Descends from Naruto

Chapter 15 Killing a Master to Prove the Way... Ninja World Tradition!

Chapter 15 Killing a Master to Prove the Way... Ninja World Tradition!
In the morning, the haze finally dissipated.

The long-lost sun rose slowly.

The sun is shining warmly on the earth, the river is shining brightly, and there are faint wisps of mist rising.

A boy stands in the middle of the river.

He punched and moved, his figure was swift and fierce, and his speed was getting faster and faster, so that the fist was wrapped in a long wind, making a sharp sound of piercing the air.

The river under Makoto Kinoshita's feet was full of waves, swaying up and down.

Although a little unstable, he can always stand on the water.

As a taijutsu from Uchiha Tajima, it is not difficult and there are not many routines.

The key is the sense of rhythm. After the first punch, the subsequent seven or eight punches follow the trend, trying to do it in one go, leaving no time for the enemy to react.

Makoto Kinoshita has already mastered the essence.

At the moment, he is more practicing chakra control.

Chakra control skills are the homework that ninjas must master.

Ninjas with a small amount of Chakra need to plan carefully and study in this area.

The most common training methods are, of course, climbing trees and treading water.

Climbing a tree requires a very subtle amount of chakra.Too much will damage the trunk, too little and no adhesion will develop.

Release chakra, stick to the soles of the feet for a long time, and keep it constant, which is a test of the ninja's control ability.

Just like playing singles with sticks on the basketball court, you can't rush too fast to exhaust too much energy;
You can't dribble too slowly, and you are easy to be pinched by the press.

Treading water is more difficult than climbing trees.

Water is fluid, the surface is soft and offers no bearing capacity.

But in general, treading water and climbing trees are just beginners, not advanced.

There is a whole set of cultivation steps in the back.

Makoto Kinoshita traded for chakra control skills through the account of the dead.

With a little practice, you can master climbing trees and treading water.

The next stage of training is to burst out Chakra intermittently while treading water.

One movement and one stillness, irregular changes.

To maintain the stability of the soles of the feet, you need to improve your control ability, otherwise you will fall into the water!

This is a step-by-step process.

After several times of getting wet, Makoto Kinoshita's control ability has improved a lot, but he has cultivated water first.

After kicking the boy with one knee, the chakra on the soles of his feet erupted many times, and his figure was a little unstable, but he only staggered slightly.

He frowned suddenly.

It turned out that someone seized this momentary flaw and used several stones as hidden weapons to smash his head.

The lasing stones are menacing, although they are not bitter, but if they are hit, their heads will explode.

Not long ago, Makoto Kinoshita, let alone his body reacted, might not have noticed someone sneaking up.

But at this moment...

He didn't panic at all, he twisted his waist and turned his upper body sideways.

The few stones just passed by in a flash, and the hair on the young man's forehead was swept away by the breeze.

The raid didn't end there!

A piebald water snake that had been lurking for a long time jumped out of the water.

It opened its mouth to the extreme, and bit the boy's ankle in mid-air.

Makoto Kinoshita was flying in mid-air, without a point of support, his body was already unable to move.

But a handful of kunai appeared in his hand, and he pulled out a big wheel!

Cut it off in the air! !
The water snake was cut into two sections, he landed safely on the water surface, and at the same time, the two shurikens were thrown in a certain direction.

Orochimaru appeared not far away, holding the shuriken firmly with both fingers, and said with a smile:

"Yes, the reaction is faster this time."

Makoto Kinoshita turned around and looked at Orochimaru, one of the Sannin, with complicated eyes.

After that ambush, he thought Orochimaru would rush to the battlefield without stopping.

Unexpectedly, the speed slowed down.It can even be said to be stop and go.

During this period, Orochimaru accidentally began to teach Kinoshita Makoto ninja knowledge.

It takes six years for a ninja to study and graduate... Even in the war years, a crash course is needed, and it will take two or three years anyway.

Kinoshita Makoto has only been training for half a year in Konoha, let alone a quick one... It is difficult to get into the door!


In this desperate situation, he almost kept Terumi Mei, killed Ginshi and Kaguya Sakamoto, and escaped from Danzo's plot...

How could Orochimaru not cultivate Makoto Kinoshita? !

But his foundation is still too weak, and Orochimaru must be taught in a targeted manner.

such as……

Sneak attack as an "enemy".

Just like it did just now, it is also euphemistically called:

Exercise practical ability.

Under the ultimate torture, it's hard to say whether Kinoshita Makoto's power has improved, but his vigilance is really full.

Orochimaru came over, looked at the boy, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Do you know which ninja dies the most and the fastest on the battlefield?"

Kinoshita Makoto replied, "Shinin?"

He is used to this kind of question-and-answer education method, and it can be regarded as the teaching feature of Orochimaru.

In terms of being a teacher, Uncle Snake is definitely a senior with both virtue and art.

Starting from scratch, pulling a small hidden village... so many subordinates are all trained by him.

And Sasuke.

Naruto, who has been practicing for two and a half years, went out to practice with Jiraiya, not to mention a few ninjutsu...

I haven't tested my own Chakra attributes, and I don't know anything about the corresponding property changes.

It can only be said that the foundation is not solid.

At the same time, Sasuke stabilized the level of elite jounin, and his strength beat Naruto.

This is the gap in education methods.

Of course,
Orochimaru's method has a drawback, that is, it can't teach... idiot!
Makoto Kinoshita is obviously not an idiot, and he is very satisfied with the many answers.

"That's right." Orochimaru nodded and said, "It's more accurate to say that it's a newly graduated ninja."

"Without experience of blood, no matter how well you learn in ninja school, you are still a baby on the battlefield.

Inexperienced on the battlefield, facing enemies that are much weaker than themselves, they may be counter-killed. "

Orochimaru paused for a moment, then continued:
"With your Chakra amount, even if you teach you a lot of ninjutsu, you won't be able to use it for the time being."

"And combat experience can only be tempered in fighting.

This is the most important thing I can teach you right now.

Otherwise, you won't last long on the battlefield, and you will die. "

Kinoshita Makoto nodded slightly, he understood what Orochimaru meant.

Both of them are short of time now. Physical training and ninjutsu learning cannot be improved in a short time.

But battlefield experience is different.

How rich is Orochimaru's experience, Kinoshita Makoto can always learn and absorb quickly when he attacks repeatedly.

The benefits are also unparalleled.

On the battlefield, every mistake can result in death.

But in the hands of Orochimaru, there were countless trials and errors.

Orochimaru smiled and said:
"It's only four days away from Konoha station, but you have one week to accept my training.

During this time, I will hone you day and night.How much you can absorb is entirely up to you. "

Makoto Kinoshita nodded.

There is a shadow-level powerhouse training with you, what's your opinion, even though it's only a short week!
This is a precious opportunity, even if it is a ninja undead account, it cannot be traded.

Orochimaru helped him like this, and it wasn't for free.

All the gifts given by fate are secretly marked with chips.

But Kinoshita Makoto doesn't care, he wants to live now more than being cannon fodder or being a weapon.

For a short time, you can only rely on Orochimaru.

Even if the current Uncle Snake and the future Aunt Snake really have some unreasonable doesn't matter!
At that time, Kinoshita Makoto didn't have the ability to protect himself, so it would be better to find a piece of tofu and kill him head-on.

Besides, if you really want to force too much,

Killing a teacher to prove the is a traditional art skill in the ninja world!
We can't break this fine tradition, can we? !



(End of this chapter)

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