Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 15 The Call from the Abyss Beginning

Chapter 15 The Call from the Abyss Beginning
(This episode has a tribute to Tiga)
A week later, the Earth Defense Force detected an unknown object, a large object suspected of being a meteorite, falling from the universe and falling into the abyss of the earth's seabed - the Mariana Trench.

At first, the Earth Defense Force sent unmanned robots capable of withstanding the pressure of [-] meters of seabed to dive to the seabed for detection, but they disconnected after vaguely seeing a huge silhouette.

Since then, the Earth Defense Force has adopted a variety of methods other than manned diving to conduct investigations, but all of them returned without success.

But these investigations also allowed the Earth Defense Force to find out the reason why the drone lost contact - hundreds of meters outside the unknown object, there is a layer of electromagnetic waves that is likely to be emitted by itself. Although the frequency and radiation intensity are not large, but It is enough to burn through the surface circuit of the drone, so that the human-controlled machinery will lose the signal as soon as it approaches an unknown object.

After intense discussions, in order to avoid uncontrollable situations, and to ascertain the unknown object that fell into the Mariana Trench as soon as possible to quell public doubts, the senior officials of the Earth Defense Force decided to send three elites of the Earth Defense Force to control the The new "Trieste" deep submersible built with new technology dived to the bottom of the trench for exploration.

Therefore, on October [-]th, the new "Trieste" deep submersible carried three defense force elites, two men and one woman, and started the latest round of human manual reconnaissance of the Mariana Trench.



On the deep seabed, a round-headed submersible coated with dark silver anti-corrosion agent is slowly and cautiously moving forward in the current two or three meters away from the seabed.

In the large cab, a blond woman pressed the button of the communicator and communicated with the recovery ship on the sea: "Headquarters, this is Mary. We have dived to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and now we are ready to start Carry out artificial exploration activities, OVER!"

Amidst the stinging electric current, the reply from the recovery ship sounded in the cab after a while: "The team received it, the team received it, please act carefully, we don't know the situation of the giant unknown object yet, so be careful!"

After replying "Roger", Mary hung up the communicator, turned around and looked at her two teammates: "Mike, Genzu, we are now starting to carry out manual detection operations, please open their respective message systems in case something unexpected happens Feedback the situation on the spot."

Hearing Mary's words, the two men from Europe and Asia quickly opened the message system on their bodies, and Mike also teased Mary: "Mary, you are a person with children, why are you taking risks with us? ?”

After also opening her message system, Mary gave Mike a reproachful look: "Mike! This kind of thing that is related to the safety of the earth is what we should do as a member of the Defense Force. Who has no relatives at home? Do I want to Do you want someone else to bet your life for me who was the best choice?"

Mike immediately shrank his head from Mary's scolding, scratched his head embarrassingly and laughed: "I'm sorry, I owe you, Captain Mary, please forgive me."

As he said that, Mike slapped himself lightly on the mouth: "It's all this broken mouth, it should be slapped!"

The black-haired and yellow-skinned Nejin looked at Mike dumbfounded, then shook his head helplessly: "Mike, you're 29 years old and haven't married yet, so you don't understand that people with families like Captain Mary and I go out on missions every time. But if you can correct the problem with your mouth, it is estimated that if you want to get married, it will not be a problem."

Hearing Nezu's teasing, Mike muttered dissatisfiedly: "I'm still young, people under 30 years old, why are you in a hurry to get married? You Asians are so anxious."

Captain Mary then glared at Mike again, telling him to shrink his neck and stop talking, but then he said with a lot of emotion: "Genzu is right, every time the two of us go out on a mission, we are indeed familiar with the unknown mission situation and Worrying about possible problems, but also having a sense of honor to give up, what a contradiction!"

Nezu also recognized Captain Mary's empathy: "Captain, you are actually much better than me. Didn't Natasha join the Defense Force recently? Since Lizi got sick on my side, the task of taking care of the children has fallen on both of us. Parents, although the old people say that they wish to spend more time with their granddaughter, but the two of us as parents really feel very uncomfortable."

Seeing that the two married people were about to talk endlessly, Mike quickly raised his hands and made an "X": "I said two, it seems that now is not the time to talk about family problems, let's focus on the task, finish it early and go back early , you two can spare more time to spend with your children."

Captain Mary and Genjin looked at each other, both a little embarrassed: "Mike is right, let's finish the task quickly and go back to spend time with our family."

