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Chapter 118 Black Temple

Chapter 118 Black Temple
Unexpectedly, Shui Jiao laughed wildly after hearing this, "Ordinary people...? When did the gods learn to speak nonsense with their eyes open?!"

This time Meng Zhe didn't talk anymore, but his face was already extremely ugly. As long as Shui Jiao dared to say one more nonsense, Meng Zhe might start fighting directly... Song Jiang on the side was confused and didn't understand what to say After talking, did he suddenly talk about himself? !
Thinking of this, Song Jiang tentatively asked, "Shuijia... Sister, is there any misunderstanding between us? I can swear to the sky, I have never harmed wild animals. Do you want to 'target'?" Wrong person?!"

Unexpectedly, it was fine for Song Jiang not to speak, but when he spoke, he completely irritated the other party, and Shui Yu said angrily, "Shut up! If you hadn't been protected by the white tiger back then, how could you have survived to this day?!"

Song Jiang was stunned when he heard it. He couldn't understand what the monster with a lizard head and a cheetah body was saying, so he had to look at Meng Zhe for help, and the latter shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it. It... this guy's brain was not normal back then."

Hearing what Meng Zhe said, Shui Jiao smiled instead of anger, and saw it gently licking its right front paw and said, "Shenjun Baihu, do you think... with your current strength... you can protect him?!"

Meng Zhe also seemed to have been made a little impatient by Shui Jiao, and said angrily, "Shui Jiao, your brain is broken, right? I brought someone with you, and you all thought it was Qinglong Woolen cloth?!"

After hearing this, Shui Jiao sneered, "Don't you know it yourself? If you hadn't protected him repeatedly at the beginning, how could it have led to the tragedy later... Not only did you not kill him afterwards to avenge Xuanwu Shengjun, Instead, he was protected in the name of a seal. I want to ask you for my sage, we are all brothers, why is there such a big gap?!"

Meng Zhe was speechless for a while when asked, his own choice back then was also forced out of helplessness, there was a reason for Qinglong's infatuation, killing Xuanwu was unexpected, everyone is brothers, the palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, even if you let him Now to choose again, Meng Zhe still can't find a way to have both...

At this time, Song Jiang finally understood a little bit. It turned out that this water scorpion actually regarded itself as an enchanted green dragon. Song Jiang knew a little about what happened back then. The retainers and the like, that's why they were worried about the fact that the white tiger didn't kill the blue dragon... But after all, this is a matter between their brothers, how can outsiders explain it clearly? !
Song Jiang knew that Shui Jiao had already regarded him as a criminal suspect, so he said that he was wrong, so he simply stopped talking. Anyway, he believed that as long as Meng Zhe was around, this nondescript monster in front of him would not be able to hurt him at all.

What happened back then was Bai Hu's lifelong rebellion. No matter whether his choice was right or wrong, it was not up to others to make irresponsible remarks... He thought of this, and said in a cold voice, "Did I come up to the mountain today to be with you?" You discuss the events of the past, I don’t care how you want to guard Xuanwu’s relics...but the souls of the Rihan people and the three thousand soldiers must be released into reincarnation today, otherwise I don’t think the seven of you need to be mountain gods here !"

After hearing this, Shui Jiao sneered and said, "How dare we disobey the order of the White Tiger God, but there is one thing I hope the God can agree to..." After it finished speaking, it turned its eyes directly on Song Jiang.

Song Jiang was so scared that he said repeatedly, "Sister, I'm not the green dragon you think? I'm just an ordinary person, okay? You can't always pick soft persimmons?!"

Naturally, Meng Zhe would not agree to Shui Jiao's request, because in his opinion, this was nothing short of unreasonable. Qinglong's primordial spirit was obviously sealed in his heart, and now they were clamoring to kill Qinglong... ...Isn't that just trying to kill yourself?
In normal times, Meng Zhe would never have the patience to explain something to the other party, but Shui Jiao and the others are Xuanwu's old subordinates after all, Meng Zhe finally took out 120,000 points of patience and said to them, "Shui Jiao, this mortal and Qinglong has nothing to do with it, the reason why you can perceive his aura is because Qinglong's primordial spirit has always been sealed in my heart."

"Impossible! This mortal clearly has the aura of a green dragon!" Shui Jiao said with a look of reluctance.

After hearing this, Meng Zhe said in a deep voice, "That's because he has my aura on him... It's his blood that unsealed the seal on the Heaven-Mending Stone and released me, so now our spiritual consciousness is interlinked."

After hearing this, Shui Jiao looked at Song Jiang suspiciously, and the latter nodded desperately and said, "It's's because I have the aura of the white tiger god on my body, so you think I'm that green dragon!"

Unexpectedly, Shui Jiao's next words were even more aggressive, "In this case, please ask the white tiger god to hand over the green dragon's primordial spirit!"

Meng Zhe sighed as soon as he heard it, and then said in a gloomy tone, "I can't say anything, right? I think you are really shameless..."

Shuijiao didn't seem to pay attention to Meng Zhe in front of him, and saw it screaming twice behind him, and then the surrounding ice tunnels began to collapse one after another, followed by the gradual rise of Shuijiao behind him. a black building.

It was a black temple surrounded by evil spirits, and the strangest thing was that there were many soldiers with their five senses sealed standing in front of the temple. Their clothes seemed to be the same as those who chased and killed Song Jiang in the ice cracks before. It is exactly the same as Meng Zhe's ice corpse.

Meng Zhe shook his head when he saw it and said, "No wonder you are unwilling to let those three thousand ghosts go away. It turns out that you have been absorbing the resentment in the hearts of these ghosts for a long time. You Qisu in the north were former subordinates of the majestic Xuanwu God. How can you do such a shameful thing now?!"

Before the water squid could speak, the door of the black temple suddenly opened, and a giant dark gray beast paced out from the door. It was covered in paulownia skin and iron bones, and looked very much like a rhinoceros on the African savannah. , but there are some differences.

Especially the unicorn on the giant beast's forehead, the bottom is thick and the top is sharp, it's not a joke if it is pushed... Every time the giant beast takes a step, there will be a depression on the ground under its feet, which is really very frustrating. It's hard to imagine how heavy this thing is.

Song Jiang thought that this giant beast would be difficult to deal with, but in the next second, a huge golden bull with tendon meat all over its body came out from the black temple. When it saw Meng Zhe and Song Jiang, it He mooed twice towards the sky, then shook his head towards the temple, and a bat as big as a vulture flew out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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