Chapter 102

Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang with an incredible face, Zhu Ji rolled his eyes with some displeasure.

"I'll tell you, old man, that you don't know how to appreciate it. Although I'm tone-deaf, at least this piece is good. You have to savor this piece, and you have to savor it carefully."

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Ji as if he was looking at an illiterate, and he was speechless in his contempt.

"Isn't it the story of Yue Wu and Mu Kangjin? It's not like we don't understand it. But what happened in the old Song Dynasty has nothing to do with our Daming. Besides, if those soldiers listen to it, won't they mistakenly think that we are He is also a fool like Zhao Gou."

"It's as if my million-strong army in the Ming Dynasty is like the Yue family army, and you have been wronged?"

This can be regarded as one of Zhu Ji's favorite songs in his previous life, and now it's hard to remember how Zhu Yuanzhang could criticize him like this.He gave Zhu Yuanzhang an annoyed look, Zhu Ji turned his grief and anger into appetite, chewed a piece of lamb belly, and then retorted:
"Do you know what it means to focus on meaning but not form? My original intention is to let the Ming soldiers serve the country as faithfully as Yue Wumu. Besides, you have the ability, think of someone better than me?"

Zhu Biao, who had been eating in silence, couldn't help reminding in a low voice:
"Brother, that Yue Wumu is serving the country loyally."

Zhu Ji suddenly felt that it was really annoying to have such a stinky brother.Obviously, what he said was so righteous, but he was overthrown by this guy with just a few words.

Glaring Zhu Biao angrily, forcing the prince to continue immersing himself in the food, Zhu Ji continued to argue:

"Besides, after this news is spread, don't you tell the soldiers, I hope you are all Yue Wumu, I am... By the way, who are the founding emperors who treated heroes well in history?"

It was clear that he was disgusted just a second ago, but Zhu Ji still had to turn to Zhu Biao who was eating with his head covered when he encountered this kind of problem that tested his knowledge reserve.

As the dignified prince of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Biao felt that his identity had been offended like never before.

However, he couldn't afford to offend any of the two around him, especially when asking this question, there were always weird ways to punish himself, Zhu Biao could only silently choose to succumb with tears in his eyes.

"First Emperor!"

When Zhu Ji heard this answer, he immediately felt like meowing?In the history books, the existence of the one emperor through the ages, who destroyed the six kingdoms, is actually the one who treats heroes the most?
I feel like this is another blind spot of my knowledge.

Seeing that Zhu Ji was stunned and did not speak, Zhu Biao had no choice but to explain one more sentence out of the delicacies:
"A hero can't get out of his body, how can Yingzheng stand in the world! According to historical records, this was said by the first emperor himself. Moreover, he really never killed a hero."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Biao went into a state of silence again, and the connection between the states was smooth, and there was no awkwardness in the whole process.

Zhu Ji who got the answer also sat on the spot.

"May you all be Yue Wumu, and I am Qin Shihuang."

No matter how you hear these words, there is a feeling that Zhu Yuanzhang is standing behind the soldiers with a knife in his hand and making gestures.

How else can I say that this literary work is the easiest to induce people, the four words of burning books and burying Confucianism directly package a model emperor as a butcher, what a shame!
Zhu Ji said that he was really at a loss for words.

And seeing his eldest son go from plausible to stunned, and now speechless, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly felt a kind of joy of revenge.

"Why do we?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked narrowly, he just liked to see his elder son in such distress.

Zhu Ji turned his head away in embarrassment, no longer looking at Zhu Yuanzhang, and then muttered:
"Love what, eat!"

A person who cooks, a soul who cooks, and whoever refuses to work is not a human being!Staring at the black and jealous waist in front of him, Zhu Ji poked viciously with his chopsticks twice, and only had to swear in front of Zhu Yuanzhang that the old man is very bad.

The high-pitched laughter of Zhu Yuanzhang, who had won a big victory, resounded inside and outside the Jinshen hall. Looking at the empty plate in front of Zhu Ji, he even put on his favorite roast goose with his own hands for Zhu Ji to continue making.

It wasn't until Zhu Ji was so overwhelmed that his eyes turned white, that Zhu Yuanzhang restrained his arrogant smile, and said to Zhu Ji with a pleasant face:

"Let's think about it, your song is a bit vulgar, but it's not a problem for those military households to sing it. It's just a song, but if you think about it, we don't need to explain to them who we are for."

Looking at the jokes, there is no ambiguity in supporting Zhu Yuanzhang for Zhu Ji.

He is very aware of how much effort his elder son has put into this matter these past few days, and he is even more aware of how much misunderstandings have been made towards Zhu Ji by the court and the public.

If it were another person, whether he could bear such a heavy pressure or not, whether he could sit still in a place like Jiaofangsi is still open to question.

Hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Zhu Ji's embarrassing and depressed mood suddenly eased a lot.

"It's like a human word!"

He muttered angrily, and no matter how red Zhu Yuanzhang's face was, Zhu Ji supported his back and rubbed his bulging stomach and continued unceremoniously:
"Since you have spoken, I will go to the Jiaofang Division and ask the musicians to perfect the song, and then I will teach the officers and soldiers to sing it. Also, I need to find someone, and I need you to write pardon book, and then have him invited.”


Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became interested.

Putting Zhu Ji's previous disrespect behind him, Zhu Yuanzhang asked curiously:


"Luo Guanzhong."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head vigorously, saying that he had never heard of it.

Although Zhu Ji was a little surprised by his own father's behavior, he still patiently explained:
"It seems that the original name is Luo Ben. It is said that he worked as a staff member under Zhang Shicheng's account back then. Later, he felt that Zhang Shicheng was too helpless, so he slipped away quietly. By the way, he seems to have a master named Shi Naian."

Although the works of the master and apprentice have been made into TV dramas and Zhu Ji has watched them a lot, his knowledge of the author is really limited.

However, with the information network in Zhu Yuanzhang's hands, as long as he has the heart, it is only a matter of time before someone is found.

At the mention of Zhang Shicheng's name, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help frowning, and then quickly relaxed it.

Although Zhang Shicheng was once his confidant, but as a winner, Zhu Yuanzhang really didn't pay attention to his staff.What's more, it's still an unknown staff member.

Since my eldest son wants to find it, let's find it.

"We will let people pay attention, but this person is a great talent? Can we keep him after we find him?"

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can be spotted by his own son.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who is thirsty for talents, of course hopes that this person can be used by him in the end, but when Zhu Ji told the truth, Zhu Yuanzhang instantly wanted to take off the soles of his shoes and stage a filial piety of fatherly kindness and sonship.

"Oh, I don't know if it's a great talent, but I just remembered that the script he wrote is pretty good, and I want to ask if he has finished writing "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

(End of this chapter)

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