Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 14 Its Name is UNT Final

Chapter 14 Its Name is UNT Final

Hearing this, An Nuoqi became even more curious, but she did not interrupt the intermediary captain, but continued to listen patiently.

"But with the changes of the times, human beings' belief in monsters has become weaker and weaker, and monsters have gradually become weaker. In modern times, monsters have also realized that human beings are already powerful enough and no longer need their own. Therefore, they either hide in seclusion and pretend to be human beings to live in silence, or they leave the earth and move to other places.”

"As for the troublesome and unwilling monsters, they are either sealed up, or eliminated by humans, and their beliefs are also erased."

"Over time, the behavior of belief in ancient times gradually evolved into a folk custom, and the monsters who stayed on the earth also kept their names incognito, and survived by directly ingesting food or energy."

After listening to the intermediary captain's words, Hades seemed to remember something, but he didn't show it.

And An Nuoqi, who was raised by Hades since she was a child, seemed to sense it, and subconsciously glanced at him, but she didn't see any problem.

After telling the information about the monsters that he knew, the intermediary captain noticed that An Nuoqi glanced at Hades, then turned her head and held his hands: "Captain, I didn't expect to see even this guy like daddy when I came to the defense army." An existence that has never been seen before, the UNT team is really amazing!"

The intermediary captain was also dumbfounded by Femina's lively and vigorous behavior, but he also had a good grasp of An Nuoqi's character: "Where, compared with the previous GUYS team, we all have our own strengths."

Just as the intermediary captain was about to continue to say a few words, the door of the command room suddenly opened, interrupting her words.

Then, a tall figure slowly walked into the command room with his head lowered.

After seeing the true face of the tall figure, An Nuoqi almost took a step back subconsciously, even Hades was quite surprised.

——I saw a very tall figure, the black threaded long horns on his head could almost touch the ceiling of the command room (about [-] meters tall, and the horns on his head were [-] cm.), the dark red skin made him She looked explosive, and the black whites of her eyes and golden animal pupils added a bit of viciousness.

In addition, a black and yellow tiger tail swayed slowly behind the tall woman, and a pair of round short animal ears on the short black hair showed her inhuman identity.

Perhaps seeing that An Nuoqi was a little nervous about herself, the tall woman grinned, showing her sharp canine teeth, and then stretched out her big hand with sharp nails. The golden skull makeup was faintly visible on the back of the hand: "You were brought together by the cosmic people." Are you an Anuoqi team member here? I am a monster from China, you can call me Qiongqi. The Earth Defense Forces see that I have a wealth of experience and ten thousand years of experience. Let me be the one who identifies monsters and decides whether they can be contained role, let us get along well in the future."

Hearing this, Anuoqi took a quick look at Qiongqi, then grabbed her big hand and shook it vigorously a few times to feel her strength: "Sorry, Miss Qiongqi, I have never heard of the existence of monsters before. I was a little rude when we first met, please forgive me."

Qiongqi laughed, and patted An Nuoqi's shoulder with his empty hand: "Where is this? Don't worry about it. Among the people who met me for the first time, you have already performed quite well! Haha !"

Looking at An Nuoqi with a flash of light in her eyes, Hades suddenly realized the girl's true intentions, and was about to say something when she was interrupted by the siren that sounded in the command room.

"Alert! Alert! Wild giant monsters have appeared on the Somala Islands in the Pacific Ocean, please UNT support as soon as possible, please UNT support as soon as possible!"

Facing the sudden sound of the siren, the intermediate captain calmly and calmly began to deploy their respective tasks: "Natasha, Hans and Leo! The three of you are each flying a new fighter plane Victory, and Qiongqi is responsible for identifying the monster code and judging Whether it can be captured safely, Trela ​​is responsible for debugging the man-made monster and is ready to release it at any time!"

"Received!" X5
After arranging the work of the members of the earthlings, the intermediary captain looked at Hades and Anuoqi and hesitated, but fortunately, Hades opened his mouth in time to help her: "Intermediate captain, according to the agreement signed with the Earth Defense Force, unless I When you are in danger or in a situation that cannot be resolved, you can't take action at will. In this case, let me and this girl, An, be responsible for evacuating the people!"

