Chapter 495
In the car.

Mrs. Gu's expression was cold, with deep hatred on her face, the servants on the side didn't dare to say anything, so they could only lower their heads to minimize their sense of existence.

"Now he dared to lie to me because of that girl! It's really a step up."

"Madam, the young master is still very filial to you." The servant persuaded in a low voice.

"It's just a bastard, is he worthy of being filial! If it wasn't for his mother, how could I have such a miserable life!" Mrs. Gu said the deepest secret in her heart in a hurry.

"Madam, speak carefully." The servant was taken aback, that secret must not be revealed, if the young master finds out, no one knows what will happen.

Madam Gu calmed down and knew that she had said something she shouldn't have said. She looked ugly, "It's all because of him."

"Madam, Ye Wan is just an insignificant villain, don't get mad at her because of her."

"Hmph, it's this kind of villain who makes people disgusting, just like that woman back then!" Madam Gu clenched her hands tightly into fists. The reason why she hated Ye Wan was not because Ye Wan looked a bit like that bitch. !

"Madam, if you really don't like Ye Wan, just get rid of her. Don't make yourself angry." The servant has been with Madam Gu for more than 20 years, so he naturally knows her heart. Since she hates that face Just take it away, in her opinion, the young master will not disobey his wife.

"You don't understand, Ah Ting won't agree. If you really want to get rid of Ye Wan, you have to find another way." Madam Gu's eyes flashed with thought.


It was past ten o'clock when Ye Wan returned to Gu's house. Sun Ma asked her if she had eaten and if she wanted to get her some supper, but Ye Wan said no.

The little tiger woke up when he heard her footsteps, and ran towards her crookedly, apparently just woken up, and finally stumbled in front of Ye Wan.

Ye Wan, "..."

"Xiao Wan, you haven't named the little tiger yet, and you don't know what to call it. You can give it a name." Sun Ma suggested that she was also very sad about Xiao Jinbao's death, but she still hoped that Ye Wan Can come out as soon as possible.

Ye Wan looked at the yellow fur on the little tiger, thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Juzuo."

Mama Sun thought this name was a bit strange, but as long as Ye Wan was willing to name the little tiger, it meant that she would begin to accept the existence of the little tiger, and gradually forget about Xiao Jinbao's death.

"Orange seat, you have a name, do you know?" Grandma Sun said with a smile.

The little tiger tilted his head and looked at his master with a look of ignorance. He didn't know what his name was. He ran over and rubbed his big head against his master's leg with a flattering expression.

Ye Wan looked at the little milk tiger, squatted down to stroke its head for the first time, and the little tiger's eyes lit up instantly as if happily licking its owner's hand, happily rolling on the ground, showing its belly to show The master touches.

Seeing how it was trying to please her, Ye Wan's heart softened completely, she reached out and picked up the little guy, and carried it upstairs like a baby.

Seeing that Ye Wan finally accepted the new little tiger, Mama Sun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Happiness came so suddenly, the little tiger stared at its beautiful master with round eyes, and the corners of its mouth suddenly turned up. Ye Wan thought it was funny, and stretched out her finger to scratch its chin.

The little tiger narrowed his eyes happily and enjoyed it.

In the bedroom, Ye Wan put the little tiger down and let it play by itself, and Ye Wan went to take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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