Chapter 469 Wipe My Hands
Zheng Zier watched Gu Yunting personally pick up Jiang Yan and Ye Wan, her face was pale, everyone looked at her with strange eyes, even the girls who usually like to flatter her stayed away from her, looking like She is the viral emoji.

Zheng Zier really couldn't bear this blow, thinking that she was so proud at ordinary times, and she could only be a person with her tail between her legs in Beijing University, she couldn't accept it, rolled her eyes, and passed out directly.

Now the students could no longer stand on the sidelines, so they hurriedly gathered around to help call an ambulance, and finally Zheng Zier was sent to the hospital.

Jiang Yan's house is very close, so she got off Gu Yunting's luxury car within 3 minutes. Watching the luxury car drive away, Jiang Yan waved her hands with a bright smile, and finally solved Zheng Zi'er's mental illness. It's really great She wants to buy a bottle of beer to celebrate.

In the car.

Gu Yunting immediately took a pack of wet tissues and handed them to Ye Wan, "Wipe my hands!"

Ye Wan suppressed a smile, obediently took out a tissue, took his hand and wiped it carefully for him, finally wiped all the crevices of the nails, then quickly lowered her head and pressed a kiss on the back of his hand.

"Is that all right?"

Only then did Gu Yunting feel more comfortable. He actually hated the fact that the opposite sex touched his skin, but Jiang Yan had a special status, being her best friend and Jin Lan's woman, so he endured it.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ye Wan thought about his workaholic personality, and was afraid that he hadn't eaten yet.

"Not yet, I was in a meeting when you sent the message."

Sure enough, as she expected, Ye Wan said, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll eat with you."

"Yeah." Gu Yunting responded and pulled him into his arms, "I've helped you so much, one kiss and one meal can't solve it."

"Aren't you going to help you have a baby? Isn't that enough?" Ye Wan blinked and asked.

"What do you think?" Gu Yunting lowered his head and kissed the little mouth that fascinated him. He didn't understand why, but there seemed to be a special magic power in her body, which made him want to stop.

When getting out of the car, Ye Wan was dizzy from his kiss, her chest was short of oxygen, her mouth was red and swollen, her eyes were blurred, and she looked even more beautiful and charming.

Gu Yunting took Ye Wan to a Michelin restaurant. After the two of them were seated, Gu Yunting ordered food, and Ye Wan only wanted a drink. She had already eaten and was not too hungry.

While eating, Ye Wan wanted to go to the bathroom, but left her mobile phone on the table when she left. Her mobile phone rang suddenly. Gu Yunting looked up and saw a WeChat message, as if she had made an appointment.

Gu Yunting frowned, took the phone and pressed it on, and glanced at it. It was a gynecological appointment message, ring removal surgery?He knew immediately what was going on.

When did she wear the ring?

When Ye Wan came back, she realized that the atmosphere was not right. The man opposite seemed to be upset, and she didn't know what happened, so she asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Well, I'll take you back to school." Gu Yunting got up and left after speaking.

Ye Wan hurriedly picked up her phone to follow, she hesitated, is he angry?Looks like you're still mad at yourself?But why?

I don't seem to have done anything to make him unhappy, right?
In the car, Gu Yunting kept silent. Even if Ye Wan took the initiative to talk to him, he ignored him, which made Ye Taifa dare not talk to him anymore. When he got to school, Ye Wan got off the car, and she watched the car drive away. car, feeling uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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