After thinking for a while, the intermediary captain immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, then please go out with Natasha and the others."

After being arranged, An Nuoqi just wanted to stand at attention and salute to say that she received it, when Hades stretched out her hand and pulled her towards her. After glancing at the coordinates on the giant screen in the command room, she declined the proposal of the intermediary captain: "No need Yes, captain intermediary. I have more convenient means."

After saying this, Hades raised his hands flat, opened a golden channel in a different space behind the two, and teleported himself and Anuoqi out of the command room in an instant.

For Hades' simple but somewhat arrogant behavior, the intermediary captain was also very helpless. Just when he wanted Qiongqi to call out the scene, the communication from An Nuoqi was displayed on the big screen.

After signaling Qiongqi to connect with An Nuoqi, the captain in the middle saw An Nuoqi's face appear on the screen: "Captain in the middle, we have arrived at the scene of the incident and are evacuating tourists and local residents who are traveling in the area. Is there anything I can do?"

At the same time, the cry of a scared child and Hades' depressed question came from An Nuoqi's side: "I said, Ann, do I look so scary now?"

"Of course... yes!"

"...Speaking of which, is this the scariest look in your mind?"

Seeing this, the intermediary captain sighed in his heart that Hades himself is different, and communicated with An Nuoqi through the microphone on the command position: "Good job, An Nuoqi. Can you see the monster now? If If you can, send us a picture of the monster!"

Following An Nuoqi's "Understood!", the image of a big monster running rampant in the mountains and heading towards the city was transferred to the big screen by her through the hand communicator.

Looking at the monster on the screen with its body full of folds like a bellows, its thick arms but its ridiculously thin head making a unique roar and walking towards the city, Qiongqi quickly recognized its individual race: "Yes Skeleton monster Red King! Judging from its size, it should be a male. According to the information given to me, it is likely to be disturbed by the tourism project developed in the deep mountains, so it came towards the city."

After the intermediary captain finished listening, he immediately asked Qiongqi: "Then what about the safety and territoriality of King Red?"

After quickly reading the information in the database, Qiongqi reported like this: "King Red is an extremely aggressive creature, no matter whether the opponent is a monster, a spaceman or an ordinary person, etc., King Red will take the initiative to meet the opponent, Even if the other party is not malicious, but it has strong limbs and a simple mind, it will only move within its own territory, and generally speaking, it will not voluntarily leave the territory."

After pondering for a while, the intermediary captain made a decision: "If this is the case, we can protect this Red King. The space on the Hawaiian Islands is more than enough to accommodate dozens of monsters. Natasha, Hans and Li Oh, find a way to deflect King Red's path, and then cooperate with Trela's artificial monster to capture it as much as possible!"

Hans and Leo immediately replied after hearing the words: "Received Captain!"

On the other hand, Natasha smacked her lips in pity, and then replied: "Understood! Captain! If there is no hope of capturing, can you use a fatal attack?"

The intermediary captain's answer was also very straightforward: "If there is no hope of capture, the use of deadly force is approved!"

After waiting for the intermediary captain to arrange her own affairs, Natasha subconsciously muttered: "I just don't know, will the female Ultraman from before appear again..."

Hearing Natasha's words, Leo nodded understandingly: "Yes, yes, I'm also very curious."

As for Hans, he didn't get involved in their conversation at all, and just reported to the intermediary captain in the communication channel: "Report to the captain, we have arrived at the scene and are about to release artificial monsters. Please confirm what kind of monsters need to be released. , and where is it placed?"

The intermediary captain in the command room nodded after listening to Hans' report, and then looked at Qiongqi who had checked the information: "Qongqi, what type of monster do you recommend to put in?"

Qiongqi, who was staring at the figure of Hades on the screen in a daze, came back to his senses after being called out by the captain in the middle, and then lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers to calm down: "According to the power characteristics of the skeleton monster Red King, I It is recommended to use the virtual Gomora to fight, firstly, it is beneficial to use strength to remove King Red from the expected route, and secondly, it can effectively consume King Red's physical strength."

The intermediary captain waited for Qiongqi to finish speaking, then looked at Trela ​​at the operator's seat: "Trela, allow the release of the full moon technology and release the virtual Gomora."

