Chapter 468 Who are you

"It must be, except for Gu Shao, who else can be so awesome! Gu Shao really came? Jiang Yan really invited Gu Shao?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Yan in shock, thinking that he was still thinking that she was a liar just now, and now his face hurts.

Zheng Zier panicked all of a sudden, her mind went blank suddenly, and she blurted out, "I just sent a text message to my boyfriend to ask him to come over!"

Jiang Yan and Ye Wan looked at the girl opposite in disbelief. It's this time, and she still wants to lie. It's really hopeless.

"I'm going to say hello to my boyfriend now." After Zheng Zi'er finished speaking, she quickly ran towards the parked car.

She ran to the car window, knocked lightly on the car window, and looked nervously at the dark car window. Even if she begged, she also asked him not to expose herself, and begged him to show mercy and help her.

She didn't believe that Gu Yunting was really invited by Jiang Yan on the phone, it must have been invited by the principal!

Gu Ye got out of the car, walked over and pulled Zheng Zi'er away and pushed her hard. Zheng Zi'er was pushed and sat on the ground. The students were dumbfounded watching this scene, and the audience was silent.

Gu Ye opened the car door, and all the students stretched their necks to look over. A pair of leather shoes landed on the ground, and then a tall figure got out of the car. It's a perfectly handsome face that looks a bit cold, who else could it be but Gu Yunting?
Where have the students seen such a man, like a king descending, his noble aura seems to make everyone want to surrender.

Jiang Yan was also very excited, although Gu Yunting promised that she would come, but when he really arrived, Jiang Yan really wanted to jump up and hug Ye Wan to celebrate!

Still a little... want to cry.

Ye Wan was also looking at Gu Yunting, her heartbeat suddenly quickened, it was not the first time she had seen his aura, but every time she was still shocked, he was so powerful that people felt admiration and fear.

She even wondered if this man was really the man who hugged her, kissed her, kissed her, and lingered with her every night?
Thinking of the entanglement between the two, Ye Wan couldn't help but blushed, and lowered her head not daring to look at him.

Zheng Zi'er quickly got up from the ground, showing a self-confidently charming smile, "Young Master Gu, you are here, welcome to Beijing University."

Gu Yunting stopped in his tracks. Under the eyes of his classmates, he looked at the woman who was talking to him with cold eyes, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Those three words completely brought Zheng Zier back to her original form!
The students were in an uproar in an instant. If there is any news about Peking University recently, the fact that Zheng Zier, the flower of the Department of Design, is dating Gu Yunting, the president of the Gu Group, must be number 1!
But today Mr. Gu himself came, and he directly asked Zheng Zier, "Who are you?"

This shows that Mr. Gu doesn't know Zheng Zi'er at all!

It turned out that Zheng Zier was really lying!

Gu Yunting stopped wasting time for such irrelevant people, and strode towards Ye Wan and Jiang Yan.

Ye Wan lowered her head nervously, a little afraid to look at him, Jiang Yan was so excited that she didn't know what to do, she blurted out, "Welcome Young Master Gu to Beijing University!"

Gu Yunting stopped in front of the two girls. He glanced at the little girl with a quail face and bowed her head, then looked at Jiang Yan, and said, "Well, since I promised you to come, I won't break my promise."

Because his wife was excited, Jiang Yan stretched out her hand and held Gu Yunting's hand, thanking her repeatedly, "Thank you, thank you! Thank you!"

Gu Yunting, "..."

Resisting the urge to throw Jiang Yan out, he withdrew his hand and said, "Get in the car, I'll take you home."

(End of this chapter)

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