Chapter 108

The donkey is very angry, hoof it.The tiger was overjoyed, so he said: "Skills stop here!"

——"Three Precepts·The Donkey of Guizhou"

Zhu Yuanzhang has never regretted why he had such a strong curiosity like today.

"Come on, go to Prince Yong's Mansion and tie up that bastard for us."

Half an hour later, the sleepy Zhu Ji was sent to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Wearing a baggy middle coat, his hands were symbolically wrapped a few times with rough hemp rope.If it weren't for Zhu Ji's hands staggering back and forth to scratch back and forth, Zhu Yuanzhang would really believe that he was tied back.

"You don't ask people a lot, do you?"

Turning around Zhu Ji, just when Zhu Yuanzhang was about to question him, Zhu Ji suddenly said such a sentence, causing Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still in shape, to almost step on the air and fall to the ground.


Pointing at the bastard in front of him who still had a face full of sarcasm and vowed not to give up, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the flesh-colored double image of his thick fingers trembling under the dim light. I can't even utter the words.

At this moment, Master Guorui has only one thought in his mind, the young people nowadays don't talk about martial arts.

"What's wrong with me?"

Being blocked by Zhu Ji, Zhu Yuanzhang was at a loss for words.You can't tell your own son that you are a donkey in front of so many people, can you?Do you want to show his emperor's face?

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly felt that he had been tricked by this bastard again.

I had someone tie Zhu Ji here to vent my anger, not to play tricks on him.

After reacting, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately took off the size 43 boot on his left foot, ignoring the smell of sweat that had been fermented for six hours in a low-oxygen state, and pointed at Zhu Ji's face like a sword, staring and shouting:

"Look at us killing you bastard."

Zhu Ji felt like he was going to faint.

It's not that he was dizzy from being frightened by his own father's momentum, but purely because of the lack of oxygen in the brain caused by holding his breath.

This sour taste, without 40 years of ingenuity, absolutely cannot brew such a high-quality Hong Kong foot.

The upper body subconsciously leaned back, seeing that the old man didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, Zhu Ji decided to speak frankly about the serious air pollution problem.

"A gentleman is not powerful if he is not serious. If you want to hit him, hit him harder. Otherwise, how can you establish the majesty of the Ming emperor. But there is something that must be discussed with you. Shall we change a pair of clean shoes?"

Is that how this sentence is explained?

Master Guorui fell into confusion again.

When the attention was separated from the anger, he finally found that the corners of his eyes had been mellowed by the boots in his hand, and there were deep tears.

Being interrupted by Zhu Ji, most of the anger in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart disappeared.

"Asshole, let me remember it for you."

He can't really ask someone to go to the clothing bureau to pick up a pair of clean shoes.

Besides, if a gentleman is not serious, he is not powerful. It can't really be like what this guy said, he can't establish his majesty as a father without a severe beating, right?

This misunderstanding is completely different from what I thought.

Putting the stinky shoes in his hands on his feet again, Zhu Yuanzhang snorted angrily: "Let us kneel outside this Jinshen hall tonight."

kneel?It might as well be beaten.

"That's impossible. If you kneel down for a long time, you won't be able to stand up. You want to let go of your anger and let me admit your mistakes. Anyway, don't you have three major hobbies in your life, making people, being praised, and beating children? Alas, poor My life is miserable, once I enter the palace gate, it's as deep as the sea."

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed angrily.

These are some tiger and wolf words.

When did I have such a strange hobby, and I made people to praise and beat children.Furthermore, once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, is that a poem that a man can quote?
He obviously scolded himself for Liu Zongyuan's article more than an hour ago, but now he is talking nonsense again.Facing this rogue eldest son, Zhu Yuanzhang felt very tired.

How did I come up with such a hob meat-like species.

Turning his eyeballs, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly had an evil thought.

"Aren't you quite capable? Let's stop at this and pretend that I don't understand you scolding us, right? It's okay if you don't kneel today. How you scold us is how you praise us here.

We are so happy, I will let you go back tonight.If you make us unhappy, you can copy the "Liuhe River Collection" ten times for us. "

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang's smug face, Zhu Ji really wanted to say, old man, how shameless you are.

But if you don't flatter me now, don't talk about whether you can sleep tonight, the hemp rope tied around your hand is enough to drink a pot by yourself.

Trying not to make Zhu Yuanzhang angry with his expression, Zhu Ji grinned:

"Didn't I start to praise you a long time ago, but you didn't know it all the time."

When Zhu Ji said this, Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned.When did I hear this bastard say something good to me? Could it be that the words that made me three corpses go crazy and smoke in my seven orifices were all my auditory hallucinations?
Impossible, the imperial doctor ordered him to diagnose himself every now and then, when did he hear that he had a problem with his ears.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang who was in confusion, the corners of Zhu Ji's mouth curled up even more.

"Old man, you don't think I'm disrespectful to you by calling you that?"

Taking advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang's unpreparedness, Zhu Ji had another mouthful, then shook his head and said:
"Longevity without borders is called old, the extreme of a person is called the head, and the father, the mother, and the earth are the son. You are still a scholar, and you don't even understand such profound meanings. You are not as good as a half-hearted fool like me."

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Ji turned his head and turned his eyes to the distant night sky.

This wave of pretending is absolutely fine, Zhu Ji, who secretly praised him, tried his best to conceal his inner complacency.If he had to give Zhu Yuanzhang face, he would definitely laugh three times to express his intangible and touted superb attainments.

Zhu Ji didn't realize at all that the eyeballs of his own father who was standing not far away were about to pop out.

Although he had already made enough psychological presuppositions about his elder son's shamelessness, Master Guorui never expected that this bastard could be so good at licking.

The old man can actually explain it like this, let alone whether he is comfortable or not, Zhu Yuanzhang just wants to ask, what else can Zhu Ji not misinterpret.

First, there were gentlemen who were not serious, but then they were not powerful, and now there are old men, this is going to heaven.

"Uh, cough cough, go back to sleep!"

Seeing Zhu Ji's side face looking up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle, Master Guo Rui, who could no longer tolerate his embarrassment, finally let go.

It's not that I don't want to continue to clean up this bastard, it's that he licks it so comfortably that I can't refute it at all.

"Don't mention today's matter in the future. Hurry up, look at you, we are upset."

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang's impatience to chase him away, Zhu Ji, with a triumphant smile on his face, bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang, then shouted "Goodbye, old man", turned around and walked away.

In front of the brightly lit Jinshen Hall, only those imperial guards who had been waiting for a long time felt lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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