Chapter 117
Zhu Ji never expected that the Da Ming version of "Apology for Negative Jing" would appear at the door of his house.

What Zhu Ji didn't expect was that the person carrying the Vitex was actually Hu Weiyong.

The person who criticized him the most in the court was the fastest to coax, not only Zhu Ji did not expect, but even the other two named by Zhu Ji did not expect.

The old scholar Song was directly fainted again by Hu Weiyong, a spineless traitor. As for Chen Ning, the right Yushi doctor who claimed to be able to wear a pair of trousers with Hu Xiang, scolded him in front of many officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. mother.

Hu Xiang doesn't care what integrity is.

As expected by Wang Guangyang and others, there really is no impenetrable wall in this world.

There is no need for Zhu Ji to spread the word by himself, what happened in the court hall that day was spread all over the teahouses and restaurants in the capital before it was dark, even in the Qinlou Chuguan, there were people chatting in low voices among the flowers.

People in Ying Tianfu are looking forward to the birth of "Selling Direct Records", and some people even discuss the main writer.

Therefore, when Hu Weiyong knelt down in front of Yongwang's mansion with a thorn on his back as a prime minister, and even recited aloud his own copy of "Selling Direct Records", these people were hit by the singularity.

"Yu thought to himself that King Yong was still favored by the emperor in the court, and his obedience and kneeling to support his uncle would definitely make the emperor angry, so he disregarded human relations, flattered his superiors and directly admonished him. This is really a loss of personal virtue..."

This "Selling Direct Record", which Zhu Ji originally planned to take the opportunity to let future generations take as a warning, was forced to be written into a review by Hu Weiyong.Every word and every word is not separated from Meishang, and he keeps admitting that he is wicked, which means that he will take all the faults on himself.

Before Zhu Ji went out, Hu Weiyong had already read it aloud under the watchful eyes of the people in the inner three circles and the outer three circles.

Looking at the bruised forehead that had scabbed after removing the gauze, and looking at the bundle of slender brambles on a coat that was too thinly starched, the people watching the excitement suddenly felt that they should not scold this self-confessed wicked man prime minister.

If you can have the courage to admit your mistakes, how bad will this official be?
The onlookers, who had no idea what the prime minister was up to, saw Zhu Ji walking out of the palace in armor, and there was a burst of pleading voices.

"Your Highness, please spare Xiang Hu once more."

The overlapping voices sounded like thunder in Zhu Ji's ears. If it wasn't for Zhu Ji's inadvertent glance, he really thought that Hu Weiyong had truly repented.

There are many kinds of smiles on a person, and the facial features can express many different types of emotions.

If there was a sense of generosity in Hu Weiyong's smile before, then the look Zhu Ji saw was obviously full of complacency.

Why proud?What are you proud of?
As soon as Zhu Ji changed his mind, he figured out the joint.

While secretly admiring Hu Weiyong's wit, Zhu Ji's vigilance towards the prime minister was also raised to the highest limit.

"Your Highness, the criminal Hu Weiyong disregarded filial piety and violated His Majesty's majesty. Please punish him."

In front of so many people, he still didn't forget to play this word game with Zhu Ji.In front of a group of people, it is Zhu Ji's majesty that offends. Obviously, he wants to divide Zhu Ji and these people into different levels, and then promote a kind of ideological confrontation.

With Hu Weiyong's move, it has to be said that he has played the language to the extreme.

In order to prevent this old and cunning prime minister from continuing to take the initiative, Zhu Ji was forced to enter the game.

"So Prime Minister Hu thought it was my dignity that was offended?"

Looking directly at Hu Weiyong, Zhu Ji said loudly:

"Many idlers in this city know that I, Zhu Ji, don't like to put on airs, because I firmly remember that I was raised by a poor couple, and I can't forget my roots.

You accused me of kowtowing and burning papers for my adoptive parents with the Puyi dispute, so today I will respond with Zigong to redeem people, and you are guilty of pleading guilty to me.Hu Xiang, it is not me that you want to kneel, but those babies who were abandoned by their biological parents and urgently need to be adopted by kind people. "

Zigong redeeming people is a fable mentioned in the letter sent by Liu Bowen secretly yesterday.

Although it was not stated in what way Hu Weiyong would respond to Zhu Ji's persecution, it was clear that this Boss Chengyi had already found a lot of arguments for his disciples.

Although the effect is not as strong as Hu Weiyong's move, what Liu Bowen is best at is the spring wind and rain to moisten things silently.

Although there is no official statistics, the number of babies abandoned in Daming due to various reasons is at least five figures or more every year.

Zhu Ji's words obviously caught Hu Weiyong by surprise.Hearing the voice of pleading for him behind him getting weaker, Hu Weiyong had to change his words hastily:

"It's the guilty minister who is confused."

Hu Weiyong has made up his mind that no matter what Zhu Ji says, he only needs to maintain a low enough profile so that the people in the capital can see his attitude.

But obviously, Zhu Ji didn't intend to let him leave easily.

"Whether you are guilty or not is a matter for the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple. I just want to ask Mr. Hu to remember a sentence. It is easy to deceive others, but it is difficult to deceive yourself. If Mr. Hu thinks that kneeling here with me can make his conscience at ease, then Prime Minister Hu can do as he pleases."

In a word, put yourself and Hu Weiyong aside.

Regardless of how Hu Weiyong acted, Zhu Ji just told the onlookers that he, Hu Weiyong, was wishful thinking.

"Let's leave, everyone. Remember that if you encounter abandoned children in the future, don't be unwilling to adopt them because Prime Minister Hu impeached me. At the beginning of human beings, people are inherently kind. I think those children will live up to your kindness in the future."

Having said that, Zhu Ji bowed to the people in front of him:
"If it weren't for my adoptive parents, I would still be a piece of loess outside Haozhou City. It's just a pity that I couldn't afford to let the two elders live a good life in the early years."

That regretful expression immediately caused pity and regret in people's hearts.

If Uncle En Yang is still alive, I'm afraid that he is already well-clothed and well-fed by now, and even this Hu will bow to salute when he meets each other.

It's a pity that the son wanted to raise him but the relatives didn't want to wait. His Royal Highness King Yong just burned some paper money, and was brought to the court for discussion.

They who still had some sympathy for Hu Weiyong suddenly discovered that this seemingly poor Hu Xiang was not as pitiful as they imagined.On the contrary, Zhu Ji, who seems to be arrogant, is actually very distressing.

Under Zhu Ji's thanks and urging, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving only Hu Weiyong and the servants behind him, still looking at Zhu Ji with that weak expression.

"Hu Xiang also go back. Since you have written "Selling Direct Records", you shouldn't have to be like this. Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it. Besides, the court cannot do without Hu Xiang's management, so don't waste it here It's time."

After seeing through Hu Weiyong's intention of coming, Zhu Ji seemed aggressive and then suddenly spoke in such a gentle tone. For a while, Hu Weiyong was also a little puzzled. Is this highness speaking out of anger or has ulterior motives? He can only follow Zhu Ji's request Get up and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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