Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 126 I'm Really a Little Clever Ghost

Chapter 126 I'm Really a Little Clever Ghost

It was unexpected enough for Zhu Ji to ask Song Lian to be the governor of Prince Yong's mansion by name.

What surprised the courtiers even more was that not only did Song Lian not get offended by Zhu Ji's provocative request, but he took the initiative to bow to Zhu Yuanzhang and said:

"Thanks to His Royal Highness King Yong's attention, this old minister is willing to do his best for His Highness."

Those who didn't know who went inside were secretly asking Song Lian what kind of horse this old man was. If he didn't want to be a good prince teacher, he insisted on being a bull for King Yong.

But old friends who knew Song Lian well showed expressions of compassion.

If King Yong hadn't been so favored and powerful now, why would this tough old Wenzong bow down to become a thief.

Zhu Ji looked at Zhu Biao with great interest, showing a look of unbearable, with an unconcealable smile on his face.This little brother really couldn't help being funny, he really thought he could do something to this old gentleman.

This one dared to speak, and the other dared to respond. Zhu Yuanzhang, who was added in the middle, opened his mouth half-opened, his eyes swept back and forth between the two faces, and then suddenly showed a happy smile:

"It's really a good talk through the ages that Song Xueshi can settle the old feud with our eldest son. If that's the case, then I ask you to agree. Lu Xi, after returning, immediately send the official letter to the three of them. From tomorrow, King Yong Open the government and build teeth."

With that appearance, I am afraid that the courtiers will continue to object, and even more afraid that Song Lian will suddenly go back on his word.

After the matter of Zhu Ji's founding of the mansion was confirmed, it seemed that there was no matter of Zhu Ji's involvement in the court.

However, if there is no one in the court, it does not mean that there will be no one after the court is over.

When Yan Da, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, rubbed his temples and walked into the official office of the Ministry of Industry together with the four clerks, he saw Wai Lang, a member of the headquarters guarding the office, walking forward anxiously, bowed and pointed out in a low voice. Inside reminded:
"Duke Yan be careful, His Royal Highness King Yong has been waiting inside for more than half an hour."

Hearing Zhu Ji's name, Yan Da was so frightened that he didn't even care to rub his temples.After exchanging glances with a few officials, Yan Da dragged Yuanwailang to his side, talked in the yamen where he couldn't see the situation clearly, and then asked seriously in a low voice:
"What is he doing here with us?"

When asked by the immediate superior, this foreigner naturally knows everything he can say.

Also looked back and saw that Zhu Ji was not in sight, so he replied with confidence:

"I heard that it was for us to make something, but he never said what it was, and the lower officials didn't dare to ask."

Ever since the glorious deeds of Zhu Ji's one-on-three defeating two were spread early, all the officials in the capital, big and small, were in awe of the prince.

Even in some upper circles, a consensus has been reached that "Ban Yong is like a ghost tiger".

A companion is like a tiger, and the ghost tiger is the ghost king. To put it bluntly, he is secretly criticizing Zhu Ji for being a little Hades.

With the blessing of such a personality, it is no wonder that after Zhu Ji stepped into the Ministry of Industry, he found that everyone treated him with respect and distance.

Knowing that this catastrophe could not be escaped, Yan Daqiang squeezed out a smile and stepped into the government office with four Si Langzhong, who had not so good-looking faces.

In the dimly lit yamen of the Ministry of Industry, Zhu Ji sipped tea and looked around at the furnishings of the Ministry of Industry.It has to be said that in this era when officials themselves are required to repair public houses with mud, even the yamen that specialize in construction like the Ministry of Industry does not look very good-looking.

The whitewashed walls have exposed dark blue bricks in several corners, and the office desks are quite new, presumably they have just been painted with paint.

When he saw Yan Da and the figures behind him, Zhu Ji put down the tea bowl, got up from the grand teacher's chair that didn't even have a cushion, and nodded to the five bowing salutes with a smile on his face.

"I came today uninvited, but there is something I want to bother Duke Yan."

Through previous observations, he also knew that he didn't seem to be particularly popular in the Ministry of Industry.Now that the rightful lord has arrived, Zhu Ji doesn't intend to waste time any longer.

It was not the first time Yan Da saw such a polite Zhu Ji, but this did not prevent the Minister of Industry from continuing to respond to Zhu Ji's request with an extremely vigilant attitude.

"If Your Highness has any orders, you can send someone to explain it to you. There is no need to come here in person. I don't know why, but if the Ministry of Industry can do it, we will do our best to help Your Highness fulfill his wish."

It's not good to deal with these veterans in the officialdom. They will keep everything they say, and it's not straightforward at all.

Zhu Ji couldn't care about Yan Da's sloppy eyes, looked at Yan Da who was still respectful and wholehearted, took out a stack of papers from his cuff and handed it to Yan Da, regardless of whether the minister of the Ministry of Industry could do it or not:

"This is how to use some pulleys. I want you to ask the staff from the headquarters to verify it for me. Remember, it doesn't matter if the result does not match the content on this paper. Don't use lies to prevaricate me."

After Zhu Ji finished speaking, he strode out of the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry, leaving only Yan Da to spread out a thick stack of paper, looking at the graffiti-like icons on it, and screaming in his heart that it is absurd.

Zhu Ji didn't know that Yan Da was thinking so much in his heart.

If he knew, there is a high probability that he would fight for a month's sick leave for the minister of the Ministry of Industry like Hu Weiyong did.

On Zhu Yuanzhang's birthday that day, when talking about Shijian Yinshan, the old man sighed inadvertently, saying that there were less than [-] people recruited in the territory of Ming Dynasty, and he was afraid of being disturbed by wanderers hidden among the people in the territory of Dongying.

With such a shortage of manpower, the idea of ​​importing one million taels of silver to Daming every year may be discounted in half again.

After getting the pulley block last night, Zhu Ji never associated it with mining at first.

It was only when Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Yuanzhang this morning that Zhu Ji suddenly remembered that using a pulley block instead of a potter's wheel to transport ore from the mine to the ground can improve efficiency and save a lot of manpower. In this way, the annual output of [-] people mining It may not be possible to achieve [-]% to [-]% of the envisioned.

The reason why Yan Da was first asked to verify those things that later generations have long recognized as principles in the Ministry of Industry is nothing more than to use this method so that the Ministry of Industry does not have to come to him for everything when manufacturing pulley blocks in large quantities.

After all, the size of each pulley of the pulley block needs to be calculated according to the actual situation.

You can't let yourself go to Japan to be responsible for mining in person.

Of course, among the drawings and conjectures given to Yan Da, Zhu Ji deliberately made mistakes in several key points.

While guarding against Yan Da not to be fooled by people's practice verification, it is also for the skilled craftsmen of the headquarters to learn and demonstrate from it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ji called himself a clever little ghost.

After returning to the palace with a happy mood, Zhu Ji closed the doors and windows again, lay down on the bed and started today's sign-in.

(End of this chapter)

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