Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 692 The Disliked Dad

Chapter 692 The Disliked Dad
Gong Jiawen didn't know how long she had chatted with Song Boyang yesterday, anyway, she didn't want to open her eyes when she heard the movement in the room, she was really tired.

"Sister is so white."

"My sister is the prettiest."

After watching Song Boyang and the others go to the hospital yesterday, Duanzi and Roubao actually did not fall asleep.

They were all discussing when Ping Anhui would be born and who the president looked like.

As for whether Ping An is smart or not, they don't care at all, because they will take good care of her sister with them.

Tuanzi stared at Ping An for a long time, "Sister must be the smartest, most obedient, most beautiful, and the best girl."

It's not that there are no younger sisters among the friends, and Tuanzi and the others have seen many beautiful little girls.

But sorry, in the eyes of Duanzi and Roubao, Ping An is the most beautiful girl, no one can be better than her.

Regarding the evaluation of Tuanzi, as the most loyal little follower, Roubao, of course, agrees with it, "That is a must."

"If my sister is not the most beautiful, who else can be better than her."

"But brother, when can my sister go home?" Roubao, who has grown up, will not ask his sister when she can play with him.

He just hopes that if possible, Gong Jiawen can go home early, so that they can see his sister at any time.

You can see your sister when you get up, and you can see your sister before going out to school.

I can see my sister after returning from school, and I can see my sister before dinner.

After dinner, you can chat with your sister, and before going to sleep, you can say hello to your sister and say good night to her.

In short, their interaction should not be less than that of Song Boyang. If possible, I hope that the first time my sister calls someone, it is my brother, not my father.

Oh, no, the first time I called someone, it should be my mother.

After all, mother worked so hard to give birth to her younger sister, so she should call her mother first.

As for Song Boyang, hmph, what did he pay for?All day busy.

Don't think he doesn't know that yesterday he came to send Gong Jiawen to have a baby, but in the end he gave someone an operation.

Thanks to Gong Jiawen successfully giving birth to Ping An yesterday, what if something happens?
Song Boyang didn't know at all, he just went out to find out how the patient who was operated on in the early morning was doing.

It would make Tuanzi so dissatisfied, but if he knew, he could only helplessly tell him that this is the doctor's duty.

Song Boyang quickly understood the situation, hurried to the ward, and heard the sound of dumplings and meat buns from a distance.

Hearing their satisfaction with Ping An, Song Boyang was very happy. These are good brothers and sisters, and this is the responsibility that a brother should have.

But for Duanzi and Roubao, it was all kinds of derogatory words for him. He just wanted to say, is he really that bad?
He admitted that he has been busy with work these past few months and often needs to travel.

But is this what he likes?If possible, he also wants his wife and children to keep warm on the kang, and just have food and wine to drink every day.

As for making money, isn't there still two big gods of wealth in charge, it's hard not to make a fortune.

But people live in this world, apart from making money, there are many things to do, such as ideals and the like.

He just wanted to straighten out this matter while he was not too busy now, so that he would not have to travel frequently, and he could often accompany his wife and children.

I wanted to explain one or two things, but when I thought of the mouth of Tuanzi, I gave up helplessly. I was really timid when I saw this son.

No, how could a father be timid towards his son? He would do this because he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere on such a good day.

And although he didn't know what gift they would give, Song Boyang felt that the gift he gave was definitely the best and the best.

Thinking of this, his mood immediately improved a lot. Forget it, don't care about the two. Whatever you care about, they are all children.

As an adult, he should be more generous. Thinking of this, he walked into the room quickly and greeted Gong Li first.

Then he looked at the two brothers who were still squatting by the bed and looked at Ping An, "Your sister is beautiful."

The two kept nodding, "My younger sister is the most beautiful." Roubao said arrogantly.

Of course, considering that both Gong Jiawen and Ping An were resting, his voice was kept very low.

These words put Song Boyang in a good mood, and he kept nodding his head, "That's right, I don't want to see whose child Ping An is."

"Can't it be pretty?"

"I don't know how much prettier you two were when you were just born."

In fact, Song Boyang still remembers the appearance of Tuanzi and Roubao when they were just born, they were also bright red just like Ping An.

But he would never say this, otherwise, wouldn't it be that these two boys would fly to the sky, and when they could be suppressed, they would still suppress one or two, otherwise when these two grew up, they wouldn't know how to bully him, the old man father.

Roubao didn't understand what Song Boyang said, but Tuanzi did.

But he wasn't angry either, because she was his own sister after all, "Me and Roubao are boys, and boys can't use the word beautiful."

"Dad, take a picture of mom, sister, me and brother." Tuanzi took out a camera from his bag and asked Song Boyang to take a picture of the four of them.

Regarding Tuanzi's slightly unreasonable behavior, Song Boyang was a little angry, but more annoyed.

Why did he forget this? Back then, Gong Jiawen said that after Ping An was born, he would make a growth record for her.

The same record, in fact, there are dumplings and meat buns, but when they filmed this, she brought it up after they married Gong Jiawen.

When Tuanzi and the others grew up, they proposed to make records by themselves, and then let Tuanzi and the others take over this task.

Now that there is an extra little girl, whether it is Gong Jiawen or Song Boyang, they have already thought about how to keep a good record of growing up safely.

When she grows up, seeing these photos will remind her of some interesting things that happened.

People's memory will get worse as they get older. Some things may not be remembered, but if they are recorded with a camera and then made a simple note, they will definitely be remembered when the time comes.

Just in Song Boyang's review, today is a big event for the whole family, and it is also a day worth celebrating for Ping An, so why did he take pictures.

It really shouldn't be, although this brat should steal the limelight again, but just because this brat still remembers to bring the camera to the hospital, I don't care about him.

Just when Song Boyang wanted to say, wait for him, it turned out that Tuanzi and the others had already taken a group photo, "Ah, you didn't wait for me?"

"What are you waiting for?" Tuanzi said bluntly, "Also, Dad, keep your voice down."

"Be careful my sister will cry."

"Really, I'm still an adult, and I don't even understand these things." Tuanzi turned to look at Roubao, "You can't be like Dad."

"While telling us, the voice can't be loud, it can't be like this or that."

"As a result, when it was his turn, he couldn't do anything."

Tuanzi really hates the double standards of adults. Children can't do things they can do.

(End of this chapter)

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