Chapter 106 Reasonable
Xuan Wenxi had never seen Zhu Ji's face, but he could hear from the gnashing of teeth in the oath that the eldest prince who gave him the impression of being gentle and gentle was as fierce as a bloodthirsty beast.

It was a kind of hatred that wanted to eat flesh and bones.

Although I don't know who in Dongpu can attract this highness's hatred, but this does not prevent Xuan Wenxi from being scared by the fierce killing intent and taking a few steps back.

"Your Highness...Your Highness, most of the people in Dongpu only have reverence for Daming, and dare not offend in the slightest."

He was really afraid that the eldest prince's disagreement would really wipe out Dongying.

If the country is subjugated, the country will be subjugated, at least those people are innocent.If he could return to Dongpu, he must warn those ronin who are familiar with him, and he must not provoke anyone in Daming.

"Tomorrow, you can go back to Dongpu with the navy's ship, and go back and tell your master that Dongpu belongs to Daming from the moment we sent out the army. He can only be captured without a fight, and there is no room for resistance or negotiation."

Xuan Wenxi nodded hurriedly.

He had no doubt that Sima Fan of the Metropolitan Government who actually controlled the military forces of the Ming Dynasty was a little unhappy. He only needed to add or delete a few strokes on the official documents sent to Dongying, and Dongying would have a large number of people's heads rolling to the ground.

Xuanwen Creek came and went quietly, without making any noise on the sparkling lake.

Only Zhu Ji was still standing there, looking at the green vegetation in the southwest, feeling an indescribable sense of loss in his heart.

After all, it's not the previous life.

Back at Prince Yong's Mansion, Zhu Ji had long since lost his madness by the Mochou Lake.

Because of Zhu Yuanzhang's sudden arrangement in the morning, some people's hearts fluttered in the governor's mansion.As the focus of everyone's attention, Liu Ren anxiously and numbly answered one after another the strange questions of the martial arts.

"Everyone, I just follow His Majesty's orders and come here to be sent by His Highness King Yong. I don't know how to implement this conscription."

Liu Ren felt that he had to go to the pharmacy in person to buy more Coptis chinensis and make tea when he went back today.

Until Zhu Ji's figure appeared in front of everyone, Liu Ren suddenly discovered that the world can be so clean.

Those Wu Xun who broke their mouths greeted Zhu Ji eagerly like obedient children at this time, and because of Zhu Ji's casual compliments, his face was smiling like a flower. The rogue who haunts him.

The Minister of the Ministry of War, who had been idle for many days, couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Earlier, before the establishment of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, he, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War who nominally governed the world's soldiers and horses, had never received such unanimous treatment.

Rumors of King Yong's power are competing among the ruling and opposition parties, but in the past they only thought it was a deliberate creation by some people.But after today's personal experience, Liu Ren felt that what those people said was too light - King Yong is not powerful, it is the general trend at all.

Not to mention Geng Bingwen, Feiju, the Marquis who circled around Zhu Ji, but Zheng Guogong Chang Mao, as the chief governor of the Metropolitan Government, is now like a mouse seeing a cat, and he is cautious about Zhu Ji.

But Liu Ren just said a few words about this.

He is already a half-enthusiast, and he didn't follow the prince as early as Song Lian, so Zhu Ji's power is not big, and he has no influence on him at all.

"Your Highness, I don't know how the old minister should cooperate with His Highness regarding the matter arranged by His Majesty at the early court today?"

After those Wu Xun finished their courtesies one by one, finally it was Liu Ren's turn to speak.

This conscription is a novel thing, upon hearing Liu Ren's words, many warriors who were about to return to their respective offices immediately gathered around again.

Zhu Ji originally wanted to call Liu Ren to his room, but seeing this, he could only satisfy the curiosity of these people, beckoning the guards to bring some chairs, and then beckoned everyone to sit down.

"This conscription is an attempt to change the military household system in the future. To be on the safe side, I plan to recruit in Zhili, Jiangsu and Zhejiang first.

Just remember clearly, you must ask the commanders and envoys to make it clear to those young men that the service period is four years, and the monthly salary is the same as that of military households.But if there is a sacrifice, a hundred taels of silver will be given as a pension.

The most important thing is that they will not be classified as military households, and they will still be sent back to the countryside to work in agriculture after the four-year period expires. However, there is one month of training every year, and the food and salary during the training period will be provided by the court. "

With the development of the times, the lives of the common people are getting better and better, and many people are no longer interested in serving as soldiers to eat food and go through life and death.In particular, Zhu Yuanzhang also established the military household system, which discouraged many civilians.

Therefore, the key to this conscription lies in the propaganda in place in the early stage.

Zhu Ji's instruction to Liu Ren naturally only nodded, but Zhu Ji still felt that it was not enough:

"In addition, the establishment of the Armed Forces School has also been publicized by the commanders and envoys. Especially the fact that the school has accepted more than 30 small flags this year, it must be known to all the young and strong in the three places."

When Zhu Yuanzhang spoke at the gate of the Military Equipment Academy that day, Zhu Ji could vividly remember the reactions of the common people. In fact, if the scope of conscription was really limited to the surrounding areas of the capital, the [-] quota would probably not be enough to grab.

After Ling Ling added a lot of points, Zhu Ji, who sent Liu Ren away, found that all the warriors around him were looking at him with burning eyes.

"Your Highness, how many distant relatives does my mother-in-law have? I wonder if we can let them join this conscription?"

Whose family has few poor relatives.

Although all those present were with noble titles, their kindness could only cover their parents and wives, and they could only get some money and food to send to those relatives who were eagerly looking forward to being supported.

Needless to say, distant relatives, but it is a bit uncomfortable to give money and food to close relatives.

If you give less, it will not look good.If you give too much, your pocket will not look good.

Now the call-up came at an opportune time.Liao Yongzhong and Wu Zhen have cleaned up Dongying. It is much safer to defend Dongying than to guard border towns.If adding their own operations, if they can go to the military training school as Zhu Ji said in the future, then the kindness of supporting and supporting them will be great.

Wu Xun looked at Zhu Ji eagerly, reminding him.

"Conscription is a matter for the commanders and envoys. The Metropolitan Governor's Office cannot easily interfere with their affairs. In addition to the [-] vacancies, I will ask His Majesty for another [-] vacancies. You wait for those relatives to pick the strong and capable ones to send."

Zhu Ji does not mind being reasonable when it should be reasonable, but Zhu Ji will not forget the things that need to be warned:
"I will send someone to watch over these people. If they are really capable, they will have a bright future in the army. But if you wait for anyone who dares to reach out, there is no second Zhou Dexing in the Governor's Mansion."

Mentioning Zhou Dexing, the Wu Xun shrank their necks one after another.

Although it was stated that Zhou Dexing's treatment was very light, everyone knew that if he acted like this, the emperor might miss his brother's old love, and His Royal Highness King Yong would not be lenient.

(End of this chapter)

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