Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 13 Its Name is UNT Beginning

Chapter 13 Its Name is UNT Beginning

August [-]th, this day is destined to become a day in the history of the earth.

On this day, the Yabo people who were confirmed to be eliminated by the former Earth Defense Force GUYS revived. On the day when the new Earth Defense Force held a new technology full moon technology press conference, they attacked the venue with a technology that had not been shown before, and caused five All the members of the Earth Defense Force who were in charge of guarding the venue died.

But it was also on this day that new Ultra fighters descended on the earth and heroically defeated King Gezilla who was controlled by the Yapo people and attacked the venue.

The Defense Force, which was reorganized according to the requirements of the superior leaders, also hired a cosmonaut as a team consultant for the first time in history, creating a precedent for the Defense Force.

In any case, 2037 is destined to start on August [-]th, and it will no longer be ordinary.


One and a half months after the Yabo people's recovery incident, a huge and advanced sea base with a sense of technology was completed in the military restricted zone located in the central Pacific Ocean.

The newly formed Earth Defense Force has a famous name - United Nation Team (United Team), referred to as UNT, is to convene members of the army from all over the world and select from the United States, France, Russia, Germany to reserve The players form a solid elite team.

At this moment, the five team members, led by their captain, were standing outside the command room anxiously and curiously, wondering in their hearts what kind of posture the legendary cosmic being who became an advisor to the defense team for the first time would look like.

Unlike the four team members who had their own concerns, the female Asian captain who led the team seemed much calmer.After she coughed lightly to remind the team members to pay attention, she reached out and politely pressed the call button.

The next moment, a lazy and indifferent voice came from the beeper:
"A new team member? Come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy door of the command room slowly slid open to both sides, revealing what should be a mysterious scene in the hearts of the team members inside——

——I saw a sad-faced cosmic man covered in gold and silver, pressing a white-haired woman who was wearing a team uniform on the upper body and only a pair of black leather pants that did not reach the knee on the lower body. Patted with pity:
"What did we say? Huh? The three chapters of the agreement are all fake, or did you not take it seriously at all? When I first came to the defense team, I hooked up with the little girl in the logistics. Can you let me live in peace for a while?!"

"Dad! It hurts! Don't hit me, can't I be wrong?!"

Seeing this situation, the five elites from all over the world retreated tacitly, and then watched the door slowly close, covering up the magical reality inside.

After a long silence, the female team member from Russia couldn't help but ask the captain: "Captain Junjian Weiyang..."

Before finishing speaking, the Asian female captain raised her hand to signal her to stop talking: "Natasha team member, don't say anything, don't ask anything, because I can't figure out what's going on..."

And the rest of the team members also look at me and I look at you, and they don't know what to say.

Just when everyone was silent, a charming female voice with a little choking and embarrassment came from the intercom:

"Several, please forget what happened just now, and then I will open the door to let you in."

Hearing this voice, the intermediary captain hesitated for a moment, then reached out and pressed the communication button: "Okay, I'll thank you then."

So, under the leadership of the intermediary captain, everyone entered the command room one by one, and then stood in a line with their heads held high, showing their best side to the aliens.

At this time, the white-haired woman was rubbing her buttocks and swaggeringly sitting on the round table in the command room. When she saw everyone coming in and wanted to say something, she was glared at by the gold and silver universe man and had to shut her mouth.

Seeing the unreliable white-haired woman being firmly suppressed by the gold and silver cosmic people, everyone felt a big stone in their hearts.

Afterwards, the captain took the lead, stepped forward and stretched out his right hand to the gold and silver universe: "Hello, I am the captain of this UNT team, and I am Weiyo from Japan. Please give me more advice in the future."

"Oh." Stretching out a hand lightly to hold the outstretched right hand of the captain in the middle, the gold and silver cosmonaut waved it up and down perfunctorily and then lazily responded: "I am the last survivor of a group from a certain destroyed planet, Absolut Hades, during your stay on Earth, will assist you in your daily activities as a non-staff member of UNT, please give me your advice.”

