Even though he is a villain, can he be saved?

Chapter 19 Gaiden · Dark Lopes Cyro Part 1

Chapter 19 Biography · Dark Lopes Cyro · Part [-]
Not so long ago, Planet Cheney.

On the land full of rugged rocks, Lei and Captain Hinata were running desperately, and behind them, a Gomora whose whole body had been transformed into a machine was chasing them tremblingly.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?!" Captain Hyuga cursed angrily while running.

It has not been a few years since I helped the Kingdom of Light solve the Beria crisis. During a two-person patrol mission, I and Lei suddenly received a message for help from the Panlong. And the corpse of Jack Altman, among them, Zoffy's body still had Jack Altman's spear stuck in it. It is not known whether it was a manslaughter or what happened.

Just when they were stunned, they found Kumano from another dimension not far from the crashed Panlong.

Before Lei and Captain Hinata could ask a few words, Kumano changed into particles and dissipated in the air, and then Captain Hinata from another dimension walked out of the scrapped Panlong, telling himself that they were people from another dimension, And here is the dimensional testing ground for the Salome stars. If they stay for too long, their bodies will collapse and dissipate.

As soon as he finished speaking, Captain Hinata from another dimension nearly collapsed, left behind the last wish of helping them find Lei from another dimension, and then turned into particles as well.

Lei and Captain Hinata were about to leave after saying goodbye to the two from another dimension, but found that a mechanical Gomora was released and was attacking him.

Hastily released his own Gomora to fight, but Lei was shocked to find that Gomora was completely suppressed by Mecha Gomora, and after a few hits, a brown-black giant covered in black armor ran out. Gomora was completely defeated soon after the attack. If Lei hadn't taken Gomora back in time, I'm afraid that he and Gomora would be dead now.

Then, the giant in armor began to stand by and watch, while Mecha Gomora kept chasing Lei and Captain Hyuga, causing Lei to have no time to summon Litra to escape with Captain Hyuga.

Seeing that Mechagomora was getting closer and closer to him, Lei Gang wanted to take out his fighting device to fight to the death, but found that Mechagomora's hands suddenly shot out, flying towards his captain Hyuga with a long chain.

"Finish!" Lei and Captain Hinata, who had no time to release Litra, made defensive postures in vain, and when they were about to be smashed into meatloaf by the mechanical flying fist, two swirling cold lights flew quickly from the horizon.

After bouncing off the mechanical flying fists flying towards Lei and Captain Hyuga, the two cold rays circled around and flew back to cut off the long chain connecting the mechanical Gomora's flying fists.

After that, they completed their mission and spun back to their master's head.

"Hey, are you underestimating me? Salome Stars!" Pointing arrogantly at Mechagomora, Sai Luo jumped up and kicked out Mechagomora, breaking Mechagomora directly. A horn on its head made it howl and was kicked to the ground with a strong force.

"It's Ultraman Zero! Why is he here?" Lei and Captain Hyuga breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Ultraman Zero came to support them, but then they had new questions.

"I'll explain this kind of thing to you later. I've been fighting here for two weeks." Saying that, Sai Luo was about to go up to the Mech Gomora, when he suddenly noticed something was wrong on the top of his head.

The next moment, he raised his head angrily, pointed at the giant in black armor standing in the space above his head at some point and shouted, "What's your origin? How dare you stand on top of me!?"

"Hehehe..." In response to Sai Luo's angry scolding, the black armored giant just let out a sneer, and then fell down on his own initiative, rushing straight to Sai Luo who had suffered the humiliation under his crotch.

"Huh! Just what I want!" After wiping his chin arrogantly, Sai Luo got up and kicked, but was resisted by the armored giant.

"What?" Looking at the armored giant in disbelief, Sai Luo suddenly felt a familiar breath in his armor.

Without waiting for him to think too much, the armored giant twisted Sai Luo's calf with his backhand, and then rushed down against his body, smashing Sai Luo hard onto the rugged rock.

"Wooooooo!" Sai Luo, who was seriously disturbed by this blow, just wanted to fight back, but he was punched in the face by the armored giant. After several times, he hugged his hands to block the next punch, and then The legs kicked out vigorously, and a powerful force exploded within a very short distance to push the armored giant back.

