Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 17 The Call from the Abyss Part 3

Chapter 17 The Call from the Abyss Part Three

Just after finishing talking about the information obtained, Trela ​​paused again, and then continued to add: "But in addition to the wreckage of the new Trieste, there is also a kind of space-time fluctuation that can be detected, which is probably the Yabo people. What was done to this mechanical object that fell to earth, that caused it to have the ability to fuse other things."

"?" Hearing Trela's analysis, Natasha couldn't understand: "How do you know that it doesn't have the ability to fuse other things? It's not made by you."

After Hades walked in and inspected the things in Trela's hand, he lazily explained to Natasha: "Because I have seen this kind of technology before, it is a man-made method that you people on Earth are far behind. This kind of technology, even if you look at the entire universe here, there are not a few races that can do it."

As he said that, Hades looked at the chip that Trela ​​took out from the wreckage and continued to explain: "I only saw this kind of technological means in the battle robot made by the super-scientific power of the Salome star, Mechanical Seven. I’ve been there. And the mechanical Ultraman created by the Salomei people doesn’t have the ability to assimilate other objects.”

After telling everyone about the origin of the mechanical monster, Hades sneered: "Hehe, I really don't know what these Salome people think. After making a mechanical saiwen, they were not satisfied, so they made another one." The mechanical Taro was broken by someone and fell to the earth, and was used by the Yabo people."

"Really, don't they know that the guys who made artificial Ultraman in the past, either the artificial Ultraman was promoted by the genuine version, or they lost control and ran away and promoted themselves? None of them ended well."

After hearing Hades' taunt, An Nuoqi, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, immediately raised her hand: "I think so too~ But having said that, the three members of the new Trieste have been confirmed dead, right?" ?”

Trela ​​nodded sadly when he heard the words: "Since the new Trieste has become fragments, it can be concluded that all three team members have died. After all, in the [-]-meter trench, even a tiny crack can lead to the destruction of the whole. Broken, let alone shredded."

After a pause, Trela ​​took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose and wiped them gently with a glasses cloth: "In the [-]-meter trench, the human body will be instantly compressed into a piece of paper."

Hearing Trela's detailed description, Natasha, who had been standing against the wall sullenly, opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The careful intermediary captain noticed Natasha's situation. Although he knew what was going on with her, he couldn't comfort her, so he stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder to express his comfort, and didn't say anything more.

However, at this moment, the door of the command room suddenly opened, and a lean elderly man in a black suit led two burly men into UNT's command room, opening his mouth to surprise the captain in the middle: "Nata Is Team Sha there? We need to ask her something from the Ocean Defense Department of the Earth Defense Force."

The intermediary captain was a little baffled, and subconsciously stood in front of Natasha and looked at the thin old man: "May I ask who you are?"

Hearing the captain's question, the thin old man raised his hand and showed a certificate: "I am the current deputy minister of marine defense, you can call me deputy minister Diao. Now, tell me who is Natasha's team member ?”

After a quick glance at the documents to verify the authenticity, the intermediary captain still did not hand over Natasha immediately: "Deputy Minister Diao, is there any misunderstanding? I remember that Natasha's team members did not damage the power plant during the attack." Facilities, right? If in doubt, we have aircraft footage here to prove it on the spot.”

Deputy Minister Diao sighed, put away his ID and said slowly: "Captain Intermediary, you are indeed a good and responsible captain. Please rest assured, we are not looking for her this time because of a mistaken attack or something, but because of this Team Natasha is the daughter of Captain Mary, so she was taken away for related inquiries."

After a moment of silence, the intermediary captain understood what Deputy Minister Diao meant, so he had to let Natasha go sideways: "Yes, but I think it is best to conduct the interrogation in the room prepared by UNT without relevant evidence, Natasha Don't you think so, Tasha?"

Natasha, who had been silent ever since she knew she was going to be questioned, heard what the intermediary captain said, took a deep breath and patted her face lightly: "I agree, but I don't know what Vice Minister Diao's opinion is?"

