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Chapter 143 Bone Manor

Chapter 143 Bone Manor
It was the first time Song Jiang saw this kind of skeleton that could run, jump, and talk. He was both scared and curious and asked, "What the hell is this?"

Bai Ze smiled and explained, "This is a bone slave. When you arrive at the Bone Manor, you will see many bone slaves. They are all spirit bodies serving Gu Sanniang..."

At this time, the car drove to a huge gatehouse. Song Jiang took a closer look, and found that the gatehouse was the skull of an unknown giant beast. The car slowly drove into the giant beast's open mouth and came to a strange manor. .

The reason why we say this is a strange manor is because most of the buildings inside are made of bones, giving newcomers the illusion of stepping into the underworld... After the car drove into the Bone Manor, there was a person in charge of leading the way The old bone slave slowed down, giving Song Jiang a chance to see the scenery of the manor clearly.

Although at first glance, it gives people a sense of vitality, everywhere you look is the well-manicured gardens and animals that can be seen everywhere... But after a closer look, it can't help but make people feel cold. The small animals strolling leisurely in the park are all bones, and there is not even a little flesh on their bodies.

Song Jiang looked at the manor made of bones in front of him, and said with a look of horror, "Are these things dead or alive?!"

After hearing this, Meng Zhe said in a deep voice, "These are bone slaves transformed from the dead..."

During the conversation, the car stopped in front of a magnificent palace. Unsurprisingly, the palace was still built with bones... Then, led by the old bone, the three walked into the palace of bones.

Before seeing Mrs. Bone, Song Jiang thought that all the creatures here looked like bones, but when the old bone slave brought them to a luxurious hall, there was a bright-looking woman waiting there early. in.

"Bai Ze, long time no see..." Gu Sanniang said with a smile.

When Bai Ze saw him, he said softly, "San Niang, how are you doing these days?"

Gu Sanniang said with some complaints, "Don't you know my situation? Everywhere in this Bone Manor is good, but there is no are always so busy."

Song Jiang saw that the relationship between Gu Sanniang and Bai Ze was very unusual. Judging by the way the two flirted with each other, it was hard to believe that there was only pure revolutionary friendship between the two of them...

Perhaps because he sensed that there were other people present, it was inappropriate to just say "you and me" like no one else, so Bai Ze quickly turned to introduce Gu Sanniang, "Sanniang, this is the White Tiger God, and the young man next to him is him." Song Jiang's attendant."

Song Jiang didn't know if he heard it wrong. Why did he feel that when Bai Ze introduced himself to Gu Sanniang, he deliberately emphasized himself when he mentioned himself, so he quietly looked at Meng Zhe and saw that he didn't respond , I was relieved, thinking that I should have thought too much.

After hearing this, Gu Sanniang saluted respectfully and respectfully to Lord Baihu, and then exchanged some official greetings with him, then she set her eyes on Song Jiang... because Bai Ze said that Gu Sanniang He doesn't like humans very much, so when he sees the other person looking at him, Song Jiang will inevitably feel a little guilty.

"This handsome guy is called Song Jiang?" Gu Sanniang asked with a soft face.

Song Jiang immediately said nervously, "You... hello, my name is Song Jiang."

Song Jiang originally thought that Gu Sanniang would just say a few words to him politely and the matter would be over. Unexpectedly, she slowly walked in front of him and looked around him carefully... ...Song Jiang suddenly panicked, thinking that his human attributes were completely exposed!
Unexpectedly, after looking at it for a while, Gu Sanniang smiled and said to Meng Zhe, "I don't know why the god came here this time?"

After hearing this, Meng Zhe said in a deep voice, "I really came here this time to ask for something..."

As soon as Gu Sanniang heard this, she greeted everyone to sit down with a smile, and then ordered the old bone to serve tea to the guests, and said that if there was anything, everyone just sit down and talk slowly... Meng Zhe was not polite after sitting down, and directly proposed the trip The purpose is to ask for a raw bone pill.

After hearing this, Gu Sanniang nodded and said, "To tell you the truth, this raw bone pill is indeed my Gu Sanniang's secret medicine, and all the dead spirits in this garden have eaten my raw bone pill. It can continue to survive in the world... but I don't know who Shenjun and Sanniang asked for this elixir?"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Meng Zhe pointed at Song Jiang and said, "In order to save him... Song Jiang was originally a mortal, and by chance, he unsealed the seal on my body, so I reshaped his mortal body." , but some time ago he ate the basalt relic by mistake. I was worried that this would bring some unknown changes to his reshaped body, so I wanted to ask Sanniang for a raw bone pill in case of emergency .”

Gu Sanniang turned her eyes back to Song Jiang once again, and said curiously, "Can the god ask Sanniang to give Xiao Song a pulse?"

Song Jiang originally thought that Meng Zhe said this just to beg for Shenggudan's rhetoric, so naturally he couldn't really let her diagnose his pulse, but Meng Zhe nodded and said, "Of course..."

Song Jiang looked at Meng Zhe in a little surprise, but the latter didn't look at him at all. In the end, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward, handing his left hand to Gu Sanniang, and saw that the other party stretched out two fingers to gently rest on him. Between his wrists, a chill followed Song Jiang's body.

After a while, Gu Sanniang slowly withdrew her hand, then turned her head and told the old bone slave, "Go get a raw bone pill that I just refined yesterday..."

Song Jiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, he didn't expect that Gu Sanniang was so easy to talk, and gave them a raw bone pill so easily.

Unexpectedly, Gu Sanniang then said to the three of them, "It's more serious... It's inconvenient to go down the mountain now, why don't you stay in the manor for a night?"

Song Jiang's heart tightened when he heard this. To be honest, he didn't want to live in such a ghostly place, but Meng Zhe said indifferently, "Sanniang is too polite, so there will be more trouble."

After hearing this, Gu Sanniang ordered the old bone slave to take Shenjun and Song Jiang back to the room to rest. As for Bai Ze... he will stay and talk with Mrs. Bone at Bingzhuye.Let's talk about how Gu Sanniang and Bai Ze reminisced about the past, but only Song Jiang, who was crying on the way back to the room, obviously had an expression of unwillingness to stay.

Meng Zhe didn't say a word along the way. After all, he is a white tiger god. When there are outsiders around, he still has to put on the air of a god. But when they entered the room and there were only two of them left, he said to Song Jiang with a funny face, "Looking at your cowardly look, is it possible that you are still afraid that Gu Sanniang will eat you?"

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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