Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 101 These names are all celebrities

Chapter 101 These names are all celebrities
Hearing these two names, Zhu Ji immediately remembered the novels he had read in his previous life.

Leng Qian, isn't this one of the five scattered members of Mingjiao?Could it be that what I traveled through was not the serious Ming Dynasty, but the sequel to Yitian Tulongji?
"Mr. Leng has now passed a hundred years of life, and he is one of the few high-level cultivators after Master Xuanxuan. If your Highness sees him, you must respect him."

Seeing Zhu Ji's curiosity and confusion, Liu Ji took the initiative to explain.

Hearing what Liu Ji said, Zhu Ji nodded embarrassedly and smiled: "I can save this. I just don't know who the master Xuanxuan is?"

In this era when gods are born in large numbers, those honorable titles of Taoism and high cultivation are often only circulated among the high-level people. Zhu Ji has only returned to the court for a few months, so it is definitely not shameful not to know.

"Xuanxuan's real name is Zhang Quanyi, also known as Sanfeng. It is said that he was originally from the Jin Dynasty and lived in Wudang. His Majesty has sent people to look for him many times, but he has never been found. Some people say that he has long been Ascension, but in recent years, there have been many fairy trails appearing."

Zhang Sanfeng is another well-known figure.

Zhu Ji felt his head buzzing.

If it wasn't for his poor cultural level, Zhu Ji would like to tinker with "The Legend of Condor Heroes" to see if he can use the fabricated love story in it to catch this Youdao True Immortal.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ji suddenly remembered that he had been obsessed with another person before.

Compared with the illusory real Sanfeng, Luo Guanzhong is a real person.

Zhu Ji couldn't help but patted himself on the forehead, as a reminder to ask for Taoism's will after meeting Zhu Yuanzhang next time, and find Luo Guanzhong.

Although Luo Guanzhong's military talent may not be very good from the perspective of the winner, but regarding the war scenes he described in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", at least when discussing the war, he can also draw a different conclusion.

What the Great Ming Dynasty Hall lacks the most today is not talents.

The conversation with Liu Ji came to an end after a while.

Different from those high-level cultivators mentioned just now, Liu Ji is just a mortal after all. In his sixtieth year, he was devoting himself to the Yushitai during the day, and he had to come to his place at night. It was really difficult for this old man. up.

Speechless all night, Zhu Ji stepped into the Jinshen Hall again at noon after dealing with affairs in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion for a long time the next morning under the strange eyes of the warriors.

After so many days of pondering, Zhu Ji has successfully mastered the skill of Cengfan.

Taking the bowls and chopsticks from the inner waiter without any restraint, Zhu Ji looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Biao who were eating slowly, picked up a piece of vinegared kidney and wolfed it down, and then asked curiously:
"Didn't the old man say that the younger siblings are about to give birth? Why didn't you come and watch them, and you still have time to come here and work as a coolie for him?"

In fact, Zhu Biao really wanted to say that he didn't want to come, but he was sitting next to the righteous master. Thinking about Zhu Yuanzhang, whose physical strength was not as good as before, he still didn't dare to speak his truth.

"The imperial doctor's order said that the pulse is stable, but there is no danger. These days, the state affairs are complicated, and the father is quite hard, so the younger brother is here to share the father's worries."

Zhu Biao spoke politely, but Zhu Ji didn't believe a single word.

With the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion taking over all the general's affairs, and all the important positions in the Central Secretariat have been filled with manpower, so many measures to reduce the burden on the old man have been implemented. It is not an order to reduce the burden of later generations, but it is actually a positive one?

It would be a ghost if there wasn't anything that couldn't be written about here.

"Well, it seems that my Dazong is going to be busy in the future."

An irrelevant sentence made Zhu Biao puzzled and at the same time made Zhu Yuanzhang blush, and then raised his head and stared at Zhu Ji quite angrily:

"Is it possible that the dishes on this table can't keep your mouth shut? The day before yesterday, I stayed at the Jiaofang Division for a night. I wonder if I can gain anything?"

Today's Lord Guorui is already well versed in the way of fighting to hurt each other. Since this bastard wields his sword invisible, he will naturally draw his sword silently.Clearing the venue at the Jiaofang Division just to listen to the music, who will believe it?
In this game, there are winners and losers, and it can only be said to be a tie.

Knowing Zhu Yuanzhang's aggressive posture, Zhu Ji knew that if he didn't expose this issue, he would soon be at a disadvantage in this confrontation, so he took the initiative to mention the main purpose of the trip:

"I didn't get anything, so I'm going to ask Le Shaofeng, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, and Leng Qian, a Xielu Lang, for help."

"We have set so many rhythms, you can't look down on any of them?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was really curious about what kind of music the elder wanted.

"It's not too short, it's too elegant. According to my opinion, it would be most appropriate to use lyrics like Su Shi and Xin Qiji, but if it can be made more popular, it can be sung by soldiers with little knowledge. , It’s even better if you listen to it and move your heart.”

Although Le Shaofeng and Leng Qian have not yet been invited, Zhu Yuanzhang speculates based on his experience over the past twenty years that his eldest son's requirements are not generally high.

If one wants to compose a piece according to such a requirement, it is likely that Xin Qiji and Bai Letian will be resurrected, and then the two will have an academic discussion on this, ranging from a few months to a few years, in order to meet their needs.

However, is this realistic?

Anyway, it's really difficult to think about it based on my own poetry level of "chicken crowing and pouting".

"Since you already have such a request in your heart, you have some ideas. Why don't you hum a few words for us first, and then ask them to come over?"

Fortunately, Le Shaofeng was editing and revising the rhyme at the Imperial Academy.But Leng Qian, who is hundreds of years old, is not easy to work for.

If you follow this bastard's tossing energy, if this Youdao Gaoxiu is tossed away, Zhu Yuanzhang will really want to cry without tears.

After being said by Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Ji immediately stopped the hand that was about to pick up vegetables.

This really reminded him that the reason why he has been dissatisfied with listening to left and right these days is not because he set the standard according to the song in his mind.

Now that the old man and the prince Zhu Biao are both here, Zhu Ji feels that it is necessary for them to judge whether his own aesthetics conforms to Daming's fashion.

The hoarse and mocking singing ignored the elegant eating of the father and son, and went straight to their ears.

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, but still listened patiently.But Zhu Biao looked around blankly, looking at his own father, and then at his own brother, completely confused about what was going on.

It wasn't until Zhu Ji's singing ended with a long draw that Zhu Yuanzhang swallowed a piece of roast goose expressionlessly:
"Such a vulgar piece of music actually makes you feel that it can't even compare to the elegant music that we personally set?"

(End of this chapter)

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