library clerk

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

But Shao Jun’s words just angered his cousin, so he said with grief and indignation, “I can’t harm others? Then why can others harm me?! Why can’t they do me?! Do I deserve to be trapped here forever ?!"

Shao Jun was speechless for a while. When facing others, he could have a lot of great truths to preach, but when facing his relatives, he couldn't say a word...

Seeing that Shao Jun bowed his head and said nothing, the cousin had no choice but to say in a deep voice, "Brother, you can go, go back and tell my parents to take care of their health... My son is not filial, so he can't stay with them in the future."

After hearing this, Shao Jun said with red eyes, "Xiao won't leave you here by yourself, as long as he finds my friend, he will definitely have a way to rescue you!"

The cousin shook his head, and said with a look of despair, "But the problem now is that neither you nor I can get out...Brother, you shouldn't have come!"

Shao Jun thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "There is only one way to get out now..."

"What way??" My cousin asked suspiciously.

"According to the rules here, I'll go out." Shao Jun said.

The cousin immediately refused, "No! I can't go back anymore, and I can't catch up with you again!"

"Xiaochao, listen to me, I'll be fine. Find my friends in the castle as soon as you go out. They must have a way to come back and rescue me... This is the only way to save the two of us at present. It's gone." Shao Jun persuaded patiently.

After hearing this, the cousin hesitated and said, "But in this way, I have to be attached to your body. I... am afraid that this will cause harm to your body."

After hearing this, Shao Jun said indifferently, "When is this? How can I care so much? Besides, your brother and I are so strong. How can it hurt? Hurry up! What should I do? Don't waste any more time gone."

Seeing that Shao Jun had made up his mind, my cousin nodded and said, "Okay...then you close your eyes first, and I'll try."

In fact, before that, Shao Jun was still a staunch atheist, but all this was completely overturned after he saw his cousin's soul.He and his cousin are both only children, so the relationship is like a brother. Although he can't bring his cousin back to life this time, he can't let him die in an unclear way, let alone let him die in peace .

Thinking of this, Shao Jun slowly closed his eyes... Immediately afterwards, he felt an external force hit him fiercely, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in front of him.

"Brother? How do you feel?"

When Shao Jun heard his cousin's voice coming from his mouth, he knew that their positions had been switched, so he hurriedly said to his cousin, "Go out and find Song Jiang and Meng Zhe, they have a way to rescue me. !"

After hearing this, the cousin nodded solemnly and said, "Brother, wait for me!" After he finished speaking, he opened the door and walked out, leaving Shao Jun alone in the room.

But as the door closed again, the scene in the room changed immediately, and it turned into Shao Jun's office... He suddenly smiled wryly, thinking that if he really couldn't get out, wouldn't he have to stay here all the time? Work in the unit? !
Compared with Shao Jun, Song Jiang was much more unlucky. The little girl named Alice kept beating around the bush and fooling him to stay with her to play. If they went faster, they could only squat in the corner with a broken face, secretly cursing Meng Zhe, where did this guy die? !

For this big brother who refused to stay with her, little Alice was very tolerant, "Brother, why don't you like me? As long as you promise to stay with me, I can give you the whole world."

Song Jiang smiled wryly after hearing this, "The whole world? Do you know what the whole world is?"

After hearing this, Alice said naively, "The whole world is the whole world! I can give you all the things you like! As long as you can stay with me, how about it?"

Song Jiang shook his head and said, "My whole world is not only the things I like, but also... friends and relatives, and an unfettered free life."

Little Alice was stunned, she stared into Song Jiang's eyes for a while, and then smiled slyly, "You have no friends or relatives at all."

Only then did Song Jiang realize that although the kid in front of him looked only 6 or 7 years old, the devil knew how mature she was in her heart, otherwise how could she see through her true thoughts at a glance? !
"Who says I have no friends? My friends are outside. You just need to let me out, and I can join them." Song Jiang continued to speak stubbornly.

Alice laughed and said, "You mean those guys outside? They all have their own troubles, how can they have time to take care of you... Brother, can you stay with me?! If you don't like me now If I look like you, I can change into something else."

After she finished speaking, she made a gorgeous turn and changed into Xiao Xin's appearance in an instant, and then said with a sweet smile, "Do you like this appearance? Is she your friend too?! As long as you like it, I will You can also keep her here forever."

Song Jiang looked at "Xiao Xin" with a strange smile, shook his head and said, "We just know each other...not friends."

After hearing this, Alice turned around again and changed into Wu Lei's appearance and said, "What about him? I think you are very close!"

Song Jiang didn't want to implicate Wu Lei even if he was trapped, so he shook his head and said, "He's just my old classmate..."

Alice was obviously a little confused this time. She thought about it, then turned around again, and finally turned into Meng Zhe. He slowly approached Song Jiang and asked, "Is this always your friend?!"

This question really stumped Song Jiang, because he didn't know how to define the relationship with Meng Zhe. They were bound together forcibly from the beginning. Although the connection between the two was disconnected later, But still did not become a stranger.

In fact, Song Jiang has already regarded Meng Zhe as a very important friend in his heart, but he also feels that he is just an ordinary human being, while Meng Zhe is a god who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and people will really regard him as a friend ? !

Seeing that Song Jiang didn't refute this time, Alice nodded with a smile and said, "It seems that this person is very important to you... Don't worry, as long as you are willing to stay with me, I will let him stay in this world forever." you."

Of course Song Jiang knew that the other party was unlikely to be able to trap Meng Zhe here, and he also knew that Meng Zhe would come to save him sooner or later, so all he had to do now was delay...

 Today's update...

(End of this chapter)

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