After saying this, Hades immediately pointed to An Nuoqi, who was looking at the middle captain and Natasha's team members with great interest:

"This is An Nuoqi, the adopted daughter I adopted many years ago. This time, as a member of the defense team, I will follow your command and actions, the intermediary captain. Please use her well."

Upon hearing this, An Nuoqi was immediately unhappy:
"Father! Don't treat me like an object, okay?!"

The intermediary captain was keenly aware of the deep and subtle feelings between the two, so he responded to An Nuoqi with a smile: "No problem, then, let me start the introduction here?"

Saying so, Captain Junjian took a step forward and began to introduce himself: "My name is Miyo Junma, from the Japanese Earth Defense Force branch, because Japan has long-term experience in fighting monsters and cooperating with Ultraman, so Choose me to lead the whole team. Please teach me more from the three of you in the future."

"Oh!" An Nuoqi came down from the table with a smile, stepped forward to hold the captain's hand, and said that she had heard about the Japanese Defense Forces for a long time: "Dad often talked to me about his work in GUYS I hope that I can also establish a close cooperative relationship with everyone like him!"

As for the word intimacy, how to understand it may vary from person to person.

The intermediary captain smiled and nodded, expressing that he had the same thought: "Me too, then please invite Trela ​​from the United States to introduce myself."

After the intermediary captain finished speaking, the tall blond guy in the second place showed a warm smile, waved to Anuoqi and said, "Hello, mysterious Miss Anuoqi. I am Trela ​​from the Republic of America on Earth. I used to be responsible for the research and development of man-made monsters in the U.S. Department of Defense, and now I am selected to UNT as the man-made monster controller to help protect our planet."

Although she is relatively unfamiliar with countries other than Japan, An Nuoqi still shook hands with Trela ​​with a smile. He grinned in pain after An Nuoqi walked to the next person, thinking that the intermediary captain is worthy of being the captain. Faced with this powerful handshake, he didn't change his face.

After walking in front of the next tall, blond, but ambitious woman, the middle captain raised his hand and made an introduction: "This is Natasha from Russia, Natasha, please. "

Standing at attention with a snap, Natasha grinned at Anuoqi who was full of interest, showing her neat white teeth and said with a smile: "Hello, Miss Anuoqi, I am Natasha from Russia. The Air Force served as an ace pilot, and now, in response to the call of the motherland, he came to UNT to contribute his own strength, and let us live in harmony in the future!"

"Oh!" Anuoqi saw that Natasha was very compatible with the personality and appearance of the type she was most interested in, so she shook hands with her happily, and Natasha was the only one in UNT who really shook hands with Anuoqi A player who doesn't change his face.

However, when An Nuoqi was happy to meet a target that fit her appetite, Hades, who looked down at the file, made a discordant voice: "Then what, interrupt, I read that Miss Natasha is only 27 years old , but ten years of flying experience?"

Hearing Hades' indifferent words, the hulking Natasha continued to shake hands with Anuoqi, while grinning at Hades: "It's because I showed a talent for flying when I was young, so I was born at the age of 17." Served in the Russian Air Force."

Hades nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, and then said nothing more.

Seeing that Hades didn't ask any more questions, the intermediary captain led Anuoqi to the next young man with black hair and blue eyes: "This is Mr. Hans from Germany. Mr. Hans, please."

After listening to the intermediary captain's words, Hans immediately made a standard UN etiquette gesture, and then introduced himself sternly: "Hi Miss Anuoqi, I am Hans Müller from Germany. I was in the United Nations before. The Defense Force is responsible for testing the latest models of aircraft and maintenance work. Now I accept the transfer of the United Nations and come to UNT to continue my work. Please give me more advice!"

Regarding Hans' rigid behavior, An Nuoqi looked at the intermediary captain with some doubts: "That... this Mr. Hans seems... very serious?"

