Chapter 17

"Boss, here's a bluefin tuna sashimi, two eel tempura, and two bottles of plum wine."

A middle-aged man with long white hair strode into the restaurant with a rough and rich voice.

Behind him was a tall man with fair skin and handsome looks, but his appearance was feminine.

As a close friend whom I haven't seen for a long time, after Jiraiya hastily finished the meeting, he took Orochimaru to the restaurant...have a few drinks.

Konoha's frontline station was not built randomly, but was stationed in an important military town.

As a semi-permanent fortification, there are various shops here.

Not only weapons and medicines are sold, but also places to eat.

The third ninja world war is not a year or a half, but lasts for several years.

Many ninjas could not return to their villages for several years, and stayed on the front line all the time, and occasionally they had to have a place to relax... so as to relieve the depression of dying at any time.

Restaurants are the best places to go.

These restaurants belong to the village.

Most of the bosses are ninjas, but most of them are disabled and can no longer perform tasks.

After the village's strict political review, the safety issue is needless to say, it can be regarded as the humane care given by Konoha.

Zilai was also familiar with driving, so he found a cubicle and sat down on a chair.

After days of meetings, I was really exhausted. Smelling the aroma of wine, I closed my eyes, sniffed my nose, and looked intoxicated.

What a fucking scent.

After Orochimaru sat down, Jilai also introduced in detail:

"The wines in other restaurants are either watered down too much, or they are fake and not good to drink.

Although this shop is small, the wine is genuine and the alcohol is not high, but the wine has a strong aroma and tastes like a mouthful.

Tsk tsk, that's so authentic!

Boss, serve the wine first and ask for the most expensive one! "

Zilai is also obviously a regular customer.

A middle-aged one-armed man poked his head out and reminded him with a half-hearted smile:

"Master Ziraiya, the debt you owed the last time, the last time, you haven't settled yet..."

Jiraiya pointed at Orochimaru and said with a big grin:

"Today he treats guests, so he wants good wine... bring the most expensive one!"

The one-armed boss glanced at the expressionless man and recognized it as Orochimaru.

Seeing that he didn't object, he knew it.

Among the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya and Tsunade are the worst.

a lecherous,

A bad bet.

If you want to come to Oshemaru-sama's character, you won't renege... right?

of course,

Zilai also winked and hinted that the boss also received the signal:
All the previous accounts were added at one time, and Dashewan paid them all.

The two have cooperated many times. The last bill was paid by a young man named Namikaze Minato.

But when the blond ninja checked out, the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch, his complexion was gray, and he kept asking Jiraiya to go back to help testify...

The money is really not spent indiscriminately.

The boss's face was also wonderful, and he sighed secretly. The young man looked like a dog, quite decent, but he didn't expect to secretly...

Also a henpeck!
The boss quickly put on a flattering smile and offered the best plum wine.

Jilai also unsealed the cork, and the aroma of the wine permeated the compartment instantly.

After he filled the wine, he handed over a glass pretentiously, but Orochimaru didn't take it.

Zilai also had no choice but to grab Bai Mao in embarrassment, and explained softly:

"I'm a commander on the battlefield, and I don't have a salary. I spend all my money on books. I'm really penniless... Believe it or not, they are all good books!"

He tsk tsk with endless aftertaste:

"It's about male and female ninjas, who fight close to each other... The book itself is expensive, and there are color printings.

It will be even more expensive if you entrust someone to deliver it to the resident. "

Jiraiya is really out of money now, so he is playing autumn wind everywhere.

"I owe you this meal, okay?"

Orochimaru reluctantly accepted this statement, and he smiled slightly: "I thought you lent money to Tsunade again."

"Lend it to her?!" Jiraiya shook the hand holding the wine bottle, and almost spilled it.

He raised his voice and said angrily, "Do I look so much like a licking dog?"

Orochimaru took the wine glass, took a sip, smiled without saying a word.

