Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 18 The Call from the Abyss·The End

Chapter 18 The Call from the Abyss·The End
After reaching a conclusion, members of UNT took action one after another.

Trela ​​was testing whether the virtual King Aire was ready and how much effort he would make; Leo and Hans were installing induced energy signals on the plane to lure out the mechanical monster whose location had been determined by the monster tracker.

After the test, Qiongqi and Trela ​​began to calculate how much energy it would take for the mechanical monster to perceive the energy tank and lure it to the predetermined location; while Hades was doing fighting training for Anuoqi, so that it might happen later. battle warm-up.

Only Natasha stood where she had nothing to do, she could only watch her teammates busy with complicated eyes, while she could only stand idle by.

The intermediary captain noticed Natasha after he deduced the progress of the task, and after thinking about it, he comforted him: "Natasha, this is just an accidental situation, if you are really uncomfortable, you should go back to your room first Come inside."

However, Natasha stuck her neck stubbornly: "No need for the captain, as Mary's daughter, I have an obligation to watch this monster be completely wiped out!"

The intermediary captain sighed slightly after hearing Natasha's stubborn words, and then acquiesced to her proposition.

The busy time flew by quickly, and after a few hours, everyone was finally ready to finish everything.

Looking at the team members who were ready to go and Natasha who was sitting in his seat during the meeting, the intermediate captain nodded slightly: "Then, the MMT (Machine Monster Targeted) battle against mechanical monsters will officially begin now!"

Standing at attention with a snap, the team members raised their right hands in unison: "Roger!"

——Song of Uncle Wang——

After another hour, Hans and Leo arrived above the sea area delineated by the monster locator, and began to control the aircraft to protrude a radar-like signal transmitter from below. After opening, circle after circle of energy ripples penetrated The sea water is carried on.

In the command room, Trela ​​sat in front of the data sensor, nervously staring at a string of characters displayed along with the energy transfer, and finally saw what he wanted after a while.

So Trela ​​immediately turned back and reported to the intermediary captain: "Captain, that mechanical monster has been induced successfully, and it will surface soon!"

Hearing Trela's report, the intermediary captain immediately issued an order to Hans and Leo through the microphone in front of him: "Hans! Leo! The induction operation is successful, and now immediately fly to the predetermined location, ready to release the virtual King Airi! "

"Roger!" X2
Leo, who had just turned the fuselage back and put away the conduction radar a step later than Hans, noticed something strange, and subconsciously looked down at the sea surface with a lot of bubbles.

After a while, a familiar but unfamiliar mechanical monster emerged from the sea.

Leo, who was sitting in the cockpit, stared dumbfounded for a long time, and then started yelling on the communication channel: "Wait! Hans, do you think that monster has become much stronger?"

Not only calling for Hans, Leo also turned on the video converter and switched what he saw to the large central screen in the command room: "Captain, take a look, am I hallucinating?"

Seeing that the one in the switched image had shrunk a little faster than the last time I saw it, but it was obviously more solid and stronger, and more like Ultraman's mechanical monster, the captain in the middle quickly connected Hades. Personnel stationed on the island: "Mr. Hades! There is a new situation, I will turn the screen over and have a look!"

Then, the Hades team saw a mechanical monster swimming towards the island on the screen, like a mutated Tyro.

"Wow!" An Nuoqi was taken aback by this guy's appearance at first, but soon came back to her senses: "Why is it so much stronger? Could it be that there are monster gyms under the sea?"

Hades on the side couldn't help but reach out and pat An Nuoqi on the head: "What nonsense are you talking about! You have watched so many monster science videos, and you usually have to answer your questions. Why is your personality so easy to get off? Wire?"

After being slapped on the head by Hades, An Nuoqi was not angry, but stuck out her tongue mischievously: "Then, father, what do you think caused this?"

Sighing deeply, Hades stared at the monster on the screen, thought for a moment before answering: "It is estimated that he extracted the absorbed energy and used a considerable part of it to strengthen himself. If it is If that's the case... he might be able to fly already."

As if to confirm what Hades said, the mechanical monster... No, he should be called Mechanical Taro now.

I saw the mechanical Tyro suddenly stretched his hands upwards, and after making a preparatory movement for taking off, he immediately exerted force with his feet, and he really flew up as Hades guessed!
"I X!" Leo, who was flying relatively slowly, avoided a head-on collision with the mechanical Taro, and then he watched the mechanical Taro fly towards the island where the energy tank was stored in a daze.

But Leo reacted quickly, and hurriedly dialed Hades' communication: "Mr. Hades! He is flying towards you! The mechanical monster is flying towards you!"