Looking at the surrounding team members who surrounded him with concern except for Hades, Deputy Director Diao sighed again: "Yes, but if there is any problem, you have to take responsibility for it, the intermediary captain?"

The intermediary captain nodded when he heard the sound: "It's natural."


Ten minutes later, in the observation room behind the glass wall of the inquiry room, Trela ​​looked at the surrounding people and murmured dissatisfiedly: "Hans, Leo, why did you pull me here? Haven't finished researching yet, okay? You know..."

Hans, who already knew how to deal with this technological madman, didn't talk nonsense, and directly lowered his head and glared at him: "Be quiet, didn't you hear Vice Minister Diao say that those team members who were thought to have died in the line of duty appeared next to their families for a short time? ? You're not curious about that?"

Trela ​​clicked his tongue immediately, and his next words attracted everyone's attention: "This situation is not incomprehensible. The time-space wave of the Yapo people is essentially a special way of using energy. According to my It is speculated that when the mechanical monster fused with the new Trieste, it also fused the three humans inside the submersible. You must know that there are also many fusion wrecks of deep-sea fish on the surface of the monster. If you think about it, those three people are actually living in another energy state, so they can appear with the power of monsters for a short time."

Hearing Trela's speculation, Leo suddenly raised an objection: "But mechanical monsters have also devoured fish, so will these fish also appear?"

Glancing at Leo angrily, Trela ​​first said something in a low voice, making Hades and Anuoqi, who were the only ones present who could hear him, look interested, and then used Answer Trela's question in a normal voice: "First of all, it is extremely difficult to appear with a brain that is as big as a deep-sea fish and is completely underdeveloped; secondly, even if deep-sea fish appear, it is still in the deep sea. Do you see that?"

After being sprayed by Trela, Leo also showed an embarrassed expression, scratched his hair and turned his eyes to Natasha and Deputy Minister Diao on the other side of the glass.

And the others also looked away wisely, and didn't continue to go to Trela ​​to find trouble.

It didn't take long for them to witness Natasha suddenly bursting up, holding Deputy Minister Diao's suit collar with both hands, and raised him into the air and shouted: "Instead of comforting the victims and their families, you suspect them Have you been affected and isolated my younger brother, someone else's young daughter, and a seriously ill old mother?!"

"Even those of the same kind who have lost their loved ones are suspicious, you are the real monsters!"

Facing Natasha who suddenly made an offensive move, Vice Minister Diao didn't get angry because of it, but looked down at Natasha's angry eyes indifferently: "Natasha team member, I want to remind you , you are a member of the Earth Defense Force's monster-fighting division, and it's your job to identify situations that might pose a threat to humanity and which don't."

"It's not because personal relationships and personal emotions affect the judgment of things."

"You!" Natasha still raised Vice Minister Diao angrily, but couldn't find anything to refute him for a while.

Fortunately, the intermediary captain couldn't stand it anymore, opened the door of the inquiry room and broke in: "Natasha, you put Deputy Minister Diao down first, holding him like this won't solve the problem."

"..." Speechlessly turned her head and glanced at the intermediary captain, Natasha took a deep breath, snorted coldly, put Deputy Director Diao down gently, and sat back on the chair, sulking.

After Vice Minister Diao was put down, he didn't blame Natasha and the intermediary captain as soon as he came up. Instead, he tidied up his suit slowly and then looked up at the intermediary captain: "Intermediate captain, I see this Natasha Tasha's team members will no longer be suitable for sortie missions for a while, what's your opinion?"

Looking at Natasha who was sulking in the chair, the intermediary captain was silent for a moment and then nodded in agreement: "I agree with Vice Minister Diao, in view of the fact that Natasha's team involved in this mission against the mechanical monster Due to the complicated situation, in order to avoid affecting the mission and causing more casualties, Natasha will not be responsible for the attack."

Hearing what the captain in the middle said, Natasha's clasped hands shook slightly, but she didn't say anything after all, acquiescing to the captain's decision.

Vice Minister Diao nodded in satisfaction after listening to the captain's order, then got up and left the inquiry room: "Thank you for your understanding, then I will take my leave first."

