Chapter 695

The current Tuanzi really just wants to get rid of this topic, "That mother, you got a gift."

"The next thing is a gift for my sister."

Tuanzi said that this gift will definitely satisfy Pingan. As for whether Song Boyang is angry, I'm sorry, I really don't have time to care about him.

Time was tight and the task was heavy, so Roubao quickly took out a thick stack of papers.

Gong Jiawen looked at so many papers, and really only had one thought, that is, my God, my god, I don't need her to read this today, right?

It's really not that she doesn't want to watch it, but that she really doesn't have the time and energy to watch it.

Tuanzi also knew that Gong Jiawen might not have time to read this, "Me and Roubao have thought a lot about what gift we should give Ping An."

"We hope that the gift we give is the kind that can be enjoyed by Ping An for a lifetime."

"We thought about it for a long time and decided that it would be better to set up a fund for Ping An."

"Fund?" Gong Jiawen looked at the thick document in her hand, "You mean to set up a personal fund for Ping An?"

Knowing the significance of the existence of the fund and the means of operation, Song Boyang has established several funds, including dumpling meat buns.

After Ping An was born, Song Boyang would also notify Pretty Country that a personal fund belonging to Ping An would also be established.

It turned out that Tuanzi and the others would do the same thing. Gong Jiawen looked at Song Boyang.

Song Boyang was really stunned, "You even set up a fund for Ping An?"

"You guys made a lot of money?" Knowing that they went to the beautiful country last year, they made a lot of money.

After returning to China, Song Boyang did not confiscate the money. Since they earned the principal, the money they earn now is of course theirs.

There is only one requirement, if you continue to make money, that is of course the best.

If you lose money, you can't continue to invest money, unless they go to the beautiful country.

But now, looking at their frightened expressions, they probably made a lot of money.

"I made a little money." Of course, Tuanzi would not say that he had made a lot of money.

Anyway, compared with Song Boyang's family background, this money is really small money.

Earn some money?Song Boyang sneered, and he quickly understood in his heart that if there were no accidents, he should have brought Tang Hai along.

As for the helper in the beautiful country, I want to know who it is, forget it, the child is grown up, and it's time to have his own secret.

Since Tang Hai and the others are watching, he doesn't have to worry about it, "I know what can be operated and what cannot be operated."

Tuanzi said arrogantly, this matter is absolute, "We will not make mistakes."

"By the way, I can know how much fund you will set up for Ping An this time."

The size of the fund is also the key. Song Boyang has set up a large-amount fund. He said that he can definitely suppress them in terms of funds.

"Preliminary, because our current funds are a bit tight."

"The four of us plan to invest $200 million at the moment."

"Then when Ping An is one year old, ten years old, and an adult, we reinvest according to the situation at that time."

"Of course, the amount of each investment will not be 50 in hell."

"If we had made more money then, we would have paid more."

As older brothers, the more money they earn, they can't be stingy when dealing with girls.

Starting at 200 million?Then there were three more investments and the minimum amount of investment. Gong Jiawen couldn't help swallowing.

"It's really generous."

"Why didn't I..."

"It's really a big family." Gong Jiawen could only sigh in this way.

Song Boyang gave the two children a thumbs up, "That's right, he looks like a big brother."

"When Ping An grows up, I will definitely thank you." Of course, he will not thank you. It is not normal for an older brother to take care of a younger sister.

"Thank you?" Tuanzi and the others have paid so much just to get a thank you from Ping An?Not at all.

"We just hope that Ping An can live happily and live the life she wants."

As a follower of the dumpling, of course meat buns are indispensable, "Yes, I hope you are safe and happy."

"After the establishment of this fund, we will also help operate stocks."

"It seems that there is not much money in this fund now, but I am confident that when Ping An grows up, the scale of the fund will definitely expand."

Tuanzi also knew that Song Boyang would set up a fund for Ping An, even if he didn't know the exact amount, but he knew that it would start with at least ten million.

Don't ask him why he knows, the reason is very simple, because the two brothers also have such a fund.

"Dad, you have to keep an eye on the people who manage the fund, their ability to make money..."

Although they are not considered adults, they are funds under their names after all. Song Boyang will let Tuanzi and the others read the fund-related information sent over there.

Regarding the earning ability of those people, to be honest, Tuanzi is really dissatisfied, it is really too bad, isn't it?

Song Boyang knew why Tuanzi and the others would dislike him, "What you are asking for is how much money you make."

"What they want is stability."

"Think about it yourself, if you can earn ten points a year stably, and then compound interest increases, how much do you think you can earn in ten or twenty years?"

When the market is good, it is very easy to earn ten points, but if the market is not good, it is not easy to earn ten points.

Tuanzi was really disgusted at first, but when he heard what Song Boyang said, he didn't say anything.

"Although I did not major in economics, I have never operated the stock market."

"It can be said that although I am your father, I don't think I can compare with you in terms of the stock market."

No matter what, when it’s time to admit your mistakes, you should admit, “But I also know that it’s really not easy to earn ten points a year stably.”

"Okay, it's getting late."

"I'll take you to school." Song Boyang originally didn't want to send the dumplings to school, but Gong Li could help deliver the dumplings.

But after thinking about it, I felt that he should be allowed to deliver it, so that the three of them could have a good chat along the way.

Gong Li already knew from her aunt that after Song Boyang came out of the operating room, he came here directly, and then accompanied Gong Jiawen.

Presumably they didn't have a good rest. If they were allowed to drive, would it be safe?

Now is not the time when they came to Yangcheng, there were more private cars on the road, and the road that was thought to be quite spacious is now full of various traffic jams.

"I'm fine, I drank some coffee just now." At the beginning, he was actually not used to drinking coffee.

But since Song Bohua came back, every time he went to visit him, he would drink a cup of coffee, and he already liked it a little bit, and felt that the refreshing effect was okay.

(End of this chapter)

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