"I can see it, thank you." Hades didn't panic when he encountered this unexpected situation, and he still spoke as usual: "Also, the weapons on your plane are not for melee combat, so don't encounter any unexpected situations." The situation wants to use my strength, thank you."

"Oh, oh oh oh!" Leo's face turned red all of a sudden, especially after seeing Hans calmly shooting the mechanical Taro with a laser weapon to shoot it down, Leo's face became even redder.

However, the strengthened body of Mechanical Tyro bounced off the beam attacks of Hans and Leo one after another, and continued to fly towards the island quickly. Fortunately, after Leo came back to his senses, his reaction speed also caught up, and he directly used live ammunition weapons. A homing missile hit the mechanical Taro's horn, causing it to lose its balance and fall into the sea.

"Good job, Leo, just don't be stupid again." After saying this in the communication channel, Hans ignored Leo, who was blushing and had a thick neck, and controlled the fighter plane to slowly descend: "Captain, since the plan has been disrupted, now apply to release the virtual King Airi to fight."

Looking at the mechanical Taro that quickly climbed up after falling off the coast of the island, the intermediate captain looked at it, which was hardly affected, and nodded: "I agree with you, Hans. Trela! The full moon technology is officially lifted, Now start to build the virtual King Airi! Be sure to keep this monster off the island, and let it absorb energy to strengthen itself!"

Trela ​​nodded upon hearing the words, and then quickly operated on the instrument: "Understood, Captain!"

The next moment, as the particles gathered, a long-tailed monster with a dark body and flashing yellow electric light appeared in front of the mechanical Taro, intercepting it in the offshore of the island and unable to move forward.

(For the image, please refer to Electronic King Aire)

While flashing golden electric light all over his body, the Virtual King Airi rushed towards the mechanical Taro while hissing, his hands like gun barrels sprayed plasma ion balls, hitting the mechanical Taro one after another, bursting into a ball of explosions. A cloud of sparks.

"KA!" Perhaps irritated by the attack of the virtual King Airi, the mechanical Taro immediately covered his chest with both hands, forcibly strode forward against the bombardment of the virtual King Airi, and then kicked it in the waist.

The virtual Aire King was immediately kicked back a few steps by this forceful kick, and finally stood firm when he saw the mechanical Taro rushing towards him aggressively, so he turned back and hit the mechanical Taro's chest with a heavy blow , the powerful force directly overturned the mechanical Taro in the water near the sea.

"ZA!!!" Before the mechanical Taro fell on the seabed and stood up, the Virtual King Airi sat down heavily on its chest, causing the mechanical Taro to groan in pain.

"Huh?" Hans, who was flying the plane to observe the situation on the edge, suddenly frowned when he heard the painful groan of Mechanical Tyro: "It's strange, why does a mechanical creature groan after being beaten?"

However, before Hans could come up with something, the mechanical Taro suddenly overturned the virtual King Airi with his powerful brute force, and then straddled the body of the virtual King Airi. The silver-white horns faintly emitted a dangerous light blue light.

"Oops!" Seeing this scene on the live broadcast screen, Anuoqi suddenly became anxious: "This is Ultraman Taro's blue laser, the high-temperature rays used even Ji Lianma's tongue and Tyrant The whip knife can be burned in an instant, if the virtual King Airi eats this attack, it will not be able to hold on!"

Hades calmly glanced at An Nuoqi, who was yelling beside him, and snorted coldly to express his disdain: "What are you worrying about, this is just an imitation, even if it restores the strength of Taylor, there is no such thing as Otto The heart is the source of power, how strong can it be?"

An Nuoqi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately retorted when she heard this: "Then how do you know that Salome Star can't produce similar energy? Back then, Ultraman Seven almost lost to his own machine. imitation."

Glancing at An Nuoqi in surprise, Hades shrugged immediately: "If it's really made, you don't need to swallow and fuse other things to move vigorously. By the way, have you lost your mind after gaining strength recently? gone?"

As if realizing that she had indeed had some excess energy recently, An Nuoqi stuck out her tongue unhappily, and then said nothing more.

At the same time, after the virtual King Airi was concentrated by the blue laser of the mechanical Tyro, a cloud of blue smoke rose from the wound, screamed and tied the neck of the mechanical Taro with its long tail, and then released a giant gun from the tail. The amount of current is trying to force the mechanical Tyro back.

But what was unexpected was that the mechanical Taro was not frustrated after being attacked by the electric current. Instead, he looked happy, grabbed the neck of the virtual King Airi with his backhand, and began to suck energy from it.