For a period of time later, the three of them carefully drove the new Trieste slowly through this mysterious area where humans have not set foot in the depths, while occasionally exchanging a few words, and they were all status reports.



On the calm sea, the captain of the recovery ship leisurely took a sip of coffee at a moderate temperature, and then watched the thick and thick cables unwinding and silently calculated in his mind when he was going to recover the new Trieste for exploration work.

To be honest, the captain is not worried about this mission, because the previous drones were recovered safe and sound after losing connection. The three people on the new Trieste are all elites who have been trained for a long time, and this time they are only conducting peripheral detection. It stands to reason that there is nothing to worry about in the whole operation.

However, just as the captain was about to take a sip of coffee, the urgent voice of Captain Mary suddenly came from the communicator communicating with the new Trieste: "General team! General (electrical interference sound) team! (electrical interference sound) ) Machinery! Not a creature! (Current Interference Sound) Repeat! (Current Interference Sound) It’s a machine not a creature!!!”

In the chaos, the captain didn't even care about spilling coffee on his pants. He first signaled to the crew outside to quickly recover the new Trieste, then picked up the communicator and eagerly dialed back to ask: "Captain Mary ! This is the main team, what's wrong with you guys? Captain Mary, please reply!!!"

But what made his heart gradually chill was that the communicator fell into boundless silence after Captain Mary yelled the last clearer words, no matter how much he called, no one answered.

At this moment, the captain can only hope that the steel cable is as thick as an adult man's thigh, and pray that the crane will quickly recover the new Trieste.

Suddenly, the steel cable reel rotating at a constant speed began to be thrown downward crazily. Even if the crew pressed the emergency stop button, the steel cable was stopped and continued to be unwound. Even after reaching [-] meters, it did not weaken at all, and the recovery ship weighing nearly [-] tons was forced to tilt.

Seeing that the recovery ship was about to be overturned by the mysterious force, the captain, who barely slipped out on the ground while holding onto the table, was hesitating whether to cut the steel cable, but the whole recovery ship suddenly lost traction and turned around suddenly.

The captain, who was almost thrown away by the huge turning force, hurriedly got up from the ground, and before he could even take a closer look at the damage to the hull, he limped and ran to the crane desperately: "Hurry up and recover the new Trieste! Don't be dazed!" Go!!!"

Hearing the anxious roar of the captain, the surviving operator who pulled the railing at the critical moment pressed the pull button hastily, but looked more and more depressed as he watched the steel cable retracted quickly.

After the steel cable was fully retrieved, all the people on board who could move, except for the emergency repair personnel, gathered near the crane, looking at the thick thigh cable that had been torn apart without saying a word.

"FFFFFFFFXCK!!!" The captain, who had been silent since seeing the empty cable at the other end, suddenly broke out in public, threw his hat on the deck angrily, but couldn't do anything else.

In the end, the captain with bloodshot eyes raised his head, wearily followed the first mate who had just bandaged his head with bloodshot eyes, and said: "Record the coordinates and the last communication message, and then...then we can only let UNT take over." .”



After receiving the help signal from the recovery ship, the UNT base immediately showed a busy scene:

The intermediary captain is in charge of directing Natasha and Leo to prepare to fly the plane to the sea area for investigation, while Hans is installing auxiliary detection equipment on the two planes.

Qiongqi and Trela ​​gathered in front of the computer screen, trying to enlarge and restore the blurry image sent back by the new Trieste and analyze the information contained in the communication records uploaded by the recovery ship.

Only Anuoqi, who is not good at underwater combat, was strictly forbidden by Hades to attack, and now she is having trouble with Hades.

Seeing that the atmosphere became more and more embarrassing, Hans, who was in charge of installing the new detection equipment, suddenly stretched his waist: "Ah! It's finally finished, it's really not easy. Captain, let the three of us go now."

The intermediary captain glanced at Hans gratefully, and then ordered to Natasha, Hans and Leo: "Natasha, Leo and Hans, go to the sea area to perform missions now!"

"Received!" X3
Just before leaving, the intermediary captain stopped Natasha: "Natasha team member, for this mission, you..."

Immediately comprehending the meaning of Captain Intermediate's words, Natasha was silent for a moment, and finally smiled softly: "Captain Intermediate, this is my job."

Three 10 minutes later...

