Chapter 470

What the hell is wrong with him?
On the way back to the classroom, she glanced at her mobile phone, only to see that the ring removal surgery hospital she had made an appointment with replied and set a time.

Could it be... because he saw this?

Ye Wan hurriedly called Gu Yunting, but when no one answered the first time, she called a second time.

This time Gu Yunting answered, but his voice was very cold, "What's the matter?"

"Are you angry because of the fact that I'm wearing the IUD? I can explain it." Ye Wan straightforwardly explained the reason for the call.

Gu Yunting raised his hand and rubbed his swollen eyebrows. In fact, he couldn't tell whether he was angry or distressed. Jin Lan told him that it would be very harmful for a woman to wear a contraceptive ring, so he never thought about letting her wear it. , even if it was more convenient, he never thought of it.

"I accidentally got pregnant before, and then I took it off. I didn't want to hurt my child anymore, so I went to wear a contraceptive ring... I don't mean anything else, I really just don't want to get pregnant again by accident."

"So when you saw that I was using contraceptive T, what were you thinking?" Gu Yunting asked back.

"I...I don't know how to tell you, I'm afraid you will get angry." Ye Wan said weakly.


"I want to make an appointment right now to give you a baby, so don't be angry, okay?" Ye Wan begged weakly and helplessly.

The phone was hung up, and Ye Wan didn't hear Gu Yunting's answer, she frowned a little depressed, a cup of milk tea was handed to her, Ye Wan looked up and saw Jun Lichen standing beside her, her face instantly flushed red, "What's the matter with you? How can you eavesdrop on people!"

"This is the school. If you can be here, so can I. It can't be considered eavesdropping." Jun Lichen handed the milk tea to her again.

"No! Go away!" Ye Wan was really angry. Thinking of what she said to Gu Yunting just now, she frowned and stared at him, "How much did you hear?"

"I heard everything. I heard that you got pregnant by accident, miscarried again, wore a contraceptive ring, and now you are going to take it off to give birth to Gu Yunting." Jun Lichen had a mocking expression when he spoke.

"Shut up!" Ye Wan's face became ugly, and she didn't know how to deal with this situation, so she could only say angrily, "I tell you, you are not allowed to talk nonsense, or I will tell Gu Yunting to clean you up!"

"Ye Wan, you don't really want to give birth to Gu Yunting, do you?" Jun Lichen frowned at her.

"None of your business." Ye Wan turned around and left, Jun Lichen grabbed her arm and walked towards a place where there were few people.

"Let go, what on earth do you want?" Ye Wan wanted to withdraw her arm angrily, but Jun Lichen was so strong that he grabbed her and refused to let go.

Jun Lichen pulled her to a place where no one was around before letting her go, and said, "How much do you know about Gu Yunting? Do you know what he has been doing for the past few years since he disappeared? Do you know how many women he has? You Why do you think he asked you to give birth to him? Do you think it's because of love? You shouldn't be so naive, right?"

"No matter what his reason is, it has nothing to do with you! It's about me and Gu Yunting, and nothing about you." Ye Wan answered him firmly.

"You think I'm willing to take care of your affairs. I think you're too stupid to count the money for Gu Yunting who was cheated by him. It's impossible for Gu Yunting to marry you. Why do you want you to have children? Playing with you? You should wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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