Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 12 Super Galactic Legend·End

Chapter 12 Super Galactic Legend·End
In the majestic and majestic golden light, the twelve Ultra warriors lined up one by one, facing the giant monster Peleudora formed by Belia without fear.

"Damn it! How could this happen?" Not only was Peleudora's right to control being snatched by a Leonix from the earth, causing him to be unable to move, he was even burned tens of thousands of years ago, causing him to be reduced to what he is now. All the plasma sparks accepted a kid who didn't look like he was even [-] years old.

In any case, Beria could not accept this fact.

"Let me tell you why, Beria!" Sai Luo, headed by the Twelve Warriors, pointed at Beria and told him loudly why this is the case: "This is the heart of Ultra that you gave up. The power of light is also the power of light!"

Under the leadership of Sai Luo, the rest of the Ultra fighters began to accumulate strength, preparing to launch an attack to defeat the weak point that An Nuoqi told everyone before.

The first generation of Ultraman directly raised his hands unpretentiously, crossed the knives in his left and right hands to form a cross, and fired a colorful destructive light from his right hand to attack the big horn on the right of Peleutora:
"Spexium Rays!"

Ultraman Seven first concentrated the energy of his whole body, and then combined his hands into an L-shape. From the fingertips of his right palm to his right elbow, he emitted a very wide range of destructive rays to attack the big horn on the left of Peleutora:
"Collect light!" (Speaking of which, Qi Ye is the first Ultra warrior in the Ultra series to emit light in an L-shaped posture.)
Ultraman Ace gathers energy from the energy hole on the top of his head, then raises his hands above his head to operate the energy transformation, makes seven-color energy and rubs it in his hands, and finally forms a huge golden vertical crescent light knife and flies to Beleuto Pulling the wings, directly chopped off the pair of big and useless wings that took a lot of energy to control:

"The ultimate guillotine!"

Eddie Altman first puts out the energy-gathering action of raising his left arm and stretching his right arm horizontally to one side, and then combines his hands into an L-shape (sometimes there are also reverse-L-shape occasions) and emits a powerful energy light to hit Beleudora's right knee:
"Shakusum Ray!"

Here, Brother Leo, Astra squatted down on one knee in front, and Leo stood behind, then Astra first raised his arms together to accumulate the energy of the destructive light, and then Leo clasped his palms together to release the destructive light, To attack Peleudora's abdomen:

"Ultra Double Flash!"

And Ultraman Mebius ignited flames all over his body and transformed into the form of a burning hero, and then ignited a large flame near Bemonstein, which was blazing and pounced on Peleutora's head:
"Mebius Bomb!"

Ultraman Dyna combined his hands into a cross-shaped firing posture, gathered enough light energy, and fired a high-heat blue light from his right hand to Peleutora's left knee:
"Soljet Light!"

It was the first time for Anuoqi to face the enemy and prepare to release light to attack. Anuoqi watched everyone cover Sailo and launch her strongest attack on Peleudora. After much deliberation, she put her hands together and drew from bottom to top Spread the circle flat, and stick the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the two hands together, and from the triangle gesture in the middle, a golden triangular impact laser beam is fired at Peleutora's left elbow: (similar to Dragon Ball The gesture of the Tianjin rice qigong cannon inside)
"Annoqi bursts the light!"

Even Lei, who was manipulating the giga-fighting instrument to restrain Belial, once again summoned Gomora, who had evolved into an EX form, and let it emit a powerful shock wave from its whole body to the giant mouth of Belial:
"Gomorra! Super Vibration Wave!"

Even the Panlong fired its strongest beam attack from the muzzle, and combined with the super vibration wave released by Lei's EX Gomora, it shot at Peleudora's big mouth:

"Pedanim Ray!"

While Beria was struggling to hold on, Hades looked at Anuoqi, who was constantly emitting light but didn't realize that her energy was gradually turning to the dark side, and sighed deeply, then raised her hands and exploded from her wrist armor. Throwing a thick golden ray:

"Abusolut, no, it should be called Hades Impact now!"

Belia, who had been attacked from all directions to his weak parts, was in great pain, but the powerful ray pierced through Beleudora's chest by Hades made him completely lose all resistance. Hack over by yourself.

