Chapter 105
Joy is not the same from person to person.

Just as the outside of the Huitong Hall is joyful, but the inside of the Huitong Hall is gloomy.

My home is gone?

This was Xuan Wenxi's first thought after hearing the good news of Dongying from the people of the capital running around on the street.

He really wanted to find a secluded corner and cry bitterly.Because he knew very well that the reason why the Great Ming Army was able to occupy half of the territory of Japan so quickly was due to the contribution of him, the leading party.

After returning to the Huitong hall in a daze, several monks and envoys who came with him had been waiting for a long time.

There was no reprimand and scolding as imagined, only silence and dullness gradually magnified the pain and sadness in their hearts.

"Can we go back?"

They lived here as envoys from Japan.Now that Ming has declared war on Japan, it must be a few months later. After Japan is destroyed, they will not even have the qualifications to live here.Where to go, everyone including Xuan Wenxi was at a loss.

"My Buddha is merciful."

The monk Jingye recited a Buddha's name, and the expression on his back showed firmness:
"In any case, the poor monk will go back. The country is suffering from war and chaos, and it is the time for us to save all sentient beings. If you are greedy for the prosperity and comfort here, it will violate the great vow that the poor monk made when he was ordained."

The belief in pure karma of taking refuge in the Triple Gem is very firm, but then he shook his head and smiled wryly:
"However, the two countries are now at war. If you want to go to sea, there are all the Navy of the Ming Dynasty. When I go to sea, I will inevitably be attacked by them as ronin."

Compared with the vowed clean karma, Xuan Wenxi and the other envoys became calmer.

Although after hundreds of years of development, Dongpu has an independent writing and language, as well as the courage and belief to fight against Ming Dynasty, but at its root, it still maintains enough awe and admiration for Huaxia in its heart.

Regardless of their identities, from the perspective of ordinary people in Japan, is it really unacceptable to be conquered by Ming Dynasty?
"I...I want to stay here. Since the Emperor of Ming Dynasty wants to bring Dongying into the territory of Ming Dynasty, we will naturally be under his kingship. Even if the status is lower than that of the Han people, it is better than being homeless."

One of the emissaries stuttered at the beginning, but when he found that no one clearly expressed his disgust and opposition, he gradually began to express his attitude neatly:

"What's more, who is a minister for whom is not a minister? We learn the culture of the Central Plains, don't we just want to be in a high position like Chao Heng one day."

There is a legend about Xu Fu's journey to the east in Central China, and there is also a story about Yannan and Wobei in Dongying.

Although Japan's awareness of self-reliance and self-improvement has risen now, the concept of thinking that it is a head shorter than China, the suzerain, still firmly occupies the minds of most people in Japan.

Today's Ming Dynasty is certainly not as powerful as the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but it has indeed occupied Japan.Once the national consciousness is shattered, it will naturally be followed by extremely eager support.

Xuan Wenxi has not spoken. Before that, he felt guilty, but now he is ready to express his stubbornness.It's just that his lips trembled again and again, but he still couldn't say a word.His heart was constantly shaking.

"Xuan Wenxi, the envoy of Dongying, has been summoned by His Royal Highness King Yong, please follow me."

The clear voice of the director of the association hall suddenly sounded outside the door, and the few people sitting quietly in the room shrank together like frightened cats, and then looked at Xuanwenxi who had been named at the same time.

Although they knew that Xuan Wenxi had been summoned by His Royal Highness King Yong earlier, but he was summoned again at such a critical moment, the envoys from Dongpu suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.

And Xuan Wenxi, who met the questioning eyes, could only explain with a mournful face at this time:
"Believe me, this Highness and I really only met once."

A chance meeting?Who believes it?
Xuan Wenxi instantly received the same treatment as Zhu Ji had in the early court.

But he couldn't explain anything after all.

He was an envoy from Japan that day, and the head of the association would treat him with extra courtesy.But now he is about to become a minister of subjugation, if it is not for King Yong's face, then the master would not have so much free time to wait for him.

Xuan Wenxi, who was repeatedly urged, could only bow to his colleague, then straightened his chest and strode out of the room.

The meeting with Zhu Ji this time was arranged at the bank of Mochou Lake.

It has been a long time since Zhu Ji returned to the court.

Looking at the misty Mochou Lake and hearing Xuanwenxi's hasty footsteps, Zhu Ji suddenly felt a sense of loss.

"do you hate me?"

hate it?Can?dare?

Everything about this issue kept echoing in Xuan Wenxi's mind.The first time Yao Yao saw Zhu Ji, he really wanted to fight Zhu Ji desperately.But when he really got close to Zhu Ji and saw the lonely figure of the eldest son of the Daming Emperor and the armored soldier behind him, Xuan Wenxi fell silent.

Seemingly feeling the aggrieved heart of the Japanese envoy, Zhu Ji heaved a long sigh of relief, and said with some emotion:

"It must be hate. But there are some things I still want to say to you, the Japanese envoy. It's tasteless to tell others."

"Actually, I originally wanted to destroy Dongpu."

Xuan Wenxi did not have any doubts about Zhu Ji's words, this prince has this ability, and Daming also has this strength.At this moment, he suddenly felt a little lucky, because he learned from the rumors he heard that Daming only executed those nobles and ronin who dared to resist.

"But then I got scared. It's refreshing to repay the other in the same way, but the person who needs to make this decision has courage that ordinary people can't imagine. I'm timid, and I'm really afraid that millions of innocent souls will seek my life .”

Looking up to the southwest, Zhu Ji's tone gradually became calm.

"I have been to a place, and it is a place that I don't want to think of. The white bones are densely piled up in the soil, like a Shura field, and it feels cold to the bone in midsummer.

There I closed my eyes in pain countless times, but the pain made me open my eyes again.Those bones made me engrave hatred in my bones, and let me know that I can't underestimate you at any time. "

"I've been living a mediocre life these years, but it seems that God doesn't want me to be a numb person. In fact, you should hate those rogues who offended me the most, because they successfully brought back my memory of that hatred."

Xuan Wenxi never felt Zhu Ji's pain and hatred, but he knew that the source of this hatred and pain must be Dong Ying.

There were countless doubts in his heart, but Zhu Ji didn't give him a chance to ask questions.

"I don't know where you will go in the future, but I hope you can inform all ronin you can get in touch with——

I, King Yong of the Ming Dynasty, have exhausted my entire life to hang those enemies who aroused my hatred, one by one, on the graves of his parents, wives and children as soul banners. "

(End of this chapter)

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