"Cut, this guy..." Shaking his dizzy head, Sai Luo was about to stand up to pursue, but saw the armored giant actually raised his left hand, and then slammed it hard on the armor on his chest.

In the command room in the distance, a female Salome star was startled when she saw the behavior of the armored giant. She stood up from her chair and looked at the researchers aside: "What's going on? Machine zero is out of control. ?"

The researcher looked at a lot of fast-moving data on the screen, shook his head after confirming again and again: "My lord, there is no sign of loss of control. It may be that the residual program inside the zero machine was activated after fighting with Zero."

After hearing the researcher's explanation, the woman sat back safely: "That's good, no matter what, the prototype must be under the control of our Salome star."

Speaking of the armored giant fighting on the plain, after smashing his armor severely, cracks spread out from the originally solid armor around the fist, and finally fell off the giant with a loud bang.

Sai Luo, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to attack, saw the true face of the giant, and was stunned immediately, and the prepared attack also stopped: "You bastard...what the hell is it?"

"Hehe, hehehe!" The giant with the same figure as Sai Luo sneered and raised his hands. After making a fierce gesture, the white one-eyed looked at Sai Luo's own name emotionlessly: "I Nesero, Dark Lopes Selo!"

(Sero's English name is ZERO, and Dark Lopes Sailo can also be called Dark Lopes Zero or Prototype. Dark Lopes Sailo is also a homophonic stalk.)
"What? You dare to call yourself Sai Luo? Interesting——" With Sai Luo's hands flattened, two head marks automatically flew down from the top of his head and fell into his hands. After wiping the double blades, Sai Luo looked at the dark Luo Pussailuo was eager to try: "Then, let's make a distinction here and deal with you impostor directly!"

"Hehehe." Continuing to sneer, Dark Lopsero also controlled the double blades above his head and flew into his hands: "Then let us try."

Next, black giants and blue giants clash violently on the surface of the planet Cheney.


After a loud bang, Sai Luo, who had been fighting continuously for nearly two weeks, fell heavily to the ground, and then was trampled on his chest by Dark Lops Sai Luo, and he couldn't help groaning in pain.

"Cut! You bastard!" But Sai Luo is not a master who gives up lightly. Although he has consumed a lot of energy and energy, he still twisted the ankle of Dark Lopes Sai Luo stepping on his chest, and then moved left and right. Zhuan forcibly threw him out.

Had to choose to let go of the body's strength, and after landing, Dark Lopes Sero took off the double blades and held them in his hands, and looked at Sai Luo who had just got up mockingly: "It's too boring to go on like this, let's just decide the outcome with one move how?"

"Hmph!" Sai Luo took off the headmark and held it in his hands, and then his hands burst into dazzling light: "This is my line!"

When the light dissipated, Sai Luo held the two plasma swords and quickly attacked the dark Lopus Sai Luo with his toes.

Seeing Sai Luo rushing towards him, Dark Lopes Sai Luo also rushed forward with a sneer, but started to rotate his body halfway, bringing stronger power to this attack.

In the dazzling explosion, Sero's two plasma swords were blown away into the boundless universe, and Dark Lopes Sero stepped on Sero's chest again, ready to complete his mission.

Just about to continue the attack, Dark Lopes Sero was restrained by an order from his mind: "Enough, Dark Lops Sero! Your mission has been completed, go back to the base for overhaul!"

Accompanied by this command, a huge gate suddenly opened on the mountain next to the two giants, and then five Ultra brothers except Taro walked out of the giant gate slowly.

Remarkably, all of them have a belt full of golden circles around their waists, and similar seam structures on their arms and thighs.

"Hmph! If it wasn't for Sai Luo who knocked the mechanical Tyro prototype that we finally researched into the dimensional rift, the six Ultra Brothers standing here now." Thinking of this, the female Sa, who was so angry that she gritted her teeth, The Luomei star decisively waved his hand and issued an order: "Machine Ultra brothers, go and kill Sai Luo!"

"Oh...don't underestimate me!"

