Descends from Naruto

Chapter 16 Famous?Funeral!

Chapter 16 Famous?Funeral!
Makoto Kinoshita suffered a lot in this short-term training.

The battlefield experience mentioned by Orochimaru is not only combat experience, but also reconnaissance, traps, anti-reconnaissance methods, etc...

If you haven't learned these systematically, you will suffer a lot in the battle.

Just like the trap laid by Makoto Kinoshita, many ninjas can see through it, which is too clumsy.

But other people's traps, he can't.

This is the gap in experience!
Orochimaru is extremely familiar with these things.

His shots were not sharp, but all kinds of tricky traps accumulated layer by layer, which really made Kinoshita want to die.

In just a few days, he was able to write a book - "One Hundred and Eight Ways to Die as a Rookie Genin".

Orochimaru also used the shadow clone to suppress his own strength to the level of the ninja, and used it to fight Kinoshita Makoto.

The teenager never won once.

The most tragic time, he was hit with an iron elbow, and his throat was choked again, and he was almost beaten to death.

But from the initial embarrassment, Kinoshita Makoto became more and more at ease later on.

the reason is simple:
Although Orochimaru is a genius, when his strength is suppressed by Genin, no matter it is the amount of chakra, or his strength and speed, he has been fully restricted.

He also can't use many ninjutsu.

Kinoshita Makoto's exquisite kunai throw is not something ordinary kunai can handle.

The two stopped and walked like this, taking it easy, and finally approached Konoha's front line station.



As the sun dipped below the horizon, twilight deepened.

Makoto Kinoshita runs in the forest, his figure is as vigorous as a mountain rabbit.

Every time the toes touched the ground lightly, without knowing how to exert force, they swept a few meters away.

Not far away, the mountains and forests shook!

Huge beasts were running wildly, and the momentum was astonishing, and the sound of trees breaking was heard continuously.

Looking at the last bit of afterglow, it was a black wild boar with its tusks broken, dripping with blood, and the skin on its back was torn.

Perhaps because of the good environment, or because of Chakra, most of the creatures in the ninja world are huge, like prehistoric giants.

It was the wild boar named "Mushroom Pig" in front of him. The height of its back was one head higher than that of the African elephant in its previous life!

This gigantic monster that is invincible in the mountains and forests has scars all over its body, which shows how fierce the previous battle was.

It is fierce, its eyes are scarlet, and even if its fangs are broken, it will ram into the guy who dares to provoke it.

Makoto Kinoshita stopped in his tracks, his expression calm.

In addition to training with Orochimaru, he also has to fight the beasts of the forest... like a monster hunter.

It can not only enhance the actual combat, but also serve as... dinner!
Seeing Kinoshita Makoto stop, Shiitake Pig ran wildly after being aroused to be ferocious and bloody.

It lowered its head and wanted to stab this guy to death with its broken fangs.

This kind of impact, which is comparable to that of a tiger tank, cannot be controlled by ordinary small bodies.

Kinoshita let the wild boar rush towards him, and when he was close at hand, he bent his knees slightly and shot towards the sky like an arrow.

When he came to the highest point, when he was in the air, he quickly threw out the kunai.

The second Kunai turned a big arc, but the speed was faster, and the second came first.

At last,
The two kunai collided with a bang, changed direction, and shot into the wild boar's eyes trickily.

The blind shiitake pig bent its front hooves and smashed several towering trees, blood dripping immediately.

It struggled to get up and let out a painful low cry, as if it was about to run away.

Makoto Kinoshita, who fell from a high altitude, reached out and slapped the ground with his palm, and the whole person rolled forward in the air. When his feet landed, he just pointed his toes and rushed forward.

He was extremely fast, and finally jumped up lightly, stepping on the wild boar's head with both feet, while holding a handful of kunai,
Hold it up high and stab it down!
The tip of the knife pierced the wild boar's brow bone straight, giving it the final blow! !

After the wild boar died, Makoto Kinoshita slid open its belly, cut off the most delicious parts, and then turned around and left gracefully.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the boy came to a stream and saw Orochimaru.

He was sitting on the tree stump, reading the scroll, occasionally throwing a few dead branches into the bonfire.

The young man sat down next to him, and after cutting up the fat meat with kunai, he took out the wooden stick and threw the meat into the bonfire for barbecue.

This is a technical job, and the heat must be controlled, otherwise it is easy to burn the outside and burn the inside.

