Chapter 496 Do you want to commit suicide?

While taking a bath, thinking of what Gu Yunting did today, she felt a dull pain in her heart. She raised her hand to cover the place where her heart was, and her beautiful brows frowned. Why did she feel uncomfortable?Did she fall in love with him?

impossible!How is this possible?Ye Wan immediately denied this idea, she just...just felt sad because he was with another woman even though he was clearly her legal husband now.

Ye Wan noticed her abnormal emotions, quickly closed her eyes and turned her body down, submerging her head completely in the water.

A hand suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the water. Ye Wan was trying to calm herself down when someone grabbed her and startled her. She choked on the water and almost choked her to death. .

Her coughing cheeks were flushed, staring at the man who suddenly appeared, and wanted to say that he wanted to murder, but she couldn't say a word.

Gu Yunting quickly patted her on the back, frowned and said, "You want to commit suicide?"

"You're the one who wants to commit suicide. I'm taking a bath." Ye Wan was so mad at him that she splashed water on him.

Gu Yunting grabbed her messy little hand, "You are getting more and more courageous."

"You almost choked me to death just now, and I can't take revenge." Ye Wan also glared at him angrily, but with her moist black eyes and red cheeks, it was not convincing, like Acting like a baby.

"Come out, sleep." Gu Yunting got up and left the bathroom.

Ye Wan looked at the man who just left in surprise, and looked down at her body... If she remembered correctly, this was the first time he... saw her body not making out with him.

Although she didn't think about it... but he made her feel very uncomfortable. Does he have no interest in his body?

Ye Wan felt inexplicably sad.

When she came out, Gu Yunting had already changed into her pajamas and was lying on the bed. Little Juzuo was pawing at the bed and trying to look at the person on the bed. Gu Yunting ignored it, and it couldn't get up. After being sent out the door, he closed the door and went back to the bed and lay down.

In the past, Gu Yunting would ignore her objections and hug her into his arms, but today he didn't move at all, just lying quietly on his side, Ye Wan's chest was even more congested, she suddenly turned around and looked to the side The well-behaved man beside him, Gu Yunting also looked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Wan, "..."

He still has the face to ask what's wrong?
Ye Wan was so angry that she quickly turned her back to him.

Gu Yunting, "..."

His chest hurts very much now, the blood has been surging, and the wound hurts like a tear. Jin Lan originally refused to let him come back, but what happened tonight made him feel scared.

If she was with him today, she would be the one who got shot.

Gu Yunting found that he couldn't accept that something happened to her.

Ye Wan thought she couldn't fall asleep, but in fact she fell asleep in less than half an hour, but fell asleep out of anger, because of anger, her brows were furrowed when she slept.

Gu Yunting looked at the frowning brows, and raised his hand in distress to gently caress the wrinkles between her brows, trying to smooth them out.

Fingertips caressed her browbones, eyes, cheeks, nose, mouth, and finally pinched her chin, but still couldn't hold back and leaned over to kiss her alluring little mouth.


The next day, when Ye Wan woke up, Gu Yunting was no longer by her side, she sat up annoyed, took the phone and wanted to ask him what he meant now.

(End of this chapter)

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