"Oops! Can even virtual monsters be absorbed by it?!" Trela ​​in the command room was taken aback, seeing that the particles that maintain the virtual King Airi were getting less and less, and the virtual King Airi was temporarily He couldn't break free from the mechanical Tyro's restraint for a while, so he had to disconnect the link in a hurry and let the virtual King Airi exit first.

Among the dissipated particles, the mechanical Taro raised his head and looked around in confusion, then touched the horns on his head in confusion, and then continued to move towards the island where the decoy energy tank was placed.

Seeing that the mechanical Taro was about to land on the island, Anuoqi immediately looked at Hades beside him. After he nodded in agreement, he stepped forward and put his hands on his chest and shouted: "Anuoqi!"

With a flash of light, the red giant descended from the sky, kicked the mechanical Taro on the head and kicked it to the seabed, and then took advantage of the situation to ride on it and continuously chased it with fists and hand knives.

"XIA!" The head began to deform after being hit by An Nuoqi's continuous attacks. The mechanical Taro hurriedly used his hands to protect his head, but it was gradually disintegrated by An Nuoqi's stormy attacks.

Just after An Nuoqi brutally used brute force to tear off one of the mechanical Taro's arms, a red hole suddenly opened in the sky, and then completely shattered like glass, revealing a glowing red hole.

A huge red spiked monster stood at the entrance of the cave, just about to laugh a few times triumphantly, but suddenly found that An Nuoqi had already broken off one of the arms of her transformed mechanical Tyro.

After seeing this unexpected scene, Yabo people were really taken aback.

But then he reacted, and quickly waved his huge pincer-like hands to stop An Nuoqi from further destroying the mechanical Taro: "Strange, where did Ultraman come from?! Don't stop quickly! The mechanical Tai Luo is the product of absorbing the bodies of three Earthlings, that is to say, those three Earthlings are still alive, do you have the heart to kill them?"

Hearing the threat from the Yabo people in the air, Anuoqi froze for a moment, and couldn't lower her raised fist.

Taking advantage of An Nuoqi's hesitation, the mechanical Taro quickly grew new limbs, and then directly posed a posture with his arms crossed, and then a rainbow-colored ray spewed out at An Nuoqi, hitting the Her chest exploded violently.

"Cut!" Caught off guard, An Nuoqi was hit head-on by the mechanical Taro from a very close distance with the new strum light, and her whole body was blasted out immediately, and she fell heavily in the sea, unable to move.

"Hahahahaha, hahaha!" Laughing happily, the Yabo people stretched out their hands and taunted Anuoqi's hesitation mercilessly: "You guys from the Kingdom of Light, one or two are so stupid, now, suffer How can you fight when you are seriously injured? Hahahahaha!"

Accompanied by the rampant laughter of the Yabo people, the mechanical Taro quickly stood up with his hands on the seabed, and then Anuoqi, who pointed at the timer on his chest and flashed the red light quickly, began to accumulate energy.

A moment later, Mechano Taro, whose body was flashed with rainbow light, was about to make a "T" shape and shoot out the strum light. Just when Hades was about to make a move, the face of a blond woman was projected abruptly. to its face.



A few minutes ago, Hans and Leo were about to use their weapons after seeing Anuoqi hesitated for a while because of the threat of the Yabo people, and then Taro the Mecha seized the opportunity to knock him into the air with the new strum light and seriously injured him. Supporting Femina, but I heard Natasha's voice on the communication frequency: "Wait a minute, Hans! Leo! If it is true what the people of Yapo said, Mary and the three of them will return in other forms or If so, I have an idea to help Femina!"

"Natasha, tell me!" Seeing that his light beam hit Mechano Taro's body without pain or itching, Leo gritted his teeth and urged Natasha to come up with his solution.

"Hans, Leo! Since the three of Mary and the others are still conscious, don't forget that they appeared in front of their relatives before! After a while, you will project me to the scene first, and if it is effective, then project the photos of their relatives In the past, let's see if this can wake up Mary and the others, and even if it can't, I guess it can be delayed!" While talking about her own thoughts, Natasha secretly prayed that this method must be effective.

After listening to Natasha's plan, the intermediary captain hesitated for a while and then nodded in agreement: "Leo, Hans, you are ready to start projection! Trela, Qiongqi! Go and find the relative photos of Mary's team! "

"Leave it to me! Captain!" After confidently driving the plane around to the side of the mechanical Taro, Leo and Hans immediately launched projections from the left and right, showing Natasha's face when the power is fully charged and the light is about to be emitted. In front of the mechanical Taylor.

"Mary! Wake up, don't be manipulated by the Yabo people!!!"

The mechanical Taro, who was ready to go, actually hesitated for a moment when he heard Natasha's call, and the light that was about to be excited also stopped.