Although his body was covered with bruises, Sai Luo stubbornly got up from the ground, and then fought hand-to-hand with the mechanical Ultra brothers. Although he was obviously at a disadvantage, he persisted in fighting.

"Ray!" Captain Hyuga pressed Lei's shoulder, who wanted to help, and signaled him not to be so impulsive: "You can't help much now, you can only use Litra, we'd better sneak into the base of the Salome star Let's see if we can disintegrate them from the inside!"

Taking a sad look at Sero, who was struggling in the attack of the Mechanical Ultra brothers, Lei had to accept Captain Hinata's statement. After all, he was completely unable to intervene in their battle with Litra alone.

"Sai Luo, you must hold on!"

Silently praying for Sai Luo in their hearts, Lei and Captain Hinata got into the cave with the empty door wide open.

After accepting the order to go back, Dark Lopes Sero looked at Sero who was fighting with the Mechanical Ultra brothers below, and suddenly felt an unstoppable urge.

In the next moment, he quickly flew over the Si Luo and mechanical Ultra brothers who were fighting together, and then opened the inner core, revealing a cannon set up on the chest.

Taking advantage of Sero being entangled and unable to escape, Dark Lopes Sero began to slowly accumulate power, and more and more dark particles condensed into the core of his chest, gradually forming a black sphere.

It was too late when Sero noticed something, Dark Lopes Sero fired a very thick black light beam directly from the dimensional core on his chest, and after falling to the center of the battlefield between Sero and the Mechanical Ultra brothers, he began to gradually Collapsed, absorbing Sai Luo and others into the dimensional crack.

Now the female Salome star in the command room couldn't sit still, she hurriedly stood up and pressed a red button, and the dark Lopsero who was making an attack by herself stopped moving and fell from mid-air, smashing A cloud of smoke and dust was raised on the ground.

The male Salome star guarding both sides of her looked at each other worriedly, and then the young man standing on her right spoke first: "Master Herodia, is this a bit too rough, and the subordinates are worried that it may It will damage Unit Zero..."

Before finishing speaking, Herodia gave the young man a vicious look: "I am responsible here, and the out-of-control things are of no more value. Instead of preaching here, why don't you hurry up and recover the No. [-] machine?" , take a good look at what went wrong!"

After all, Herodia stood up from her seat angrily, took a few steps with her long legs, and then turned to look at the older male Salomei: "Remember to bring Mecha Gomora along with you!" Recovered, his damage is much greater than Unit Zero, restore him as soon as possible."

Uncle Salome just nodded to show that he knew, when suddenly a sound of glass shattering came from outside the base, which startled him a lot.

Herodia didn't bother to put on airs at this time, and rushed to the big screen to ask the observer, "What's going on? Did you accidentally link up with the Yabo people's different dimension space?"

The observer looked at the glass crack that suddenly appeared in the sky, and couldn't help swallowing: "No, it shouldn't be possible, after all, we have tested it before, and the dimensional crack on the planet Cheney will not be the same as the one where the Yapo people are. Dimensions are connected, so I dare to conduct experiments here."

Herodia heard the words and was about to continue asking, but found that the crack on the screen was suddenly completely shattered, and then the three giants jumped out of the big hole, and fell to the ground one after another, causing shock after wave.

And after the last golden and silver giant landed, he immediately turned around and stretched out his hands, and then the dimensional rift quickly closed following his movements.

"That's..." Herodia suddenly stared at the leading red giant in the cloak, and then blurted out a name: "Ultraman Leo!?"

After hearing this name, there was chaos in the base.

"Oops! How did Ultraman Leo come here? Could it be that we were discovered by the Kingdom of Light? Isn't this too fast!?"

"No, no, calm down, this may be Ultraman Leo from another multiverse!"

"Are you stupid! Is there only one Kingdom of Light that can be observed in the multiverse? How could Ultraman Leo come from another dimension!?"

"Enough!" With a roar that silenced everyone in the base, Herodia immediately issued an order: "The zero machine cannot be restarted for a while after being shut down, hurry up and let Mechanic Gomora attract them Attention, buy time for us to activate the mechanical Ultra brothers and the zero machine!!!”

(End of this chapter)

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