library clerk

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
The big bat flew around in mid-air, and finally landed on the back of the golden bull. Immediately afterwards, a white mouse the size of a calf and a wild boar covered in fire ran out of the temple. The white mouse There is also a shiny silver swallow on the head.

Song Jiang had never seen so many strange things in his life, so he quickly whispered to Meng Zhe, "Are we entering the Snow Mountain Zoo?!"

But Meng Zhe just sneered and said, "It's cheap for you today, let you open your eyes and meet the seven old subordinates of Xuanwu Shenjun..."

Song Jiang really didn't feel that he was taking advantage of anything. On the contrary, if he was not careful, he would be eaten alive by these seven monsters!

Seeing that Song Jiang didn't speak any more, Meng Zhe knew that Song Jiang must have been frightened, so he comforted him, "Don't worry, with me here...these few things won't hurt you."

Don't look at these guys looking weird, but they can all speak out, so I heard the big gray rhinoceros say to the two of them, "The seven of us have been waiting here for thousands of years. If your primordial spirit is on any of you, don't even think about leaving here."

Meng Zhe chuckled lightly after hearing this, "Just because you guys want to keep me!?"

At this time, I heard the smallest silver swallow laughing sharply, "White Tiger God, do you think you are still the White Tiger God?! Now that you have this mortal body, it is estimated that the skills are only the same as before. Thirty percent, we may not be able to fight alone... But once the seven of us join hands, you may not be our opponent."

Meng Zhe shook his head with regret and said, "I think my elder brother was so upright and unrestrained back then, but I didn't expect you to have followed him for many years without the slightest bit of his character..."

"What kind of character is there with a ruthless god like you?! If you hand over the Qinglong Primordial Spirit today, we will let you go because of the old relationship between you and my sage. If not..." Then The big white mouse said in a sinister tone.

"Otherwise what?" Meng Zhe asked coldly.

"Otherwise, I will send you to see my Shengjun, and let you personally apologize to him!" Taurus said sharply.

Meng Zhe nodded after hearing this, and then said with a deep smile, "Since you are all from the former Xuanwu Department, I still have to explain some things clearly. I made a heavy oath back then to seal the Azure Dragon Primordial Spirit in this place forever. In my own heart, I will not give him any chance to do evil, otherwise I will personally destroy his primordial spirit and make him completely annihilated... I have kept this oath until now, no matter who said what , I will stick to this oath and will not make any changes. So today I will put my ugly words up front, if you guys insist on doing something, then don’t blame my ruthless subordinates.”

After Meng Zhe finished speaking, he drew a circle around Song Jiang with his fingers, and an invisible barrier appeared instantly, enclosing Song Jiang firmly...

After doing all this, Meng Zhe smiled at Song Jiang and said, "Be honest and stay in the circle, even if the sky falls, it won't hit you, unless..."

Seeing that Meng Zhe had spoken halfway, Song Jiang hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless I die..." Meng Zhe said with a relaxed face.

Although Song Jiang was protected by the barrier set up by Meng Zhe, he still panicked in his heart. What if Meng Zhe, who had not reached the full level of skill, could not beat these seven monsters?At that time, he will really complain every day, and the earth will not work.

After Song Jiang was settled, Meng Zhe looked at the seven guys in front of the temple again, and said coldly, "The majesty of our four ancient gods has always been sacred and inviolable. Although I am the only one left now, there should be The rules cannot be broken... Let me teach you the rules for Xuanwu today!"

After Meng Zhe finished speaking, he clenched his hands slightly, and slowly closed his eyes, and then a strong infuriating energy circulated around his body. When he opened his eyes again, his pupils had turned into strange eyes. Blue, a white tiger with eye-catching eyes faintly appeared behind him...

The first one to attack Meng Zhe was the big rhinoceros. If Song Jiang guessed correctly, this guy should be the boss of several monsters, so it was the first to jump out to attack.

Seeing this big guy flying with all four hooves, he rammed straight towards Meng Zhe like a heavy tank. Seeing Song Jiang's little heart fly to his throat in an instant, Meng Zhe simply jumped up and easily dodged it , and the big rhino hit a boulder behind him, smashing the boulder to pieces.

For a while, countless gravels flew towards Song Jiang, but in the end they were all blocked by the barrier, making Song Jiang feel like he was watching others playing torrents in the playground, but it wasn't the splash that hit him... …but gravel.

When the big rhino saw that he had missed the blow, he pawed the ground non-stop angrily, and spouted white air from his nose from time to time... I don't know if it was because he missed Meng Zhe, but he actually vented his anger on Meng Zhe. Song Jiang, who was watching the excitement in the enchantment, rushed towards him without even thinking about it!
Song Jiang was terrified at this time. The big rhino was different from gravel after all. Although he knew that there was a barrier in front of him, the barrier was transparent. When the big rhino rushed towards Song Jiang, he still instinctively want to escape.

Little did he know that this happened to be a trick of the big rhinoceros, because although the enchantment drawn by Meng Zhe was unbreakable, the premise was that people inside the enchantment could not walk out by themselves. As long as Song Jiang stepped out of the circle, the transparent enchantment would be broken. disappear in an instant...

But human instinct is sometimes difficult to control, especially for ordinary people like Song Jiang, suddenly there is such a big guy like a tank rushing towards him... He simply can't stand there motionless.

Meng Zhe immediately understood the big rhino's intentions, so he stepped forward to stop him, and loudly ordered Song Jiang to stay in the circle and not to move around. Unexpectedly, the remaining six guys suddenly attacked Meng Zhe, wanting to Hold him tightly.

At this time, even though Meng Zhe has three heads and six arms, there is no way to rush to Song Jiang in a short time, and he can only watch helplessly as he is about to walk outside the circle... But in the midst of this flash, Song Jiang suddenly seemed like It was as if someone had tapped his acupoints, and he stood upright in the same place, his demeanor was completely different from just now.

Seeing that Song Jiang didn't dodge or dodge, the big rhinoceros suddenly became suspicious, and went around at the last moment, without hitting the barrier directly.

Meng Zhe was also puzzled when he saw it, but right now he didn't have time to think too much, so he made a sudden effort to increase his own blue light, and the looming white tiger behind him rushed as if alive. To those monsters, I quickly wrestled with them...

(End of this chapter)

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