Daming: You are really my eldest son

Chapter 127 Reality Enough Surprises and Surprises

Chapter 127 Reality Enough Surprises and Surprises

Facts have proved that Zhu Ji's face is darker than that of his own father who was bullied, perhaps because he has exhausted his luck in this life through time travel and reincarnation.

In the extremely tense and exciting anticipation, the dog system finally rewarded Zhu Ji with a handful of chili seeds.

Chaotian pepper is indeed a good thing.

However, if the dog system is more generous, it should replace the chili seeds with dried chili, and the quantity will not be so stingy.At least, let him count for a minute or two.

Looking at the distinct number of white seeds lying quietly in the palm of his hand, Zhu Ji didn't throw it away, and it didn't matter if he didn't throw it away.

If you throw it away, your dream of eating hot pot may follow you into the ground.After all, there are records in later generations that pepper was introduced to China in the late Ming Dynasty, and people in the Hugui area only ate it in the mid-Qing Dynasty. As for the general eating of stuff, it was much later.

Moreover, chili has become a landmark food in some areas, and it is by no means a protection against the cold as many people think.

The real reason is lack of salt.

This is a knowledge point that will collapse people's worldview after knowing the truth.

Therefore, in order to save the people in Southwest China who are living in misery with the few seeds in his hand, Zhu Ji can only say, let's go to sleep.

Zhu Ji doesn't care whether others want to sleep or not. Now he only has one idea, which is to find a place to store these seeds, and find someone to plant them in the early spring of next year. See if the dog system is impossible to get a bunch of them. The germinated seeds lure the roundworms in their stomachs.

After wrapping it with a piece of paper, Zhu Ji sat down on the soft bed, feeling very angry.

Other people's systems are either used to save the world or to strengthen themselves. Only myself, let people wait for 20 years, and the rewards they get are not things that are of great use if they are not for their own brute force.

As a human being, Zhu Ji felt sorry for lowering the level of the traversers out of thin air.

Entanglement with the system is destined to be a long process, but life must go on.

Nested in the dormitory, feeling sulking for hours, Zhu Ji, who walked out of the room, regained his sunny attitude towards life.

It's nothing to be black-faced in the lottery, at least we are still the old man's big brother.

Zhu Ji decided not to pay attention to this dog system for the time being, and when he has accumulated enough rewards for a specific check-in time, he will take it out and think about life.

Compared with a system with no sense of expectation at all, reality can often give people enough surprises and surprises.

Just when Zhu Ji was about to maintain his unchanging habits and continue to run around in the military training school of the royal family, an event that could change the hearts of everyone in the government and the opposition happened.

October Yiwei, the third day after Zhu Jiguan ceremony.Just after leading the officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces Academy to finish their laps, and punished some of the untidy internal affairs to go out to run the laps, a familiar servant hurried over to summon them.

"His... Your Highness, Your Majesty... I call you to hurry... to the East Palace, the Crown Princess is about to give birth."

With that out of breath appearance, it was obvious that he had trotted all the way out of Xi'an Gate.

Stuffing the seven-treasure and five-flavor porridge that he just bought before he had a chance to taste it, Zhu Ji told him to finish eating before going back to the palace, and at the same time ordered the guards on duty at the gate to bring a fast horse, and after getting on the horse, he didn't even take his hands with him. One hit his horse and galloped in the direction of Dong'anmen.

Zhu Ji, who couldn't wait to witness the birth of his first nephew, didn't even care about the ban on running horses in the palace. He threw his prince's badge into the arms of the Dong'anmen guards. Put down a good aftermath.

It wasn't until the horse ran to the gate of Chunhe Palace that it was stopped by Dong Gongwei.

But now Zhu Ji was not in a hurry.

Compared with the vast imperial city, Chunhe Palace is only a corner.Even without a horse, with Zhu Ji's legs, he could run to the door of Prince Zhu Biao's bedroom within a moment.

Of course, after all, it is also the residence of the prince of the country, so he, the eldest prince, can't be too Meng Lang.

Led by Dong Gongwei, Zhu Ji came to the main hall.

How about intergenerational relatives, Zhu Yuanzhang was sitting on the punctual seat at this time. Although there was steaming hot tea in front of him, he didn't intend to take a sip at all. The back is edged.

Zhu Biao, who was about to become a father, was still a half-grown guy. Even though Zhu Yuanzhang was by his side, he still paced back and forth in a panic in the not-so-spacious main hall, staring at the direction of the bedroom where shouts kept coming from.

As for Empress Ma, she was holding Zhu Yuanzhang with her forehand at this time, with a smile on her mouth, and she kept staring at Zhu Biao who was out of her mind.

When Zhu Ji stepped into the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to see the light, his dull face suddenly became enthusiastic,

"Come here and give us peace of mind, is it true that Biao'er's first child can give birth to a cub?"

Predominance of men over women has existed since ancient times.

Apparently Zhu Ji let his tongue out when chatting with him that day, so that Zhu Yuanzhang is asking so directly now.

As soon as these words came out, Empress Ma's smile became more and more relaxed, and Zhu Biao, who had been pacing back and forth just now, couldn't take care of bowing to his big brother, at this time also looked away from the direction of the bedroom, and strode to Zhu Ji's side , grabbed Zhu Ji's hands and looked at him with questioning eyes.

Zhu Biao's actions really frightened Zhu Ji.

I didn't see that this little brother still had strength, if he didn't try his best to break free, his hands would probably be imprinted by two ghosts.

With a light cough to remind Zhu Biao to pay attention, Zhu Ji turned his attention to Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma:

"I would like to congratulate you on being an elder. From today onwards, you will have a grandson. It's just pity for me, Da Zongzheng, who has to take care of this elder nephew.

By the way, old man, what name are you going to name this grandson?After all, it is also the No.1 of the third generation of the old Zhu family. Without a famous name, he is really not worthy of our eldest nephew. "

Although the words were frivolous, Zhu Yuanzhang nodded in agreement.

He turned his head towards Empress Ma and showed a big smile. Although it seemed to be a discussion, it was a decision at all:
"Our Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson is naturally the best in the world. We have decided to call him Zhu Xiongying."

Just as Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, there was a burst of clear and loud crying from the direction of the sleeping hall.

The third generation of the Ming clan, the eldest son of the current crown prince, was born in the heavily guarded East Palace.

The family waiting in the Spring Harmony Palace were naturally overjoyed, and those courtiers who knew the gender of the child accurately were also weeping with joy not long after.

For them who have been tense, the grandson of the emperor came too timely.As long as it is ensured that he does not die halfway, then Zhu Biao's position as the crown prince is bound to become more stable.

After all, no matter how favored the eldest son of the emperor, Ren Zhuji, there is a very real problem in front of everyone - King Yong has no heir.

Although Zhu Ji is not yet married, having no heir does not mean extinction.But almost four months have passed since he returned to court, and the emperor has no intention of bestowing a marriage at all.Many people couldn't help wondering if it was true that Xu Da and Feng Sheng's girl would give Zhu Ji a marriage.

Not to mention how the outside world guessed, Lao Zhu's house, which was all gathered in the East Palace at this time, was unprecedentedly happy and peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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