"It's really useful! It's unbelievable..." Hans sitting in the cockpit was a little stunned, and then Trela ​​uploaded a bunch of photos of men, women and children in his fighter database: "Hans! Project these photos too , such words may really be able to wake up Mary's team!"

The same thing happened in the plane that Leo was driving, so in the next second, Natasha's face was shrunk down to the center, and the other parts of the projection screen were flashing family photos that were transmitted.

Seeing the photos alternately appearing on the screen, the mechanical Taylor's behavior became more sluggish, and even sparks kept bursting out of his body.

"You guys, do you really think that the so-called human emotions can do anything?!" Seeing that his plan was threatened with failure, the Yapo angrily waved two purple sickle rays at Hans with his pincer-like hands The plane driven by Leo attacked the past.

But at the same time that the light of the sickle flew out of the space of another dimension, two golden light wheels flew from the island, which directly detonated the attack of the Yabo people, making him return without success.

"What?!" Turning his head angrily, the Yabo people saw a golden cosmic man waving his hands gently at him, exuding a terrifying aura that made him shudder for some reason.

"You guy! Who are you?! Why do you help this Ultraman, help these stupid humans?" Pointing at Hades in disbelief, the Yabo people couldn't understand the behavior of this powerful cosmic being.

"Ha——" Sighing helplessly, Hades then pointed to the entrance of the different dimension where the Yabo people are located: "Yabo people, after so many years, you are still intoxicated by resentment, so you can't be a little higher. pursuit?"

After saying this, Hades shot two azure blue rays of light from the fingers of both hands, and flew straight to the entrance of the different-dimensional passage. At the moment of contact, a dazzling blue light burst out, slowly filling up the broken sky .

"You actually blocked the space passage? You, you bastard!" The Yabo people, who can't do anything now, looked angrily at Hades who was still waving goodbye, and could only leave an unwilling declaration: "I will definitely come back , Ultraman oh!!!—”

The next moment, the channel of the different dimension was completely sealed, and the mechanical Taro struggled more violently after the Yabo people disappeared.

Looking at the appearance of the mechanical Taro, Natasha took advantage of the victory to pursue her, and continued to call her mother on the projection: "Mary! Please come back! Please live again as human beings!"

Maybe it was Natasha's call that played a role, maybe it was the vivid faces in the projection that reminded them of themselves, maybe it was both. After hearing Natasha's heartfelt wish, Mechanical Taro suddenly stretched out his hand and twisted He grabbed the timer on his chest, and then pulled it out abruptly.

In the flickering sparks, the timer and a green energy core were forcibly pulled out of the body by Taro the Mecha, and then Taro the Mecha struggled to point to the energy core with his empty fingers, signaling to Natasha and the others while they were still humans, Destroy it quickly.

With tears in her eyes, Natasha looked at the intermediate captain: "They did it, Captain."

Nodding his head heavily, the intermediary captain gently pulled over the microphone and issued an attack command in the communication channel: "Use the high-power main cannon to attack and help them escape, Hans, Leo, and the new Ultraman."

"Roger..." X2
Hearing the command from the intermediary captain, An Nuoqi forced her body to stand up from the sea, and then accumulated red energy on her fist.

The next moment, two blue spiral beams were fired from the main guns of the fighters driven by Leo and Hans respectively, and after hitting the energy core in the hand of Mechanical Tyro, a dazzling flame erupted, completely destroying it.

And Anuoqi rushed out following the light beam, and hit the mechanical Taro's chest head-on with a powerful punch, and then released a large amount of energy in one breath.

In the huge zero-distance explosion, the body of Mechanical Taro was gradually disintegrated by Anuoqi's plasma boxing, and then completely wiped out.

Vaguely, everyone present seemed to see three figures flying out of the big bang with the destruction of the mechanical Taro, and disappearing into the endless blue sky.



After the operation ended, Anuoqi ran to comfort Natasha who had lost her mother twice after being quickly healed by Hades, and Hades could only feel helpless about it. Thinking that the women's university would not be allowed to stay, An Nuoqi has been focusing on Natasha recently, and she can only hope that Natasha has no such intentions for An Nuoqi.

Just thinking about it, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of Hades, causing him to subconsciously raise his hand to slightly cover his eyes.

When the light dissipated, Ultraman Leo in a cloak suddenly appeared in front of Hades:
"Mr. Hades, Sai Luo seems to be involved in a different dimension channel, I don't know you..."

Halfway through hearing it, Hades waved his hand with great interest: "No problem, just in time to help, Leo."

Not long after, under Anuoqi's hard struggle and Leo's helpless sigh, Hades opened his own channel in another space: "Then, let's go to rescue Sai Luo!"

(End of this chapter)

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