Before the intermediary captain could explain something to An Nuoqi, the male team member who was behind Hans, that is, the male team member at the end of the line suddenly burst out laughing: "Hey, you Germans are too rigid and have no sense of humor. Look, not only we French think so, even the little girl adopted by the aliens thinks the same way, hahaha!"

Following the team member's booing, Trela ​​and Natasha couldn't help laughing, and even the intermediary captain couldn't help laughing, and the command room was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Facing the ridicule of the male team members, Hans just said plainly: "It's much better to have no sense of humor than a guy who just stays in bed all year round."

The male team members were immediately unhappy when they heard this: "What do you know? How can the rigid Germans understand the romantic feelings of our elegant French nobles?"

Seeing that the two team members had a tendency to quarrel, the intermediary captain hurriedly intervened: "Okay, okay, team Hans, team Leo, don't quarrel as soon as you meet, hurry up and complete the self-introduction with An Nuoqi and Hades Bar!"

When Hans saw the captain start trying to persuade him to fight, he immediately closed his mouth, while Leo muttered a few words and then stopped. He tossed a strand of curly hair on his forehead and showed a charming smile at Anuoqi: "Bonjour (Hello)! Charming Miss Fermina, I am Leo, a beautiful man from France. I have been flying a fighter plane in the French Air Force before soaring in the blue sky. I have to say that I am able to come to UNT to meet the beautiful Miss Fermina. On the one hand, I am really honored.”

Hearing Leo's self-introduction, Hades next to Anuoqi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

This kid... But An Ke is not interested in men.

After the five of them introduced themselves, An Nuoqi looked around curiously: "By the way, the intermediary captain, I remember that except for the three of us, UNT has a total of six members, where is the rest?" ?”

As soon as the words fell, An Nuoqi saw that the expressions of several of her teammates became a little subtle.

The first reaction was that she said something wrong, An Nuoqi touched the back of her head in embarrassment, and then apologized heartlessly: "Ah, I'm sorry, I really don't know what's going on, the matter of six people is also the same. I didn't know until my dad told me, and I'm sorry if I made everyone unhappy."

As soon as these words came out, the team members headed by the intermediary captain comforted An Nuoqi and said, "It's okay, it's all right, the main reason is that the last team member is in a special situation, so we don't know how to answer An Nuoqi's question."

Hearing what the intermediary captain said, An Nuoqi became a little curious: "Then... is it because of a health problem?"

"No, no, no!" Natasha, who is young but not young, hastily waved her hand and said that it is not the case: "You misunderstood, the main reason is that the last team member is not human, so she is special."

Not human?

Hearing what Natasha said, An Nuoqi continued to ask curiously: "Excuse me, what is a monster? Dad, he doesn't seem to have encountered anything similar to a monster on Earth before?"

Facing An Nuoqi's question, the middle captain answered her question: "In fact, as early as in the records of TAC (Super Beast Attack Team), there were mythical monsters similar to the bull god, but they were once considered to be Yapo people. A mutation caused by different energy. Later, in the records of the ZAT (Cosmic Science Guard), there was also a monster-like existence, that is, the Hades monster Enmago.”

(This book uses the Taylor TV world line. For the rather weird world line of Ultra Story, only some reasonable settings are used, such as the existence of Zhou Da, etc.)
Seeing that An Nuoqi was thinking about her words, the captain in the middle smiled slightly and continued to tell the details about the monsters: "It was also from the ZAT team that the United Nations began to pay attention to various myths and legends around the world, and dispatched them one by one. The personnel went to verify, and finally, we met a rational monster in a cave in a secret realm."

"After communicating with this monster, we learned that in ancient times, that is, more than 1 years ago, the earth was ruled by monsters. They each have human beings who protect them, and humans are responsible for admiring monsters. Provide the power of faith that will make the youkai stronger, and the youkai will also protect the humans under them from wild beasts and natural disasters."

"So in essence, monsters are also a kind of monsters, but they are not only rational, but also establish a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship with humans, so they have left countless legends in human history."

(End of this chapter)

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