Chapter 497 She Really Is Being Passionate

Turning around, he saw a small box on his pillow.

Ye Wan brought the box over. The crocodile leather box looked very luxurious. Curious about what was inside, she opened the box. In the morning light, she closed her eyes because of the bright light. She wondered if she appeared Hallucination, why did she seem to see the ruby ​​crown that Gu Yunting spent [-] million to photograph yesterday?
She took the box to the backlight, and sure enough, it was the crown he took yesterday.

Brilliant broken diamonds, rubies like pigeon blood, the classic design is more exquisite and gorgeous, especially in the sun, the brilliance of the streamer is fascinating.

What woman doesn't like jewelry?Ye Wan was no exception, but didn't Gu Yunting take this crown for Yan Jiayi?How could it be placed on his pillow? Could it be that he forgot to take it away?
Although Ye Wan thought so, she slowly moved the crown into the morning light. Under the light and shadow, the crown was dazzling, and the whole bedroom shone brightly.

After playing enough, she put the crown back into the box, took the phone and called Gu Yunting.

Gu Yunting answered quickly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"You forgot to bring your crown, won't your Miss Yan be angry with you?" Ye Wan listened to his answer holding her breath.

"Who told you that I took pictures for her?" Gu Yunting replied lightly.

"Then who did you take the photos for?" Ye Wan asked and waited for his answer with anticipation.


"Can't I take a picture and collect it?"

Ye Wan, "..."

She immediately hung up the phone, sure enough, she shouldn't have expected this kind of stallion.

Although she didn't really want his crown worth [-] million, but...she still had some expectations in her heart, and she was different in his heart.

Now it has been proved that she is really being self-indulgent.


Jiang Jingxiu finally found the person who plotted against Gu Yunting, and finally found out that it was done by an uncle of the Gu family. He saw that Gu Yunting made another big business this time, and the old Gu family was almost collapsed by Gu Yunting's suppression. He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to get rid of Gu Yunting altogether.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yunting survived, and he wanted to kill the woman Gu Yunting cared about the most. When Yan Jiayi was shot, Gu Yunting still pulled her. The bullet missed the vital point, and Yan Jiayi also took his life.

At this moment, Gu Yunting's uncle has been secretly arrested by Jiang Jingxiu.

When Gu Yunting arrived, the uncle had been beaten half to death, his body was covered in blood, his clothes were pulled into strips and hung on his body, and he was already in a semi-comatose state.

Holding a bloody whip in his hand, Jiang Jingxiu raised the man's chin and asked with a smile, "Tell me, did you conspire in this matter?"

"Little bastard...little bastard...the bastard who has forgotten his ancestors, damn it!" Although Tang Shu was about to lose consciousness, he still cursed Gu Yunting.

Gu Yunting is also a vengeful one. Back then, his father cheated on the sun and caused his mother to suffer from depression. She jumped off a building while holding her younger sister. One died and the other was injured. The boy resorted to a trick to drive his biological father out of the capital!
He hates that man, that man is the helm of the Gu family, so he has tried his best to suppress the old Gu family these years, created a group by himself, and trained his own bodyguards and dark guards. He grew rapidly like a devil, and suppressed the old Gu family. There is less and less living space.

Especially since the beginning of this year, Gu Yunting's crazier revenge has caused huge losses to the interests of everyone in the Gu family. Those people jumped over the wall in a hurry. This person is not the first to stand up and want to kill Gu Yunting, but he is the first to show it Came out to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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