Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 696 I just like tacky gold

Chapter 696 I just like tacky gold
Gong Jiawen watched the three of them leave, and picked up the big gold brick again.

"It's really big."

"Aunt, tell me, if I can buy such a big gold brick every year, what will happen in 20 years."

When the time comes, it will feel that the house is a magnificent place, and it will be very exciting to think about it.

This, Gong Li just wanted to say, "I think you should think about it first, where do you put so many gold nuggets when the time comes."

"This..." Gong Jiawen wanted to say, you can buy a safe.

But thinking about it again, this is not safe, but thinking about it again, "Actually. Although the gold brick looks quite big and heavy."

"It's quite shocking, the kind that makes people stunned, but if it's converted into currency, it's not too much."

"Besides, a gold brick is more than eight catties, and it costs nine catties. Anyone with a little bit of brains probably won't stare at it."

Even if the other party succeeds in stealing, it is not easy to leave with such a heavy thing on your back.

"You forgot to have a car." Gong Li said angrily.

"And you don't even think about it, what is such a big gold brick, if it's not custom-made?"

"Customize a piece or two, and everyone won't care."

"But if you order a piece every year, no one will notice."

Gong Li knew that Gong Jiawen was excited, "Of course, I also like gold. If possible, I also want such a big gold brick."

"But it's really eye-catching."

Tao Zeming is still in office, even though she has a lot of money-making ability, she will not show it like this.

There is no way, there are really too many jealous people these days, even if she is really not afraid of checking, anyway, there is a source of income.

But as long as you do some research on you, you may know how to publicize it, and you may make a big storm. Some things should be kept low-key.

Well, Gong Jiawen had no choice but to give up this idea. She had no choice but to know that they were rich, but no matter how rich they were, the money was still abroad.

Domestically, there may not be a lot of cash in the company's stocks, houses, and shops.

Even if someone wants to play their minds, they can only give up.

But if people know that there are many big gold bricks in Gong Jiawen's house, will there be fewer people who are tempted?
It can be said that there is really no shortage, and it is very possible to say that the experience will go forward and succeed.

"If you really like gold, buy gold bars." Gong Li whispered, "I also buy gold bars every year."

Ah, this is also the first time Gong Jiawen heard Gong Li say that, "Auntie, why didn't you tell me."

If so, wouldn't they be able to buy gold bars together?

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but..." Gong Li thought of Tao Shan, "Your sister said that gold is too vulgar, and it looks like an upstart."

"She said so, what can I do?"

"I'm really embarrassed to call you. After all, young people nowadays think gold is tacky."

"Especially isn't our place not far from Hong Kong City?"

"Many young people have already followed the people in Hong Kong City, and they all pursue diamonds." Gong Li has seen several couples get married, and they all wear big diamond rings.

"I thought you'd like diamonds too."

"I also like diamonds very much."

"But gold, I like it too."

"However, it's good to keep the gold bars. In the future, Tuanzi and the others celebrate their birthdays, and I will give them the gold bars directly for the New Year's money."

If you give money, don't say that the dumplings and meat buns are not the ones who are short of money, even the little girl Ping An is not the one who is short of money.

Gong Jiawen looked down at her daughter who had fallen asleep again after crying a while ago, "Ping An is really much happier than me."

"That's right." Gong Li was also stunned by Tuanzi's generosity.

At the same time, she was also thinking about one thing, "Say, isn't your sister going to adopt two children soon."

"I originally prepared two big red envelopes."

Gong Jiawen had heard Gong Li mention it before, and felt that it fit the situation of the Tao family. Why now, it seems that this is not suitable for Gong Li.

"Auntie, what are you going to do?" Gong Li's change of mind should have something to do with the gift from Tuanzi and the others.

"Aunt, are you going to set up a fund for them, or give each of them a big gold brick?"

That's right, Gong Jiawen didn't think of this when receiving the gift just now, but now she hesitated.

It is also a new member of the family, the gift received by Ping An is a bit far from the pair of children in Tao Shan's family.

But in terms of peace, she also felt that it was not very good.

"Forget about the fund." It was to be established abroad, and with his family's old Tao's position, it would be really easy to cause accidents if it was operated in this way.

"If you give the gold brick, it's too big, and I don't have time to customize it."

"Especially now that I give such a big gift, what should I do when your brother gets married and has children?"

In her heart, there is no question of whether to adopt or not, but she cannot ignore the thoughts of her future daughter-in-law.

"Then you are?" Gong Jiawen thought it over, anyway, whatever Gong Li gave, she followed.

"I thought about it, and I think you are right, so I will give you gold bars."

"This is good, and they won't spend it indiscriminately if they take it." If you give children money, if they have no concept of money, they will spend it easily.

It's not that I don't want to part with the money, but that I don't want my children to develop the habit of spending money indiscriminately.

"After they come back, ask your sister to discuss with you how to cultivate children's money habits."

Gong Li has seen many children of rich people. It can be said that they do not make money, but the speed of spending money is fast.

But Tuanzi and the others are different. They have actually made a lot of money. If they want to set up a fund for Ping An, they don't need the consent of Song Boyang and the others, and they don't even need money from them.

When Tuanzi and the others were in China, they all got fixed pocket money. If they wanted extra money, they would use labor.

If you want to increase your pocket money, you have to submit an application, ask why you want to increase your pocket money, and show Song Boyang and the others their account books.

Gong Li thinks this is very good. The Song family, which has a big family and a big business, all operate in this way, and they should operate in this way even more for a small family like them.

Gong Jiawen said that there is no problem, "Actually, I think the best way is to let Tuanzi and the others take their younger siblings."

"After all, we are a bit far behind children and them."

"But Tuanzi are different. They are of the same generation. They educate their younger brothers and sisters. They know how to start."

"And if Tuanzi and the others fail, they will still be healthy."

Although they were sensible children when they first met Tuanzi, they were still a lot worse than healthy children.

Later, the four children grew up together and played together. While their friendship increased, they were actually influencing each other.

For example, Tuanzi and the others are no longer children who do not eat fireworks in the world, they will learn to settle accounts and so on.

The two healthy brothers no longer have a little inferiority complex, but are much more cheerful.

"I think the four of them can definitely educate the three younger brothers and sisters below."

It just so happens that Tuanzi and the others will not be used to Ping An, Gong Jiawen knows that Tuanzi and the others will be good to Ping An.

But I was just worried that Jianjian and the others would pamper her in all kinds of ways because Ping An was a girl.

When the time comes, what should I do to raise this child into a delicate child?At that time, it really fell on the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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