Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 697 Tao Yu's Marriage 1

Chapter 697 Tao Yu's Marriage 1
Gong Jiawen took a look, lying beside her, sleeping peacefully.

The peace at this moment is really like an angel, a beautiful little angel.

But the current child is a blank slate, and what she will become in the later stage depends on what she sees, what she learns, and being friends with that kind of person.

Girls can be coquettish, but they can't be super coquettish, otherwise what will they do if they fall on their hands?
Don't worry about smashing your hands, isn't there Song Boyang, his old father, he should be very happy to raise an unmarried daughter.

And the money in Ping An's hand was enough for her to live well by herself.

I was worried that once this girl became coquettish, she would be rude to her family in all kinds of ways, and the brother-sister relationship would really be lost by then.

Well now, Tao Shan has adopted a child, and there are two children, one older sister and one younger brother, the three of them can really grow up together.

Gong Li actually did it on purpose, hoping that Tao Shan's two children could get closer to Tuanzi and the others.

After all, it wasn't Tao Shan's own child, so what if they looked down on Tuanzi?
Although Tuanzi and the others are very polite every time they see Tao Shan and Tao Yu, Gong Li knows, don't look at them as a good talker, it's in front of the family.

On the outside, the two of them really felt a little alienated. Although they spoke politely as always, they clearly let you know their sense of distance.

"Auntie, don't worry." Gong Jiawen could see Gong Li's worry.

"Tuanzi and the others have prepared gifts for the two children."

"Of course, it can't be compared with Ping An's gift." That is Gong Li, otherwise, Gong Jiawen wouldn't say that.

This is not to tell Gong Li directly, those two children just let Tuanzi and the others look down on them.

"Maybe when my brother gives birth, there won't be such a rich gift."

Gong Li looked at Gong Jiawen who was trying to explain something, and smiled, "Don't worry, your aunt and I don't understand, one is my own sister, and the other is a cousin."

"Compared to these things, I hope they can continue to maintain the relationship."

Gong Li knew that Tao Zeming came to Yangcheng because of a good opportunity, but the development has been smooth in the past two years, and he has something to do with Tang Hai and the Song brothers.

"Auntie, don't worry." Although Gong Jiawen knew that people like Tuanzi knew how to open up contacts.

They are relatives, they have known each other since they were young, they know their character, and they are the children they have grown up with, so they know that they are definitely from the same country.

It's really difficult for Gong Li. You should know that in the past, whether it was Tao Shan or Gong Yu, Tao Zeming and his wife didn't interfere too much. What happened to them was up to them to grow and develop freely.

As a result, after Tao Shan became a mother, Gong Li was worried about this and that.

"It's only when you raise a child that you know you're worried, but when you raised your brother and the others, you really didn't worry so much."

"Except that we are busy with work, we don't care about these at all."

"The other thing is that the atmosphere at that time was not like this." The current atmosphere really cannot be compared with that at that time.

"Everyone wants to live a good life. They have considered their sons, and they are also worried about their grandsons. They continue to worry about their great-grandsons."

"Back when I was the stepmother of Tuanzi and the others, I had a lot to worry about."

"I originally thought that after giving birth to Ping An, a girl needs me. There shouldn't be much to worry about."

"But I also thought a lot about it just now."

"I'm worried that I'll raise a pampered girl, and I'm also worried that I'll raise a silly girl who doesn't know the world."

"Sorrow, really worry."

"If I can grow up with my sister's children, I can also breathe a sigh of relief."

Gong Li thought that when Gong Jiawen found out, she would say that she worried too much and that she should let it go when she was older.

At the beginning, she really listened to her colleagues' persuasion, but she didn't expect that in Gong Jiawen's heart, worrying about children turned out to be really normal, a normal and terrible thing.

"But, auntie, let my sister worry about things like this in the future."

"You still pay attention to rest."

"You have to wait until Ping An gets married and has children. My sister and brother's children get married and have children."

Gong Jiawen knew that Gong Li was always in a hurry, but the old lady's body was not that good.

"Don't worry, get married and have children safely, I can see."

"The two children of Tao Shan's family got married and had children. I should be able to see that too. Of course, they can't marry late."

When Tao Yu was mentioned, Gong Li was also very angry, "It's a question of when he gets married."

Gong Jiawen was still very curious, remembering that at this time in the previous life, Tao Yu and Tao Shan were both married, why they were not married this time.

Especially Tao Shan, it's fine if she doesn't get married, but she directly adopts a child. Gong Jiawen is really worried that the effect caused by her butterfly is not ordinary.

"By the way, doesn't my brother have a satisfactory partner?" Gong Jiawen was really curious.

"I remember that my brother said that he had a satisfactory object and said that he would take it home." Gong Jiawen thought that was the case.

Gong Li sighed helplessly when she heard this, "Yeah, your brother met a girl who was good in all aspects and your brother liked."

"Also a doctor."

"Not bad." That's right, she remembered that Tao Yu's wife was also a doctor in her previous life, and Gong Jun also said that she would become a doctor's family.

If there is no problem, it should be this one. She is a bit confused, since they have already met each other, and they still like each other.

Why didn't they get married, "Did they break up?" Gong Jiawen asked in a low voice.

"It's not a breakup." Gong Li didn't know what to say, "It's just that the girl wanted to come back with your brother."

"I just wanted to take the opportunity to finalize the marriage, but I met the opportunity to study abroad."

"What do you think?" Gong Li looked at Gong Jiawen helplessly.

I also want to know what choice the other party made, "Then you broke up with my brother?"

"I didn't propose to break up either." Gong Li explained.

She didn't directly propose a breakup, but a cold breakup is okay, and Gong Jiawen didn't make a sound, and continued to wait for Gong Li to explain.

"I was going to come back last year, but I ended up going to participate in Doctors Without Borders, Doctors Without Borders, yes."

"That's it." Although they are all doctors, Gong Li just wants to say that she really doesn't understand this.

"Doctors Without Borders?" Of course Gong Jiawen knew about this organization. How to say that, in later generations, the evaluation of this organization can be said to be polarized.

But it is undeniable that many people have been saved because of this organization.

But from her point of view, this organization should be far away from her, but she didn't expect it to be so close to her.

Gong Li looked at Gong Jiawen's surprised expression, thinking she didn't know, and wanted to explain something.

(End of this chapter)

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