to live a happy life."

Not to mention that the prices of shops in that place are still soaring.

I knew that I would become a rich man, but I never thought that I would be so rich.

Gong Jiawen swallowed hard, "Then I, I'm really not welcome."

"When the time comes, when Tuanzi and the others have children, they will buy gifts for the children." Although it was for her, can they really give it directly to Ping An?

If the store is not so big and the location is not so good, she can really make an operation for Ping An, but this store will be hundreds of millions in the future.

Song Boyang heard Gong Jiawen's meaning, "No need."

"Buying gifts for wives who have made great achievements in childbearing is what every Song family has to do."

"This is a gift for you, and you will leave it to peace in the future."

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, I also bought gifts for Tuanzi and Roubao, and left them directly under their names, as a gift for Tuanzi's mother."

As far as Song Boyang is concerned, since he said at the beginning that he would be able to make a bowl of water equal, of course he will do it now.

Song Boyang gave the gifts he bought for dumplings and meat buns, "As for the house, I think it is the most practical."

"After they go abroad, whether they will move in by themselves, rent out the house, or sell it for venture capital is their business."

When he asked Song Bohua to help choose a house, he considered the convenience of selling or renting out the house.

Well, Gong Jiawen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she heard that Song Boyang also considered Tuanzi and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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