"OK!" Trela ​​made a gesture that was okay, and then began to operate on the instrument panel, while communicating with Hans and others through the communication channel: "Hans, please adjust the plane to Thunder 200 meters from Dewang's seven o'clock direction, where I will launch the virtual Gomorra."

"Received." After receiving Trela's instructions, Hans immediately began to adjust the position of the fuselage, moved to the position designated by Hans under the puzzled eyes of Red King's small eyes, and pressed a few buttons on the top of his head: " We have arrived at the preparation location, please release the virtual Gomorra."

At the same time, a particle emitter gradually expanded under Hans' plane, and Natasha and Leo kept playing noises on both sides of it in order to avoid King Red's sudden attack, attracting King Red's attention.

"Roger! Virtual Gomorrah, start launching!" As Trela ​​slammed down a lever, azure blue particles spiraled down from under Hans' fuselage, and then a mechanical creature full of high-tech sense gradually condensed out. Huge body.

(For the image, please refer to the Electronic Gomora in Ultraman X)

With the completion of the final particle construction, a yellow light flashed in the eyes of the mechanical creature, and then began to wave its arms and make an electric sound, walking towards King Red.

Seeing that the construction of Virtual Gomora was completed, Natasha and Leo, who were responsible for attracting Red King's attention, immediately drove the plane away from Red King, so that it immediately noticed the Virtual Gomora heading towards itself after losing its target.

King Red, who had a strong sense of territory, immediately let out a threatening roar, and then strode away from the direction he was heading, waving his thick arms and ran towards the Virtual Gomora.

There was a muffled sound of hitting the ground, and the arms of the virtual Gomora and King Red, who were fighting close to each other, hit each other, and then each took a few steps back.

As a creature, King Red naturally took a few steps back than the Virtual Gomorra, and it was very dissatisfied with this situation. After angrily roaring, it rushed up again to get entangled with the Virtual Gomora.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that King Red's defeat became more and more obvious as time went by. After fighting hard for 4 minutes, King Red finally lost his strength and was knocked to the ground by the claw of the virtual Gomora. Tasha and Leo took the opportunity to make up the knife, and passed out dizzily after being shot several times with anesthesia bullets.

The intermediary captain in the command room was also very satisfied with this situation: "Everyone has worked hard. From now on, we only need to send King Red to the monster protection base on the Hawaiian Islands."

Just when Anuoqi breathed a sigh of relief, and Hades looked at the gradually blurred virtual Gomora with great interest, a sudden change occurred in UNT!

Accompanied by a roar with a slightly softer tone, a boulder passed through the body of the virtual Gomora that had just been dismantled, and smashed straight towards Natasha's plane.

Fortunately, Natasha was worthy of her identity as an ace pilot, and she pulled the remote control lever with a quick reaction, barely avoiding the situation where the boulder directly hit the fuselage and caused the plane to be destroyed, but it scratched the wing, causing the plane to gradually out of control.

The intermediary captain in the command room was a little unbelievable: "Why did another one come out? Isn't King Red a creature with a strong sense of territory?"

Qiongqi quickly came to a conclusion after observing the physical characteristics of the newly appeared Red King: "This is just a female Red King! In other words, they are actually a couple, so they appear one after another!"

After evacuating the crowd, An Nuoqi looked at the crumbling plane, and quickly recalled the feeling when Hades stimulated her transformation. After a short period of time, she comprehended almost everything and put her hands together in front of her chest, and then completed the transformation in the dazzling light. Transformed, quickly flew up to catch the plane that Natasha was driving that was about to go out of control.

"It's...the Ultraman from before?!"

After nodding to Natasha in the cockpit, Anuoqi gently put the plane in a safe place, then jumped up to the newly appeared female Red King, and kicked from the master Leo. The learned Yan-style flying kick directly hit the head of the female Red King, making her foaming at the mouth as soon as she rolled her eyes, and was kicked unconscious on the ground.

"Eh?! That's it!?"

Dazed for a moment, Anuoqi confirmed that the female Red King was indeed in a coma, and took off and left here inexplicably.

And Hades on the ground also patted his forehead helplessly: "This is King Red, not Ultraman Leo. Such a big head was hit directly by your Yan-style flying kick. Is the rough meat thicker?!"

(End of this chapter)

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