library clerk

Chapter 155 Alice

Chapter 155 Alice

Although Song Jiang had seen a ghost for the first time, and the little girl in front of him looked only 6 or 7 years old, and looked harmless to humans and animals... But for some reason, he felt chills from the bottom of his heart.

"Hello, uh... what's your name?" Song Jiang said while looking out the door, wondering why Team Shao didn't come in yet? !

Unexpectedly, Song Jiang watched for a long time, but he didn't see Shao Jun's figure for a long time. He suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. At this moment, he heard the little girl laughing, "My name is Alice!"

Song Jiang just wanted to go out to find Shao Jun, so he tried his best to move towards the door against the wall, but fixed his eyes on the little girl and smiled, "Hello, Alice! One of my brother's friends is still outside... ..."

But Lisi said innocently, "There is no one outside...Brother, can you stay and play with me?!"

Even if Song Jiang has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running, right?Isn't this a common trick in ghost stories?If he agreed to the little girl's request casually now, he might have to stay here with her forever.

Thinking of this, Song Jiang said with a dry smile, "Brother is very busy, I don't have time to play with you now, you can play by yourself for a while!" After he finished speaking, he quickly came to the door, but as soon as he went out, he felt dizzy, and then time and space reversed , He returned to the room where the music box was placed in a blink of an eye... Song Jiang smiled bitterly when he saw this, he really came here for whatever he was afraid of.

Besides, Shao Jun outside the door, in fact, he chased after Song Jiang into the room, but when he stepped into the room again, he found that the scenery inside was completely different...

The previous dressing table was turned into a desk filled with textbooks and exercise books. What surprised Shao Jun the most was that this room looked familiar. After thinking for a while, he soon remembered that this room was It's my cousin's room!
At the same time, a familiar voice came from behind Shao Jun, "Brother...?"

Shao Jun turned his head abruptly, and saw his cousin who had been dead for half a year suddenly appeared in the room, his eyes were still full of grievances...

"Xiao Chao? Is that you?!" Shao Jun asked in shock.

Hearing Shao Jun's question, my cousin suddenly became agitated, "Brother, help me...I don't want to die!!"

Shao Jun tried his best to maintain a calmness of 120,000 points, because he wanted to distinguish as soon as possible whether the scene in front of him was real or just his hallucination? !Thinking of this, Shao Jun wanted to touch his cousin's body, but as soon as he got close to him, he backed up and said, "Don't come close to me... Brother, I don't want to hurt you, you get out of here quickly!"

Shao Jun looked at his cousin in front of him, although he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he didn't know where to ask, "What happened?"

Unexpectedly, the cousin also said with a blank face, "I don't know... Brother, are you here to rescue me?"

Shao Jun saw that his cousin was not in the right state, so he asked tentatively, "Do you still remember how you got here?"

The cousin thought for a while and said, "I signed up for an internal test of a secret room game online, and then came here..."

"What happened after that? Do you remember what happened later?" Shao Jun asked.

Although my cousin has been trying very hard to remember, but the more he thinks about it, the more confused his expression becomes, and finally he hugged his head in extreme pain and said, "After that...? I've been stuck here forever since then!"

Shao Jun was dubious and said, "Don't you remember that you went home?"

When the cousin heard it, he said emotionally, "What? This is impossible! I have been trapped here since I came in, and I can't get out at all!"

At first, Shao Jun thought that his cousin didn't know that he was dead, but he soon realized that when he saw his cousin just now, he didn't want to let him get close to him, which meant that he should be very clear about his current state ...

Thinking of this, Shao Jun continued to ask tentatively, "Xiao Chao, why didn't you let me approach you just now?"

My cousin's expression changed after hearing this, and he saw his eyes flicker and said, " can't get close to me anyway."

Shao Jun sighed after hearing this, "Xiao Chao, if you don't tell me the truth, I won't be able to help you!"

"He said... He said that as long as I leave others here, I can go out!" My cousin said with a terrified expression.

As soon as Shao Jun heard it, he asked in a deep voice, "Who is he?"

"He is...he is..." The cousin seemed to be trying to remember, but he couldn't remember anything after thinking for a long time, "I don't remember...Brother, I want to go home, I miss my parents."

Shao Jun felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. He didn't know how to tell his cousin that he might never be able to go home.

Seeing that Shao Jun didn't speak, my cousin seemed to realize something, so he looked at Shao Jun in a daze and asked, "Brother, am I dead?"

Shao Jun paused, then tried his best to force a smile, and answered irrelevantly, "Xiao Chao, don't be afraid, brother is here to save you this time, no matter what, brother will definitely take you away!"

This cousin of Shao Jun admired him very much since he was a child. Hearing what he said, the cousin immediately felt relieved, "That's good... I still have to go to school, if I don't go out, I should delay the time for registration .”

While comforting his cousin, Shao Jun was thinking about how to reunite with Song Jiang and Meng Zhe. Now it seems that whether he can rescue his cousin... depends on how capable that Meng Zhe is.

Thinking of this, Shao Jun called his cousin to go out with him, but his cousin shook his head and said, "I can't get out of this room, I have tried many times, he said unless I can keep others here. "

After Shao Jun heard this, he encouraged his cousin to go out with him, to see if it would work, so his cousin slowly followed behind Shao Jun, and the two brothers walked out of the room one after the other...

It's a pity that Shao Jun thought things too simply, because he soon found himself caught in a space loop, no matter how he walked, back and forth, in and out, he would always return to his cousin's room.

The cousin finally sat on the ground with a dejected expression and said, "I told you I can't get out, brother, you go out first, stay in the lobby on the first floor, and don't go into any room."

"No, I have to take you out today." Shao Jun said stubbornly.

The cousin knew he couldn't harm Shao Jun, so he thought for a while and said, "Brother, you go, I'll find someone else to come in, so I can get out!"

"No, Xiaochao, remember, we can't do anything harmful at any time, you believe brother, I can definitely take you out of here!!" Shao Jun persuaded patiently.

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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