After politely rejecting the proposal sent by the intermediary captain, Vice Minister Diao stood at the door of the inquiry room and said a word to Natasha without looking back: "Natasha team member, it's not that we don't understand you, but standing in From the standpoint of our department, isolating the three people who had direct contact with the resurrected person is not only monitoring, but also a form of protection."

After saying this, Vice Minister Diao completely left the inquiry room.

Qiongqi on the other side of the glass looked at the back of Vice Minister Diao leaving, and sighed regretfully: "It's a pity, they didn't do anything wrong, but this situation has become like this, Xiao Diao is still the same as before. It's tough and unrefined."

Hearing Qiongqi's words, Hades looked at her in surprise: "Are you still familiar with this human?"

To Hades' question, Qiongqi replied cheerfully: "Damn! I watched the various families gradually grow up, otherwise Huaxia wouldn't let me come here as an errand?"

The others gathered around curiously, asking Qiongqi about her experiences back then.

Hades noticed, however, that An Nuoqi left the room alone, walked into the interrogation room, communicated with Natasha and the intermediary captain for a while, and then left with Natasha.


On the roof of the UNT base, Natasha and Anuoqi strolled up from the small door, and then Natasha leaned her hands on the railing of the roof, watching the sunset in the distance, and listening to the sound of the waves not far away in silence.

Anuoqi looked at Natasha's back, hesitated for a moment, then walked forward, leaning on the railing to look at the scenery: "Natasha, are you okay now?"

Hearing An Nuoqi's words of concern for her, Natasha was silent for a moment, then took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from her pocket, took out one and lit it, and took a deep breath: "Hiss——Anuoqi, I still feel What the Marine Defense Department has done makes me very uncomfortable. They have no idea how sad the families of the victims are now, but they have to endure suspicion from within."

As she said that, Natasha exhaled a smoke ring forcefully, watched it slowly roll around the distant sunset, and then dissipated in the air: "The captain told me that the marine defense department has its own way, and we also have our own way. Interfering with the other party at will is a violation of the rules, so that old man is only here to question and ask me to assist in the investigation, and I can't interfere with what they are doing."

After taking another deep breath of the cigarette in her hand and letting it burn halfway through, Natasha's eyelids drooped, but she still couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes: "I feel that although human beings have advanced technology, they have lost That past simplicity, tenderness and trust in each other."

Listening to Natasha's confiding to herself, An Nuoqi didn't say anything, just stood here with her, watching the sunset in the distance, infinitely approaching dusk.


At the same time, in the command room of the UNT base, after returning from the inquiry room, the intermediary captain and the team members were talking about how to deal with the monster.

"Since it is an energy-sucking monster, we can prepare a large amount of energy as bait and put it on the uninhabited island closest to the monster. After the monster is lured past, we can use weapons of mass destruction to deal with it! I don't believe it, its outer shell can withstand the attack of the Spitham air-to-surface missile!"

Leo has a unique view on how to eliminate monsters, and the intermediary captain quite agrees with his plan, but he is a little helpless about the final arrangement: "Leo, not to mention that the Spyholme air-to-surface missiles are under the jurisdiction of the land attack team. What if even the missiles don't work?"

Hearing the captain's question, Leo was a little embarrassed, so he grabbed Trela's shoulders: "I said, Trela, haven't you and Hans studied the remains of monsters? Then what can it bear after you research it?" Is there a strong attack?"

Terrera slapped Leo's paw off his shoulder angrily, and nodded, saying that he and Hans were not wasting time in researching for a long time: "Of course it has been researched! For the defense ability of monsters, air-to-surface missiles It is really overkill and too destructive. According to our calculations, the best way is to use the virtual King Aire to attack it with electric current, and destroy the operating ability from the inside through high-voltage current, so as to avoid the bait The energy tank was damaged by the attack."

After listening to Trela's analysis, the intermediary captain nodded to express his approval of his plan: "Then, the minister and I will submit the combat plan. After it is approved, Leo and Hans, only you two will participate in the flight mission this time. be careful."

Leo: "No problem Captain!"

Hans: "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)

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