Chapter 107

When his eldest son stared at him with vengeance, Zhu Yuanzhang had to hide his guilt with an awkward smile.

He didn't know why he kicked that kick in the morning by a ghost.

Although I was happy because of this for a long time, but now I am blocked by my eldest son in this cautious palace, although I am not afraid of my son's disobedience, but with Zhu Ji's narrow mind, Zhu Yuanzhang feels that today he has to be angry again .

"Skills stop here!"

This is a sentence that Zhu Ji found out from the book before he came. After staring at Zhu Yuanzhang for a moment, Zhu Ji spit out these four words with his usual expression.

what does this mean?Master Guorui expressed a look of bewilderment.

Although he felt that his eldest son didn't say anything good, Zhu Yuanzhang enjoyed this moment very much.Anyway, that kick was really fun, and it also left this bastard boy with nothing to say now.Especially when the servants later told Zhu Ji that they could laugh whenever they wanted, Master Guorui really laughed.

"Ahem, Ji'er, it's so late that you don't rest in the mansion, but you still come to see us, but what's the matter?"

Let's be happy, Zhu Yuanzhang still felt awkward being stared at by Zhu Ji all the time, so he took the initiative to ease the relationship with his eldest son.

Like Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Ji also felt very happy after saying those four words in front of his own father.

Since he recognized his relatives, it was the first time that he launched a fierce attack on his own father from the height of the cultural field.

How can this feeling be a cool word.

He suddenly understood Zhu Biao's simple, honest and weak appearance—the most deadly act of pretending to be invisible!
"Oh, those people in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion want to include their relatives in the conscription. I want to ask for an order, and I want a hundred more places for them to share."

Hearing what Zhu Ji said, Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in agreement after thinking for a while and said:

"I think it's all about the future that we said of course. Since you raised it, then we will agree. It's best to deal with these things on the bright side."

"This conscription is of great significance, so I hope that the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Officials can send some people to conduct a full inspection in Zhili, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so as to prevent anyone from reaching out indiscriminately."

In fact, everyone knew that although the first conscription was only sent to Dongpu for defense, after four years, a group of people would definitely stay in the army to listen to them, and they might even jump into the military training school based on this.

Ordinary people may not know the truth inside, but how can these old fritters in the officialdom not understand that this is the intention of Zhu Yuanzhang and his son.

That's why Zhu Ji came here, he didn't want his hard work to be messed up because of nepotism.

Everyone knew that the conscription was what he meant, and it happened that the censors of the Procuratorate didn't like him very much, so taking this opportunity of conscription to let them vent their anger was the best of both worlds.

Hearing that his eldest son had such an idea, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction.

But Zhu Ji didn't just ask Zhu Yuanzhang to supervise the conscription.

In the process of chatting with Liu Ji these days, Zhu Ji still found that the supervisory system of Daming only stays in the capital. For such a large country, the power of supervision and discipline is pitifully small.

In addition, the power granted by the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to the Metropolitan Procuratorate is also too limited, only the power of impeachment, which will only overindulge those censors' rumors and rumors, and eventually become a tool in the power struggle.

"In my opinion, the government office of the Metropolitan Procuratorate should extend to the state capital, and form a separate system that is not restricted by local officials. For those corrupt officials, the Metropolitan Procuratorate should not stop at the level of gossip, You can take people to their yamen for interrogation."

Hearing what Zhu Ji said, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and shook his head.

The idea is good, but it is too naive.

What scholar-bureaucrats are best at is enjoying their mouths, and what they are most afraid of is losing their virtue.

As far as those people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate are concerned, don't look at impeaching one today and impeaching that another tomorrow. If they are given the right to interrogate as Zhu Ji said, I'm afraid they will all become slanderous gourds by then.

If you follow Zhu Ji's idea, you will all become cruel officials described by those literati. May I ask how many people in the world dare to receive such a "reputation"?

"Don't worry about this matter, we have our own means. You still talk about how you plan to deal with those who want to reach out for this conscription?"

Although the idea was dismissed, Zhu Ji was not at all disappointed.

He knew very well that the Metropolitan Procuratorate was just a supervising agency on the surface, and that the real all-pervasive ones were the group of Yiluan Imperial Guards who were elusive all day long.

Although they haven't changed their name to Jinyiwei yet, if anyone underestimates their fighting power, it's really old birthday stars eating arsenic--impatient to live.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ji couldn't help answering Zhu Yuanzhang's question with some seriousness:

"Since I put the benefits on the bright side, those who reach out secretly will naturally chop off their hands. If the hands are too long, then even the head should be chopped off, so as not to cause trouble in the future if the chopping is not clean."

This answer was obviously very appetizing to Zhu Yuanzhang, without any hesitation, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and agreed:
"As you said, we will ask Liu Ji to send people down later. Apart from conscription, we can inspect other things as well."

The purpose of coming here has been achieved, so Zhu Ji stopped staying any longer. After bowing to Zhu Yuanzhang, he continued to say a word with a smile, and then hurriedly turned and left the palace.

After Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still puzzled, called Liu Ji to tell him what the father and son had discussed just now, he finally couldn't help but ask:
"Liu Ji, I heard four words today, and we hesitated to vote for them. Do you know the source?"

Liu Ji, who was about to leave, was asked by Zhu Yuanzhang, so he naturally looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with questioning eyes.When those four words came out of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth, Liu Ji suddenly looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with a strange look.

No need to guess, Liu Ji immediately concluded where Zhu Yuanzhang heard these four words.

Reminiscent of the kick that Zhu Yuanzhang gave Zhu Ji in the morning, Liu Ji said it was not true, and it was not true if he did not say it.

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang's pressing questions, Liu Ji could only reply tactfully:
"Your Majesty, I also feel a little familiar with this sentence, it seems to be from "Liuhe River Collection". However, I was still a teenager when I read Liu Shu, and now I have lost my hair, and I have long forgotten the specific source."

Liu Ji was as slick as ever, Zhu Yuanzhang knew he knew it, and he knew he didn't want to say it.

So he was even more sure that this was a bad word that his bastard elder scolded him.

But being scolded by that bastard pointing at his nose and not knowing what he was scolded for, Zhu Yuanzhang felt that he couldn't be so despicable.Even if he was looking for scolding, he had to understand these words.

If Liu Ji doesn't say anything, then go to Song Lian.

Half an hour later, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to Jinshen Hall with a gloomy expression.

Then, in the sky above the imperial palace, the furious shouts of the Ninth Five-Year Lord suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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