Wielding the three-sun moon-shaped giant sword shining with emerald green light in his hand, Sai Luo slammed the plasma spark slash on Belia's chest, which could not be dodged, causing him to howl in pain.

"Damn it! I will never agree with it, don't think it's over! Sai Luo!!!" While screaming, Beria yelled unwillingly.

"Hmph! No matter how many times, I will stop your ambition!" Facing Beria's curse-like words before his death, Sai Luo increased the strength of Sai Luo's double swords in his hand, and completely slashed Cut down and kill Beria.

"I am—I am—Immortal——" shouted the last words full of resentment, and Belia's figure disappeared into the hole above Beludora's head.

Accompanied by Beria's death, the already broken Beryudora was finally unable to resist the combined attacks of many Ultraman, and gradually disintegrated amidst incomprehensible mixed roars.

Amidst the bursts of explosions caused by the collapsing Peleutora, Sai Luo took the lead and left the monster cemetery with plasma sparks in hand, followed by a group of Ultraman who also set off.

Mebius, at the end of the team, was very responsible. He made a spherical mask with both hands, and took the Panlong, which was underpowered, with Lei to the Kingdom of Light.



Over the dead and silent Kingdom of Light, a warm light whizzed past in the hands of a young Ultra warrior.

Moments later, a pair of blue hands carefully inserted the plasma spark where it had been taken.

Looking at Tai Luo who is still frozen, but uses the last flame to protect the light of hope in the Kingdom of Light, Sai Luo is also filled with emotion.

But in the end, Sai Luo didn't say anything, just turned his head and left coolly.

After Sai Luo's back disappeared from the plasma spark tower, the warm light lit up on the top of the tower again, and the kingdom of light, which was blocked by ice and dead, began to recover again.

The first to wake up was Taylor, who was closest to the plasma spark. He looked around in a daze, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Tai Luo raised his head to look at the two figures who were also gradually waking up in front of him, and happily went forward: "Father, mother, you are all safe! It's great!"

The stable father of Ultra just smiled to indicate that he was fine, while Mother of Ultra blamed Taro after nodding in relief: "Tayro, you child! Why don't you think about Taiga now? Really of!"

Hearing Mother of Ultra's accusation, Taro couldn't laugh or cry, he could only hold his nose and admit it: "Uh, mother, what you taught me is that I'll go see how Taiga is doing in a while."

"Not yet! Go now!"



Similar warm scenes are staged in various places in the Kingdom of Light. Fortunately, the residents of the Kingdom of Light are not greedy for life and fear of death, and they will not leave their wives and children behind while taking refuge, so as not to stage a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety .

Even Sophie, who had been knocked unconscious by Belia before, woke up, supported the cracked ground and got up slowly, and the red timer that had been blinking on her chest turned back to blue.

Only a group of members of the Space Guard in front of the entrance of the Plasma Spark Tower looked at each other behind the thaw, and some couldn't understand that they were fighting the mighty King Gulant before, why did that guy disappear in a blink of an eye?

On the top of the tall tower in the distance, Sai Luo stood on the top of the tower and looked down at the thriving scenery of the Kingdom of Light below. He folded his arms in satisfaction: "Well! This is the scenery that the Kingdom of Light should have!"

As soon as the words fell, Sai Luo was kicked from behind by someone, and he almost fell off without standing still.

Turning around angrily, Sai Luo just wanted to say that I was the hero who saved the Kingdom of Light, who would dare to stretch out his foot and kick me? !
Then Sai Luo saw his father Ultraman Seven standing behind him, with a serious face but also a faint smile: "Sai Luo, don't stand there and look at the scenery, hurry to the silver Square, King Ultra has something to say!"

Scratching his head helplessly, Sai Luo had no choice but to follow his father's footsteps: "Oh! I know!"

In the gentle light, the backs of the two Ultramans are so similar and warm.



On the Silver Square, accompanied by the gathering of Ultraman, the King of Ultra in a cloak slowly walked out from behind the podium.

Looking at the Ultra warriors who fought to the last moment below, the King of Ultra waved proudly and said:

"All Ultra fighters! We finally regained the power of justice and stood here again."

With the cloak fluttering behind him, Father and Mother of Ultra led Terozofi to look up at the King of Ultra in reverence.

