Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 694 I Just Remind You

Chapter 694 I Just Remind You
Ahhh, no way, Song Boyang was stunned by what Tuanzi said, he, he seemed to have really forgotten about it.

There is no way, this was not in his plan at first, and after buying it, he encountered some problems, so he hurried back.

Afterwards, Song Bohua was asked to take care of everything about the ranch, so it was only a problem if he could remember.

But in front of the child, would he admit it?Of course it cannot be admitted.

"How could I forget about the ranch? It cost you and me a lot of money." Although he really forgot how much it cost.

But it doesn't matter, it's really not a small amount, Rao thinks it's a beautiful country for the rich, and not many people can afford it.

"I don't care, because I don't have time to take care of it."

"You don't think you and I have a lot of time, do you?"

"Before, I asked your uncle to help take care of it, but you can't always trouble others."

It's really not that Song Boyang found out with conscience, but, "If your uncle is free, I'll let him take care of it, so I'll help."

"But isn't your uncle busy?"

"He's still busy doing business to make money." After all, there are his shares in it, and he makes a lot of money.

The investment in the ranch is a bit big, but after a year, how much net income can there be.

The best way is to simply let the two bastards deal with it directly. Anyway, they are not going to the beautiful country, they have to stay there permanently, and it is not that easy to take care of these assets.

"Just let us take care of the ranch?" Tuanzi didn't expect Song Boyang to say, "Dad, I'm reminding you."

"I really don't want you to give this to me."

Although he likes the ranch very much, and he will be in a lot of mood when he has time to ride a horse on the ranch, but is he the kind of person who will stare at his parents' money?

He has made up his mind that he must work hard to make money in the future, and then buy a ranch by himself.

In the end, he didn't expect that the surprise would come so quickly, and he would have a pasture soon.

"Don't worry, I know you didn't ask for it."

"I never thought of giving it to you directly." Song Boyang broke Tuanzi's dream very bluntly.

"This ranch, I think, if the three of you stay in the beautiful country in the future, when your mother and I go there, we can also live there."

Although it is very convenient to live in the city, occasionally I want to change my living environment.

"And your uncle also said that the pasture is not big. If there is a chance in the future, I still want to expand this pasture."

Regardless of the era, it is always good to buy more land, houses and shops.

"It's okay." Tuanzi didn't think it was a blow, but thought that if he didn't guess wrong, the ranch should become a family business.

Anyone in the family can go to the ranch and relax for a while.

"Okay, it's getting late." Song Boyang didn't want to see the two people who were an eyesore, so he drove them away rudely.

Suddenly he remembered something, "I remember you guys said that you will give you, mom and sister a big present."

"Why didn't I see it?" Looking around, I really didn't see anything newly added.

No, it's not that there are extra things, just point to the extra vases and a bouquet of flowers in the room, "Don't tell me."

"The so-called gift you are talking about is such a bouquet of flowers?"

Although he admitted that the package of this bouquet of flowers is very beautiful, the color matching is also very beautiful, and the flowers inside are also Gong Jiawen's favorite flowers.

It can be said that this bouquet of flowers will definitely satisfy Gong Jiawen, but it will not make them seriously say that this is a surprise.

"How could it be?" Tuanzi held back the sarcastic Song Boyang.

Hmph, when their presents are revealed, this person will definitely be shocked.

Tuanzi looked at Roubao who was already eager to try, "Roubao, take out the gift we prepared."

Roubao excitedly took out a boxy object from his schoolbag, although he still didn't know what was inside.

But the only thing that is certain is that this thing is definitely a big thing.

Song Boyang couldn't help being amused, "Well, you're not a brick, are you?"

"Give it to your mother for self-defense?" Song Boyang was a little uncertain.

The nanny was also stunned, she thought this should not be a brick, there is no such a wide and thin brick.

The dumplings and meat buns ignored Song Boyang, and carefully removed the outer packaging.

As the packaging was torn off, everyone present was stunned, "This, this..."

Gong Jiawen knew that if the dumpling and the meat bun were shot, it couldn't be a small thing, and she also thought about what could be something like a brick?

She didn't expect it, but when she opened it, she just wanted to say, "Oh my God."

Gong Jiawen considers herself to be a rich person at her current age, but such a direct, simple and rude operation mode is really rare.

However, Gong Jiawen just wanted to say, "Thank you dumpling, thank you steamed stuffed bun, I really like it so much."

"It's really awesome."

Gong Jiawen hugged the gift from Tuanzi and the others tightly. Song Boyang saw that the gift from Tuanzi and the others turned out to be a large gold nugget, and wanted to say that it was really not ordinary tacky.

In his heart, he felt that Gong Jiawen might not like it, but he didn't expect that her reaction was beyond his expectation, and she would be so happy.

"This, isn't this tacky?" Song Boyang was very puzzled. Even if this question would make Gong Jiawen and the others ask, they still had to ask.

"Tacky?" Gong Jiawen knew that although platinum and diamonds hadn't made a strong attack yet, many people said that gold jewelry was tacky.

"But such a big gold brick, it really is." Gong Jiawen took a deep breath, "It doesn't matter, I will work hard to buy gold bricks in the future."

"When Tuanzi and you get married, I will give you two big gold bricks."

At this time, Gong Jiawen thought of a very important question, "By the way, how heavy are these gold bricks."

She estimated that it weighed about eight to nine catties.

Tuanzi compared a number, "Eight catty eight taels."

Wow, it's heavy enough, Gong Jiawen couldn't help nodding, "Sure, when you get married, you and your wife will get one piece."

"Roubao, don't worry, there will be some when you get married."

"When you get married safely, of course you can't miss it." If you have a son, why don't you have a daughter?

Duanzi and Roubao were stunned. They just wanted to make Gong Jiawen happy, but they didn't expect that they might fall into the trap.

Tuanzi thought that when he got married, at the wedding banquet, Gong Jiawen took out two big gold nuggets, this, really.

The scene was so beautiful that he really didn't dare to think, if that was the case, would he become a joke of his friends.

Forget it, if that's the case, he doesn't think it's necessary to get married, seeing how happy Uncle Tang is?

The only thing Tuanzi was worried about was whether Song Boyang and his wife would agree.

There is no rush now, let him discuss this matter with his parents when he is older. If he discusses it now, he is really worried that there will be no good fruit to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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