Soon, the aroma begins to permeate and the pork turns golden, oily and glistening.

Orochimaru put away the scroll, picked up two meat skewers, and handed one to Makoto Kinoshita.

The hungry boy didn't pick up.

Orochimaru joked, "Don't worry, it's not poisonous this time."

Once, he poisoned the meat, causing Makoto Kinoshita to spend half the night in the cold wind.

Almost became an anal strong man.

With these lessons, he will definitely not believe in Orochimaru, otherwise the recent training will be in vain.

Makoto Kinoshita took another bunch by himself, and after a little inspection, he gnawed on it.

The meat is delicious and full of elasticity!
The young man wiped off his greasy mouth. This was the most comfortable meal he had eaten during this period of time.

Orochimaru smiled with satisfaction, and whispered:

"This is very close to the station, and we can arrive tomorrow."

Makoto Kinoshita wanted to speak but stopped.

"Don't worry." Orochimaru seemed to know what he was thinking, and said softly:
"The Lisixiang seal on your body, I will help you find someone to unlock it... that person is proficient in sealing techniques."

Proficient in the sealing technique... Uzumaki Kushina?
Growing up beside Uzumaki Mito for several years... Kushina is definitely the most proficient in the sealing technique in the current ninja world.


As Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, it is impossible for her to come to the battlefield, she can only stay in Konoha.

So... is it the man who helped Konoha win this war on his own?

There was no change on Kinoshita Makoto's face, but he lowered his eyes and said:
"Master Orochimaru, do you want to stay on the battlefield?"

"No." Orochimaru shook his head and said, "I'm going back to the village, and I may go to other theaters later, but I definitely won't come here.


He looked up at the night sky, and said softly:

"The war is coming to an end!"

The two were speechless for a while.

Parting is imminent.

Nothing sad.

After eating, Makoto Kinoshita took the last opportunity to ask some questions about spiritual practice, and then went to sleep.

All night until dawn, when the sky was getting dark, he woke up on time.

Turning his head, he saw Orochimaru was still sitting by the campfire, as if he hadn't slept all night.

The light of the fire reflected on that slightly fair face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing that the boy woke up, Orochimaru extinguished the bonfire and cleaned up all the traces, he said:

"Let's go."

The two were shuttling through the jungle, and after an unknown amount of time, Orochimaru raised his hand suddenly, motioning to stop.

It turned out that a team of scouting ninjas sensed that someone was approaching and attacked the two of them.

Orochimaru stopped.

Makoto Kinoshita stared wide-eyed, looking curiously at the team wearing Konoha forehead protectors.

Anyway... finally safe.

After seeing that it was Orochimaru, the dozen or so Konoha ninjas were all excited.

After three generations of Hokage, Konoha Sannin is the most famous title in the village.

Jonin, who was the leader, took the lead in respectfully and loudly said: "Master Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru nodded slightly, and asked, "What about Ziraiya?"

"Master Jiraiya is discussing matters at the command post."

Orochimaru didn't speak, so he took Makoto Kinoshita and walked towards the station.

Following Uncle Snake and entering the station, he immediately felt countless gazes.

Makoto Kinoshita was very sure that these people were not looking at Orochimaru, but more at him, with curious expressions on their faces.

There were also many people, pointing at him, seeming to be discussing something.

Kinoshita Makoto touched his handsome face.

Although I know that I am handsome, but it is not enough to cause such a scene of empty streets, right?

Just when he was puzzled, Orochimaru suddenly turned his head and said in a hoarse voice:
"By the way, Cheng, there is something I forgot to tell you."

Teenagers instinctively felt something was wrong.

The corners of his mouth curled up, narrowing those golden snake pupils, and said with a smile:

"The fact that Wuyin Village sent ninjas to attack us has spread in the village and on the front line.

The Mist Ninjas were wiped out, and our and I are the only ninjas who survived! "

"Also, the fact that you killed Kaguya Sakamoto is also spreading.

He was a well-known genius in Wuyin Village, as famous as Hatake Kakashi, but he was killed by a ninja like you.

Heh~ You are famous. "


Kinoshita Makoto's scalp was numb and his face was stiff.

The genius ninja who was hated by Terumi Mei and killed others...

Your uncle's!

This doesn't make me famous, it clearly wants me to have a funeral! !


 I forgot to post it, speechless (#-.-)
(End of this chapter)

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