Descends from Naruto

Chapter 14 Please give more advice

Chapter 14 Please give more advice
Makoto Kinoshita thought that the snake would ask him why he was here and how he survived.

"Running in front of battle", "using companions as a trap", picking one at random, are all acts of treason and tolerance.

The best ending is just throwing it into a bitter cold place to grow potatoes!
He was ready to speak, he could get into the mood at any time, and there was a crying scene... Unexpectedly, the snake didn't care at all.

The boy cautiously followed behind the man.

Since he remained calm, Kinoshita Makoto didn't speak, but just rolled his eyes, and then returned to calm.

The two walked towards the mountainside, and soon came to the ambush point.

The fog dissipated, and the field of vision expanded a lot. The vision was no longer dim, and wisps of light were projected in, clearly reflecting the entire cruel battlefield.

It was a scene like hell on earth, with dead people everywhere.

It was the first time Kinoshita Makoto saw so many dead people, like a mass grave... His mood was extremely complicated.

He walked through the shocking crowd, suddenly stopped, and looked at the corpses with a gloomy expression.

They are all acquaintances, and chatted with each other during the rest of the team.

Makoto Kinoshita also got a ninja map from one of the ninjas.

He still remembered that this man's greatest wish was to marry a wife, buy a flat in Konoha, and then spend his whole life eating and dying.

But at this moment,
already dead.

After the abdomen was stabbed out of the hole by Kunai, he lost too much blood and died.Before dying, probably struggled to climb, bringing out bloodstains along the way.

Makoto Kinoshita squatted down, picked up the blood-soaked soil, kneaded it lightly, threw it on the ground, stood up, looked around,

Shen Sheng asked:

"Are there any survivors?"

Accustomed to seeing death, the snake didn't touch it at all. He looked indifferent, shook his head and said:

"It's gone here, but a little bug has escaped, but...she can't escape."

Soon, there was a rustling sound in the distance.

Kinoshita turned his head to look, and saw a huge black head slowly raised from the grass.

It was a giant python, it swam over, opened its mouth, and spit out a female ninja of the fog hidden.

The female ninja rolled around on the ground and almost fainted on the spot.

She curled up, panting heavily, like a fish thrown ashore.

The snake squatted down, grabbed the woman's hair, and asked in a deep voice:
"What's your name, what's your mission?"

"My name is Ya Sendi, and I'm in charge of the investigation... What about Guideng Mengyue and the others?!" The woman was crying.

This female ninja named "Mesendi" has a nice voice, but her appearance is not flattering.

"You ask the dozen or so guys who besieged me?"

There was a smile on the snake's face, but there was a trace of coldness in the eyes of people.

"Several were killed by me, and some were involved in the Four Elephant Seal.

The ninja of the Ghost Lamp Clan survived, but was also seriously injured. "

Ya Sendi's face turned pale, and the dozen or so Junin disappeared like this?

Her lips were trembling, how could she still have the slightest sense of leisure and laziness before performing the task!
The snake stared at the woman, and the golden snake pupils examined it carefully:
"Are you a perceptual ninja? Is there a blood succession limit?"

Ya Sendi didn't know why, but he still shook his head hesitantly: "No."


Snake's mood faded, and his tone became more and more indifferent: "Then you have no value in surviving."

Whether or not a ninja is worthless is the standard by which Orochimaru measures life and death.

Just like Makoto Kinoshita, if he didn't show enough "intelligence" level, he would be dead by now.

Hearing the man's words, Ya Sendi raised his head suddenly, as if he wanted to struggle a little bit, no matter how bad he was, he would die together.

The snake's golden pupils glanced at the woman.

No more movements, just showing murderous air, Ya Sendi felt as if he was in a torrent, he didn't even dare to move!

She just remembered who this man is! !

In his eyes, he is no different from an ant who is overwhelmed.

Ya Sendi begged, slapped his chest vigorously, and swayed, the thin vest seemed to burst at any moment.

The snake suddenly withdrew its murderous aura, looked at Kinoshita Makoto, and asked with interest:
"What do you think? I will give you the right to choose. You can kill her and avenge your companion.

If I can't bear it and want to show mercy and let him go, I will also consider it. "

Yasen was stunned in place.

She turned her head to look at the handsome young man who seemed harmless to humans and animals, her eyes were full of pain and pleading.

"As long as I can survive, you can tell me to do anything!"

Kinoshita Makoto ignored her and asked:
"Can you use ninjutsu to control her, let her go back to Wuyin Village, and help us find out information?"

Snake smiled even more, and said hoarsely, "Of course."

The woman's body softened and she almost fell to the ground.She breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she can survive today, she will return to Wuyin Village in the future...

The man stared into her eyes, then smiled softly:

"I have a companion of yours in my hand, ghost lamp Mengyue, right?

You two can only live one, if you kill him with your own hands, I will let you go back. "

The black snake opened its mouth wide and spit out another ninja, but the injury was more serious and he passed out.

Ya Sendi's mind went blank and his body tensed up.

Snake stood up slowly, stared down at Ya Sendi, with a low, bewitching voice, and said slowly:
"It's just a companion, doesn't Wuyin Village have a tradition of killing companions?
Why, you dare to refuse the first task I give you? "

Ya Sendi gritted his teeth, took out Kunai, his eyes were cold for a moment, and he stabbed at Guideng Mengyue.

Just when she was about to stab, the snake suddenly stretched out its hand and grabbed her wrist.

Another kick sent her flying fiercely.

The snake sneered and said:

"Forget it, his body is of research value to me, and I don't want him to die."

Ya Sendi clutched his stomach, summoned up the remaining courage, and timidly choked up and asked:
"Can you let me go? I can help you pass on information about Wuyin Village!"


Ya Sendi hesitated for a moment before standing up and walking outside.

The snake smiled: "No."

He waved his hand, and the black python rushed out immediately.

It entangled Ya Sendi's limbs, and she let out the shrill roar of a dying beast.

The woman's wrists and ankles rubbed and bled, the black snake opened its mouth wide, first tore off the thigh, and then bit the neck and arm.

After all the bones were swallowed, the feast of blood ended successfully.

Makoto Kinoshita watched this scene silently, and couldn't help feeling in his heart:

In this world, only the strong can control everything!
At the same time, he also felt the moodiness of the snake.

"Teach you three more life lessons." Snake turned around and stared at the boy, with a smile on his lips and said:

"First, during the mission, if you think about surrendering to the enemy, you will end up like this."

"Second, what anyone promises to you doesn't count, only what you can decide for yourself counts!"

He narrowed his eyes, glanced at Guideng Mengyue, and said with a smile, "Guess what the third one is?"

Makoto Kinoshita took a deep breath and said, "Only those of value can live."

Snake looked the boy up and down, and smiled with burning eyes.

Makoto Kinoshita was horrified.

Finally, the snake turned around and looked at the battlefield:
"Put Konoha Ninja's body in one piece and burn it to ashes, then bring it back to the village and bury it under the Heroic Monument.

And that's the only thing we can do. "

Kinoshita Makoto nodded, and also breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that he had passed the test, he carefully asked, "Master Snake, shall we go back to Konoha next?"

The man shook his head: "No, I'll send you to... the battlefield!"

Kinoshita took a deep breath.

The snake looked up at the sky, and the rain curtain was gradually growing, and the rapid raindrops knocked on the mask, crackling.

He walked forward, stopped suddenly, and took off the mask on his face, revealing a fair and feminine face.

"By the way, Cheng..." He licked his lips and said with a smile, "My name is Orochimaru!

Please advise! ! "

Makoto Kinoshita swallowed.



(End of this chapter)

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