It's not like... clearly it is!
He still vaguely remembered that Tsunade borrowed Jiraiya's remuneration for the first mission that year.

In order for Tsunade to go on a date with himself, he also borrowed Sarutobi-sensei's remuneration on his own initiative.

And then... did go on a date.

Tsunade took Jiraiya to the casino for a "date" and witnessed her terrifying power as a money-scattering boy.

Since then, Zirai has secretly sworn:
"By Huang Tian, ​​I am irreconcilable with gambling and drugs!"

The two chatted about Chen Zhima's rotten millet, and Zilai also suddenly said:

"I received a letter from the old man, and he told me the truth about your mission."

He sighed: "You didn't report to the old man in advance, he was very angry."

Orochimaru raised his head and took a sip of wine, whispering:
"In Kikyo City, we fought the last battle with Sha Yin, and it was also the most tragic battle."

"In the village's battle report, I was the only one who led the Konoha ninjas, how many sand hidden troops were eliminated, but do you know how many ninjas we lost?"

Orochimaru looked into the distance, holding the jug's neck with two fingers, shaking it gently, and said in a hoarse voice:
"At that time, I told myself that if I can save a few people from dying, I can use any method."

Orochimaru laughed and said:
"Danzo found me and asked me to perform a top-secret mission, which can relieve the pressure on you and bring the war to an early end.

Using a group of war orphans in exchange for the lives of dozens of Kirigakure jominin, this is the most lucrative deal!

Why didn't I promise him? ! "

Zilai also let out a long sigh when he heard the words.

After a moment of silence, Orochimaru picked up the jug and took a sip of wine before saying:

"Of course I know Sarutobi-sensei will refuse, but I feel that someone needs to make this difficult decision for him.

I am his student, there is no reason not to take the initiative to do it! "

Before Jiraiya could answer, Orochimaru made a hoarse voice, more like talking to himself:

"In war, human life is the least valuable, and those war orphans are doomed to die.

I just helped them choose a... more valuable way to die. "

Jiraiya's smile is far-fetched, of course he understands the reason.


Accounts are sometimes not calculated that way.

The original intention of the establishment of Muye Yin Village is to protect children so that they can grow up safely without having to go to the battlefield.

but now,

die more,

Die faster.

Jiraiya actually had a lot of questions, but there were too many, and instead, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

In the end, he could only say in a low voice:

"Forget it, after you go back, the old man will tell you... But I still remind you, don't get too close to that guy Danzo.

I don't want you to become the second him! "

Orochimaru just smiled, raised the jug and said, "There is one more thing I need to ask you..."

"The boy who came to the station with you?" Ji Lai also asked softly.

"Makoto Kinoshita, he is the only one among those 'weapons' who survived." Orochimaru said calmly.

"Let that apprentice of yours help him remove the seal of Lisixiang. This is the seal of the Uzumaki clan. I'm not very good at it."

If there is anyone in the ninja world who is proficient in the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, except for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina...

Only Namikaze Minato!

"Minato is not in this war zone right now." Jiraiya shook his head and said:

"Yunyin's brother AB appeared in the Frost Kingdom and attacked our material transportation line. He has gone to the battlefield over there."

"It's okay, let Cheng stay at the station for the time being, and wait for Namikaze Minato to come back." Orochimaru said softly:
"By the way, help him find a ninja team so that he can carry out the mission later.

Be more reliable, don't find some rotten fish and rotten teammates to fool me! "

Jiraiya's mouth twitched.

He is a frontline commander,

The number one man in this war zone!
I have a lot of thoughts all day long, and what I think about is not Wuyin Village, or the safety of the Konoha ninja army...

I don't even have time to read novels about male and female ninja dual martial arts!

A personnel transfer arrangement for a ninja, why are you here to bother me? !
Hey! !

What a pain in the ass—opened my eyes.

Jilai also thought it was a little funny, staring at Dashewan, and said jokingly:
"Couldn't that kid be an illegitimate child living abroad?"




 Ask for collections and tickets

(End of this chapter)

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