"But this does not mean that all evil forces have been eliminated. There are still various threats lurking in the universe."

Eddie stood with Julian, Ace, and the first generation, and also looked up at the King of Ultra.

"In order to save the weak, we must continue to fight bravely as in the past!"

Naios and Seven 21 looked at each other and smiled, and standing between them was Boyi, a child who looked up and admired so much.

"This is the eternal mission of our Ultra Clan!"

Parvat, Gray and other Ultraman also gathered together to listen to the teachings of the King of Ultra.

"Fight for the future, warriors of the Kingdom of Light! For peace and justice, and at the same time, for the future of the entire universe!"

With Sero and Seven taking the lead, the Ultramans applauded and cheered.



Looking at Anuoqi who was bathed in the light of plasma sparks but didn't know it, Hades sighed in relief and helplessness:

"In the past few years, I have sighed more than I have been awake for thousands of years. Is this what it feels like to raise a new life? It seems that Mephilas is right. No matter how powerful the power is, sometimes Helpless."

Having said that, Hades felt that the dark aura on Anuoqi's body was gradually decreasing, and her own energy was gradually becoming stronger, so she nodded in relief.

Well, that's not bad, isn't it?
While thinking this way, Hades quietly left Anuoqi who was still watching the excitement, and went to the high platform of the Silver Square alone.



On the high platform, the King of Otto and Hades sat opposite each other in a bright room, holding chess pieces in their hands, and they played happily.

Hades casually ate a soldier of the King of Ultra, and said lightly:
"How? Next, An Nuoqi and I will be responsible for the protection of the earth. After absorbing the energy of the plasma spark, An Nuoqi's strength has increased a lot, and even if she encounters an enemy she can't solve, With my strength, unless the Lebrondo star is resurrected, the earth is guaranteed to be safe and sound."

Backhanded to get rid of Hades' approaching phase, the King of Otto didn't immediately agree:

"To be honest, in order to become a qualified Ultra fighter, in addition to your own hard power, you also need to study hard about various monsters, cosmic people and even inorganic life forms. You must have a certain understanding of the various laws and regulations of the Federation, as well as the history of each planet, how much does this girl An Nuoqi know?"

Moving the chess pieces and continuing to approach King Ultra's king chess, Hades is still unhurried:
"I have played the knowledge about monsters, cosmic people, and even inorganic life forms in the form of educational cartoons since Anuoqi was very young, and I know the laws and regulations of the Cosmic Federation very well, so I can help Anuoqi deal with them. "

Pausing for a moment to think about it, King of Ultra then moved a pawn that seemed to have nothing to do with the battle situation:
"That's true. According to your strength and knowledge, even a strong man at the level of Jian (the real name of Otto's father) will not get any benefits if he rushes to the earth, and the newly resurrected Yabo people will not cause you any harm. Threats to life..."

Sensing that there was something in the King of Ultra's words, Hades moved the chess piece one step closer:
"Is there a problem with the defense force? Over there, I have already found the human beings I was familiar with decades ago and made preparations. When the new defense force is established, An Nuoqi can join in, and there is no need to worry about her superiors doubting her identity." kind of problem."

Seemingly unintentionally lifting the pawn outside the battle, the King of Otto gently put it on the board, directly blocking all the retreats of King Hades's pawn, and his other pawns were too deep to return. aid:
"What I'm worried about is spiritual maturity. Whether it's you or An Nuoqi, you need to grow further spiritually. Besides, human beings are not such kind creatures. Although they are interesting because of their contradictions, they may backfire if they are not careful. Maybe even the person who manipulates the chess pieces."

It seems that Hades was unwilling to give up after finding out that his Wangqi was indeed cornered:
"This...you don't have to worry about it. Even if it's another timeline, it has nothing to do with me. The past has passed. If you are worried about An Nuoqi..."

Finding that he really couldn't make a comeback, Hades had no choice but to throw the flag and admit defeat:

"I have the ability to deal with those who are out of control, and I have this determination."

After a moment of silence, King of Ultra reached out and picked up the black and white pieces on the chessboard with Hades:

"In that case, let's do this first."

(It was recommended on the Internet, everyone, please collect and give tickets. In return, I will double-update this week every day-that is, [-] words per day!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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