The three planes piloted by Natasha, Hans and Leo hovered over the recovery ship. After getting the specific location of the new Trieste from the captain, Hans headed to the sea area at that location In the sky, the ultra-far-wave sonar began to scan the nearby seabed.

Leo also felt very novel when he saw Hans' operation: "I said Hans, since there is this new type of sonar, why doesn't the recovery ship install one by itself? Doesn't it save us from flying over to waste time?"

Hearing this, Hans replied angrily in the communication channel: "This is UNT's latest experimental technology. Currently, no more than three people know how to operate it, so let's not talk about its stability. Even if it is installed on a recovery ship, No one will use it."

After listening to the conversation between the two team members in the command room, An Nuoqi couldn't help but interjected: "I'm even more curious, why didn't we just stay nearby and wait for orders from the beginning, and only remembered us after something happened. "

However, Hans seemed to have discovered something in the results detected by the sonar, and did not immediately reply to Anuoqi, and Leo was clueless, so in the end it was Natasha who answered her question: "Ann, the Earth Defense Force is not There is only one combat department in our UNT, which is also composed of many scientific research departments in different fields. In addition to the land we are responsible for, it also includes the sea and outer space fields, and the mission of the new Trieste is based on scientific research. Mainly, the previous detection activities did not encounter any danger, so we were not allowed to participate."

After Natasha said this, the intermediary captain continued to add: "In addition, there is another reason that if we are to be on standby nearby, we need a small aircraft carrier-class ship to accommodate the three of our UNT. This will undoubtedly make it difficult for the marine team to carry out investigation missions on the high seas. After all, although we belong to the Earth Defense Force unit formed by the United Nations, we still have to take into account the concerns of other small countries."

After listening to the intermediary captain's explanation, neither Hans nor Leo said anything, only Natasha clicked his tongue: "Why does the Earth Defense Force formed by the United Nations care about the reactions of small countries? It's really a problem. Isn’t it a small country with a bunch of broken things?”

Regarding Natasha's complaint, the intermediary captain could only smile wryly: "This is the mystery of politics."

At this moment, Hans frowned after observing the sonar detection results, connected the recovery ship through the communication channel, and asked the captain, "Mr. Captain, are you sure the location you gave me is correct?"

The captain of the recovery ship was puzzled when he heard Hans' question: "This must be true. The coordinates of UNT I gave you are all data recorded in real time on this ship, and it is impossible to make mistakes!"

Hans was even more puzzled when he heard this: "But I just scanned the location with a radius of 500 meters from the provided coordinates as the center, and there is no suspicious thing there? Let alone a giant unknown object, even a larger fish would be suspicious." I didn’t see it. I said Captain, you didn’t find anything floating on the sea, did you?”

The intermediate captain in the command room immediately understood what Hans meant: "That is to say, the huge unknown object suddenly acted for some reason, abducted the new Trieste, and left the original sea area, right? "

Even though there was no one around, Hans nodded subconsciously: "That's what you mean, Captain. But there is another very strange thing."

"Oh?" Hearing what Hans said, the intermediary captain immediately asked, "Hans, what's strange about you?"

"Hmm..." Hans clicked on the screen of the plane while reporting to everyone on the communication channel: "I just listened to the last voice from the new Trieste again. If you press Captain Mary In other words, if the huge unknown object is actually a mechanical creation rather than a flesh-and-blood creature, if such a huge body wants to withstand the high pressure of the [-]-meter abyss, the inside must be solid. And such a heavy thing must need to be moved. Huge energy for support, so—”

"In the [-]-meter abyss that cannot absorb sunlight, how did this huge unknown object absorb energy and move?"

Everyone in UNT was also puzzled by Hans' question. They couldn't figure out why this huge unknown object had been stagnant for several days, and suddenly had the energy to move.

Just when the intermediate captain wanted Hans, Natasha, and Leo to expand their search range to avoid the small-scale displacement caused by the vortex of the seabed, Trela ​​suddenly clapped his hands, and then began to tap on his instrument.

After a while, he called up a new structural diagram of the Trieste on the large central screen in the command room, pointed to one of the core devices and answered for everyone: "Look, this is the latest power system developed by UNT. Its essence is quasi-nuclear power, which can supply a large amount of power in a short period of time, and it is very likely that the unknown mechanical creation is eyeing this power system, and then hijacked the new Trieste to move!"

(End of this chapter)

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