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Chapter 142 Skull Face

Chapter 142 Skull Face

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang's proposal was rejected by Meng Zhe, "Are you afraid of six if I'm here? Last time I beat you to seven, let alone a mere corpse."

Song Jiang heard the same thing, but then he thought about it. After all, they are going to ask for help this time. Is it wrong to take a human being to offend others?

Meng Zhe saw Song Jiang's concerns, and explained helplessly, "Actually, you are no longer a pure human being in a strict sense, especially since you ate Xuanwu's relic last Gu Sanniang is not I'll see you as a person."

Song Jiang laughed dryly after hearing this, "This sounds so weird. If ordinary people talk like this among ordinary people, they must be scolding."

That night, Bai Ze drove over to pick up Song Jiang and Meng Zhe. The two ten-thousand-year-old monsters exchanged glances as soon as they got in the car, but it was a pity that Song Jiang looked at his phone stupidly when he got in the car, and didn't find anything at all...

According to Bai Ze, the reason why Gu Sanniang hates humans so much stems from a very clichéd story. Peasant uprising, ordinary people's life is miserable.

At that time, Gu Sanniang's surname was Peng, and her name was Peng Sanniang. She was the youngest daughter in the family, and she had two older brothers. Because of the peasant uprising, the imperial court was forced to recruit troops year after year. died outside.

Originally, the remaining old couple and their youngest daughter could barely get by, but one day a group of bandits came to the village, not to mention burning, killing, and looting, and even robbing girls when they saw them. In order to protect their daughter, the old Peng family also Both were killed... But even so, Peng Sanniang still did not escape the unfortunate fate, and was finally sold into a brothel by bandits for prostitution.

Because she was loved at home since she was a child, Peng Sanniang has a particularly strong temper, and she was caught after several escapes.Needless to say, the fate of not running is inevitable, and a severe beating is inevitable, but even so, Peng Sanniang is still swearing to die.

The old bustard in the brothel saw that Peng Sanniang was a hot potato and couldn't be tamed anyway, so she sold her to a rich merchant at a very low price to be his concubine. The man's wife was tortured to death... Later, Peng Sanniang couldn't stand it anymore, so she pretended to obey, and then poisoned the wealthy businessman's family to death with a pack of rat poison.

After the Dongchuang incident was committed, the government came to arrest people, so Peng Sanniang had no choice but to run into the deep mountains and old forests. As a result, when the two sides confronted each other, Peng Sanniang was cornered. In order to avoid being humiliated again, Peng Sanniang jumped off the cliff in a rage...

When the officers and soldiers saw that Peng Sanniang committed suicide by jumping off the cliff, they didn't waste any more time looking for his body, and let him be exposed to the wilderness under the cliff, and finally turned into bones.But Peng Sanniang's grievances linger, and the place under the cliff is mostly a place for spirits and monsters to practice. After a long period of time, Peng Sanniang has cultivated into a frightening corpse demon.

There is no right way for Yin and evil ghosts to practice Taoism, so Gu Sanniang at that time usually practiced by absorbing the essence of passers-by. Most of the Jingyuan people are physically weak, and they will live for a few years... At that time, the name of Gu Sanniang made the people in the vicinity change their expressions, and the valley where she practiced was even less populated for a hundred miles.
Until a guy who claimed to be a descendant of Zhang Daoling appeared. After he and Gu Sanniang fought for three days and three nights, no one got the slightest advantage. It didn't make any sense, so he changed his strategy to persuade Gu Sanniang to abandon evil and do good, and promised to pass on her a set of mental methods so that she could continue to practice without harming others.

At the same time, he also warned Gu Sanniang that if she insists on going her own way, she will be punished by heaven sooner or later. This cultivation method will definitely be robbed by the sky thunder.

Gu Sanniang is not a fool, she understands that this celestial master surnamed Zhang is not lying, so she said that as long as she has other cultivation methods, she will not kill innocent people anymore, and as for those who come to her door if they do not know what to do, she will just let it go. I can't manage that much anymore.

Since then, Gu Sanniang did not absorb the essence of passers-by, and gradually people took Gu Sanniang as a story to tell later generations.

After hearing Bai Ze's story about Gu Sanniang, the car had already driven into a mountain road. Song Jiang looked at the direction of the car and asked curiously, "Does Gu Sanniang live in the Nanshan Natural Scenic Area?"

Bai Ze laughed and said, "There is an enchantment where she lives, and ordinary humans can't get in. Even with the identities of me and Shengjun, it's impossible without an invitation."

While speaking, the car drove to a corner, and Bai Ze tapped his finger on the windshield in front of him, and the car unexpectedly drove into an unfamiliar mountain road after turning the corner...

The trees on both sides of this unfamiliar mountain road are obviously different from those in the previous natural scenic spot. They look thicker and weirder. Occasionally, there are overgrown weeds on the road, as if there are no cars on this road.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Ze started to speed up. It stands to reason that driving fast on this kind of mountain road is an extremely unwise choice, because if you are not careful, the car will crash and kill you... But there is nothing to worry about if the driver is Bai Ze .

As the car continued to speed up, the scenery outside the car window began to gradually blur, until a figure appeared not far ahead, Bai Ze braked to stop the car, and then he lowered the car window and said, "Old bone... madam at home?"

At this time, I saw the figure bent down, showing a white skeleton face and said, "Madam said that there is a distinguished guest coming tonight, so let me wait here, I don't want the distinguished guest to be Master Bai Ze..." After he finished speaking, he said Staring at Meng Zhe and Song Jiang in the back seat of the car with two bright green eyes, he said, "I wonder if these two are..."

After hearing this, Bai Ze said unhurriedly, "This is Lord Baihu and his entourage. I came here tonight to introduce my wife to Lord Baihu."

Seeing this skeleton face that is neither human nor ghost, when he heard the word Baihu Shenjun, he immediately said a lot more respectfully than before, "It is really lucky for my three lives to meet Lord Shenjun, my lords, please come with me... "

After the skull face finished speaking, he jumped forward and walked forward. Only then did Song Jiang realize that the guy had only one leg!Don't look at this skeleton face with only one leg, but he jumped up quite fast, and Bai Ze barely managed to follow behind him by blasting the accelerator all the way to the end.

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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