Chapter 116
To write or not to write, that is the question.

Selling straight is not a good word. The word was first created by Lu Zhi in the Tang Dynasty, and it was used to describe those officials who deliberately sought out beatings and then made a name for themselves.

Those who blocked the way just now are easy to say, but Hu Weiyong is the prime minister of the court, and Song Lian is a generation of Wenzong, neither of them can be criticized.Not to mention Chen Ning, a cruel official, if he offended him, would he still have to live in the officialdom?

Seeing that Chen Ning's expression on the spot became more and more gloomy, even Wang Guangyang and Yan Xizhe gave up trying to persuade them.

Whether the incense of the world's scholars will be extinguished, aren't there still the few named by Zhu Ji, why should these idlers care about it.

With complicated eyes, he glanced at Zhu Ji's back, and then at Chen Ning who was still silent. The courtiers who had been twisted together suddenly scattered.

After many days, the government office of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has long since moved away from Prince Yong's Mansion, and the huge mansion has long since ceased to be the bustling scene of the previous days.

For a while, Shinobu thinks more and more angry, and takes a step back and thinks more and more losses.

Why did the scholars of Ming Dynasty dare to be so arrogant? Isn’t it because the common people were poor and the literacy rate was not high, which made such a small group of people enjoy the cultural dividend.

Just now, didn’t those people hope that they would not cut off the incense of the scholar of Ming Dynasty, so they would fill some incense for this scholar, turn the incense head into a candle, and the candle will burn out a torch, and finally, burn this decadent Vanity Fair to a huge extent. the hole.

Having made up his mind, Zhu Ji began to think about the feasibility of his idea, and in another mansion in the capital, Hu Weiyong had gauze wrapped around his forehead, showing his embarrassment in front of Li Shanchang.

"Master, this King Yong is so hateful, he actually framed me with such helpless means. If it weren't for the chaotic situation in the court today, the emperor would have to punish me harshly."

Thinking of this, Hu Weiyong still has lingering fears.

They didn't know how the emperor treated that King Yong, but the love for the crown prince was obvious to all.

If Zhu Ji's explanation is really to be held accountable for his crimes, I'm afraid it's not Zhu Ji but him who walked out of Fengtian Hall wearing a middle suit this morning.

From this point of view, the emperor was tolerant to him.

Li Shanchang, who had been listening to Hu Weiyong's cry, did not comfort the ambitious student beside him for the first time. After pondering for a while, he picked up the tea bowl and took a sip. Li Shanchang looked at the distant court and said with a meaningful smile:

"Do you think you really got away with it?"

It happened on the spot, it was just a habit that Zhu Yuanzhang slowly formed after he took control of absolute power over the years.Before that, what His Majesty likes to do most is to have an afterthought.

Today, so many people were allowed to besiege His Royal Highness King Yong. There is a high probability that Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to use the mouth of these people to let Zhu Ji distinguish between priorities.

If not, how could Zhu Yuanzhang allow Zhu Ji to take off his clothes and leave, and then directly announce his withdrawal from the court without any action.

Looking at Hu Weiyong's face with a gradually frozen expression, Li Shanchang felt relieved, and at the same time, he was still sipping tea on the ground:

"As long as the emperor doesn't make a clear decision on that Prince Yong, he will still be the most prestigious prince in Ming Dynasty. When you have the idea of ​​using this to bring him down, you can't escape the end of being punished."

It was half intimidating and half a statement. Li Shanchang's analysis made Hu Weiyong's face even more ugly, but the Korean man who had been at home for a long time did not intend to let go of the famous right minister next to him.

Since last year, my student has shown uncontrollable arrogance and ambition, and now is a good opportunity to beat him.

"So according to this old man, the emperor will certainly not do anything to you, but whether you can withstand the revenge of His Highness King Yong is the most important issue."

Speaking of this, Li Shanchang gave Hu Weiyong a meaningful look.

After the dynasty was over, Zhu Ji had a detailed understanding of the conversations between Zhu Ji and Wang Guangyang and others through the younger brother who was the imperial servant.

In Li Shanchang's view, Hu Weiyong couldn't catch Zhu Ji's undisguised killing move at all.

Whether Hu Weiyong would agree to write his name on "Selling Direct Records" is no longer important, because if he agrees, the people all over the world will scold him; if he disagrees, all the scholars all over the world will scold him.

Li Shanchang had to lament that power is indeed a deadly poison for a wise man when he ended up fighting with the prince who had not yet reached the crown.People like Hu Weiyong will end up in such a dilemma one day.

Li Shanchang is very proud.

Because his beating obviously played a role beyond expectations.

Hearing his explanation to this point, Hu Weiyong's face was ashen, and he knelt down in front of him, without the anger and pride that he couldn't hide when he stepped into the living room.

"I beg the teacher to save me."

The matter involves his own future, so Hu Weiyong still has his arrogance in front of the courtiers.With snot and tears crying to Li Shanchang, the forehead that had just been stopped bleeding by the imperial physician was stained bright red by kowtowing again and again.

It's a lie to say it doesn't hurt.

But for a person like Hu Weiyong who has tasted the prestige and sweetness brought by power, this pain is nothing.

Li Shanchang, who succeeded in subduing this powerful disciple, quietly watched Hu Weiyong kowtow more than 30 times. Seeing that Hu Weiyong was about to faint again, he put down his tea bowl in satisfaction.

First let the servant waiting outside the door go to find the doctor, and then help Hu Weiyong up.

"Mount Tai collapses in the front, but the color does not change. The elk rises to the left but does not blink. Then you can control the interests and wait for the enemy. When you are confused, how can you think of a way?"

After Hu Weiyong's forehead was re-wrapped with medicine, Li Shanchang advised with some deep meaning:

"No matter what King Yong said, he is just a child after all. Although you are in a dilemma today, don't forget that there is a way to win if you die and live later.

The world's long mouth can't be blocked.He said that if you invite fame and sell straight, it doesn't matter if you admit it.After you go back today, you will apologize for your crimes and ask His Majesty to let you go, and then go to the gate of Prince Yong's mansion to plead guilty.

At that time, don't feel ashamed. It's best to let everyone in the capital know that you, Hu Weiyong, know your mistake and admit your punishment. "

After all, it was the old fox who used retreat to advance, not only easily resolved Zhu Ji's ultimate move, but also allowed Hu Weiyong to turn the tide and buy people's hearts.

It's not that Hu Weiyong didn't think of this trick, but he was in love with power and power before, and he didn't want to think about it at all, or even if he thought about it, he didn't want to do it.

Now, after Li Shan gave both kindness and power, the high-ranking prime minister finally gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

As long as his reputation is not damaged, even if Zhu Yuanzhang really releases him, in a few years, Hu Weiyong will still be able to make a comeback.

 I wanted to ask for leave, but suddenly found out that full attendance was actually [-].Fuck me, my cold got better in an instant.In order to live, climb for everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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